dimanche 31 mai 2020

Any of you become an expert with a food dehydrator?

Any of you become an expert with a food dehydrator?

I LOVE the idea of removing the water (and WEIGHT!) from an assortment of delicious meals and foods, having them not spoil for up to a week or longer, and mostly bringing them back to life to eat by adding boiling water. I love going on backpacking trips for up to a week or longer but the few times I have my food caused my back to weigh a STARTLING amount on push off at the trail head. Any tips or books or websites or other resources that you'd recommend? I'd like to try to become a bit of an expert on this!

Also, can you dehydrate anything or does it not work for some things? Can I, say, make penne primavera, loaded with veggies and garlic, and just dry out all of the water, and then reconstitute the water back into it and have it taste the same and have the same nutritional value?

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