mardi 28 mars 2017

Youth life jacket recomendation

So after many , many, many trips to the ADKs paddling various smaller waters (with the expection of Stillwater Res) the better half and I have succeeded in getting the two boys hooked on paddling/fishing (or generally being on the water). Up untill now we've had what I would consider somewhat 'generic' -medium quality life vests that , coupled with the fact that they both swim well, we considered adequate. (They were coast guard approved)
This year the boys want to do an epic extended trip most likely to Little Tupper (I've paddled it, they have not).
So I figured now is the time to invest in a good quality, COMFORTABLE,
Life vest for both of them that they won't bi** about having to wear :D They are 7 and 11 years old (60 and 100 pounds , but as I write this I would have to get them to put their iPads down long enough to step on scale which isn't happening so I am estimating a bit).

Anyone have any good quality , comfortable, youth life vest suggestions / recommendations???

Thanks in advance

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