jeudi 30 mars 2017

St. Regis Canoe Area September 19 -21, 2016

For our fall camping trip Judi and I decided to visit St. Regis Canoe area. I had done a couple of day trips there, but we had never overnighted.
We left home on Monday, September 19th and drove to Saranac Lake. We had to hold off starting the trip until we heard the results from a close family member who was having an operation that day. After learning of a successful operation we hurried to the parking lot at Little Clear Pond to begin our paddle at about 2 in the afternoon.

We decided to make camp on St. Regis Pond and do day trips from there. After being cordially greeted by the resident loon

and a quick carry from Little Clear to St. Regis Pond

we examined a few sites before finding the unoccupied island site. Judi stayed in her boat while I scouted the site to see if it was suitable. Upon finding over a case of Bud Lites and a couple of 16 oz. Yuenglings that some past campers had left, I deemed the site suitable for inhabitation.

After setting up camp, we began to think about dinner and getting our dehydrated dinner rehydrated. It was then that we discovered that apparently, the alcohol stove and it’s associated cooking pot had been left at home. Luckily for us I had brought the recently purchased Littlbug Jr. twig stove (thank you Yellow Canoe!), but the lack of pots would make it impossible to do dishes. I vowed to travel an hour and a half home the next morning and retrieve the missing equipment. BTW, the Littlbug worked great! Much better than the homemade twig stove had been using in the past.
The next morning we did one more thorough check of our equipment and located the missing equipment and Judi’s day pack.

Our goal for the day was the 5 of the 7 Carries trail that would take us to Upper St. Regis Lake.

At the end of the carry from Green to Little Long Pond there were a few massive white pines.

It was a blue sky day and along the way we replenished our vitamin C with fresh cranberries.

Finally we made it to Upper St. Regis Lake where we saw not only houses but power boats (EEK!)

We quickly retreated back to our island paradise.

(FYI, we actually had limited cell service on the island so we were able to check in on the hospital bound relative. While not something I normally would seek out, this provided a relief to those among us that tend to worry.)

The next day we decided to take it easy and explore more of St. Regis Pond and Little Clear.

We ran into Guide Lynn Malerba and a client. We were worried what to do with the remaining Bud Lite’s at the site. (the Yuenglings had already succumbed to our thirst) and she assured us that if we left them, they would be consumed before the snow flies.

That night we watched the sun go down sitting next to the water.

The next morning we leisurely packed up and made our way back home. A short but enjoyable trip.

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