mercredi 13 mai 2020

Best resources and guidebooks for an ADK noob?

Hi all, first post on this forum. My wife and I are experienced kayakers and have recently relocated to the Philadelphia area from the Midwest. We have done a lot of paddling on the Great Lakes including several week-long trips to remote places like Isle Royale and Apostle Islands. We are now looking for a new place to plan our next wilderness kayaking trip and it looks like the Adirondack park is right up our alley.

There is a lot to be learned and the amount of information out there is a bit overwhelming. So my question is which guidebooks or resources would you recommend for someone to get familiar with the park and plan a remote paddling trip? Obviously this forum is a fantastic resource and I'll be reading back on a lot of the posts, but it is hard to know where to jump in with almost zero baseline knowledge.

When I search on Amazon there are literally hundreds of books on the Adirondacks. It looks like the Adirondack Paddler's Guide is a must-have -- are there any other must-have publications to get better acquainted with the history, layout and rules/regulations/policies of the park?

Also, what about maps? I've used the NatGeo Trails Illustrated maps for previous trips and they are very well-done. I see there are several for NatGeo maps for Adirondacks -- do I need them all? How do they compare to the Adirondack Paddler's Maps?

I see that there is another post a few down on remote paddling suggestions so that saves me from reposting that question! I am sure I will have more questions as I dig in but thanks for any advice. The planning is part of what makes these trips so much fun.

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