lundi 18 mai 2020

Fulton Chain WF Designated Campsites

Does anyone have a reference that might show these?

I'm trying to put together a backpacking route that traverses Ha-de-ron-dah and Pigeon Lakes Wilderness, but to do that, one must traverse some town of Webb land and some FCWF to connect the two wilderness areas.

The issue I'm having is camping - I know there is a site at Bubb Lake and multiple at Moss lake, but from a first night site at Middle settlement that puts you in the 15+ mile range to get to Bubb for the night. I actually looked at Safford route, but I don't know if there's a good spot to camp there. Last thing I want to do is whack down a site after a long, boring day of walking back roads and snowmobile trails.

I really think I could find a spot as I've hiked this route before and down a similar trip, but it'd be nice to land in the vicinity of Mountain Pond if I could, I just can't recall if there are any sites out there - I've hiked it, and I *think* there is at least one...

Any help is appreciated. I'll post my plan after I figure out this section.

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