dimanche 31 mai 2020

Trip report 5/30 - 5/31

Trip was actually 5/29 - 5/30

I had Friday off from work so decided to do a short trip. It was going to be a two night but ended up just staying one night because of weather and bugs. I have a five day trip coming up next week so I wasn't to disappointed leaving plus I couldn't get a bite to save my life. I even tried the old wabbler and worm.

I know what you guys are thinking, you left because of bugs? Ha it's peak black fly season duh! And I did plan for them but what I wasn't expecting to be out yet we're mosquitoes...I didn't think about them coming out after that heat wave and they were thick enough to carry you away. I was sleeping under a tarp with no screen...now I know for next week to bring the bug screen.

As far as the weather. Maybe I should have listened to the ranger on the way in warning me there was a servere storm rolling in. Well I figured I could get to my camp and get set up before it hits, this was around 12:00 and the storm was supposed to hit around 2:00. I paddled forty five minutes across one pond then single carried about an hour to the pond I was staying on. Rushed to get tarps up and just in time the thunder started and it just poured. It only lasted a little while but then rained on and off the rest of the night.

I was surprised the surface temp on the pond was 68 degrees already, that's the cutoff for catch and release right? I guess being such a small pond and that heat wave we had.

Well now I know a few things for next week. Bring a bug screen to sleep in, bring deet even though I hate using it, and maybe a bigger lake or pond will be cooler.

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