mardi 31 janvier 2017


Hello MAP.

30+year veteran of the martial arts but for the last 14 I've been exclusively practicing Pencak Silat. Instructor of Cimande (from two different lineages) and recently graduated as an instructor in Silek Tuo in Sumatera Barat. (what an experience that was! ;) )

Frequent traveler back to the source, and i have been to and trained in Japan, China, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia in various different martial arts many many times.

Just moved to Orlando in Florida.

Glen's Brookie

I'm told by reliable sources that this was caught while teaching Pikebuster to fly fish on the River Styx. It appears that both of them had a few too many Busch Lites. And a couple of those must have drained into the watershed.

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Kaspersky Lab Joins with Massachusetts Institute of Technology to Host “Think Security” Event

Kaspersky Lab announced today it will host a cybersecurity seminar, titled “Think Security,” which offers MIT students an opportunity to learn about the challenges of protecting today’s critical infrastructure against the sophisticated cyberattacks emerging around the world. The event, organized by Kaspersky Academy and the MIT Interdisciplinary Consortium for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity [(IC)3], is open to select students during MIT’s Independent Activities Period (IAP) from January 30 to February 3.

During the weeklong seminar, students will analyze industrial control systems (ICS), which are typically used in the electric, water, oil and gas industries, while taking a closer look at Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) that continue to plague organizations of all sizes and sectors. At the event, students will participate in both a Capture the Flag challenge and the Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS Live) training, where participants will select suitable cybersecurity technologies for an industrial power plant and resolve specific implementation challenges.

“Today’s critical infrastructure often runs on outdated technologies that date back nearly 30 years, meaning some of the largest cities’ utilities and sensitive systems are controlled by unsupported, vulnerable software,” said Clint Bodungen, senior security researcher, Kaspersky Lab. “At the same time, cybercriminals’ attacks are growing in sophistication, creating a dangerous situation that students can help resolve. While lectures are beneficial, students gain the most understanding through hands-on activities, which is why we’re collaborating with MIT to bring ICS cybersecurity to the forefront at this year’s IAP.”

The focus of “Think Security” follows the recent launch of Kaspersky Lab ICS-CERT, a global computer emergency response team dedicated to securing industrial systems. Through the ICS-CERT project, Kaspersky Lab shares its cybersecurity expertise with industry stakeholders, which includes information on the latest threats, security incidents, mitigation strategies, incident response and compliance.

MIT’s IAP program is a special four week term in January that has been in existence for more than 40 years. The annual event allows the MIT community, including faculty, students, staff and alumni, to apply critical thinking and hands-on learning skills to real-world problems, furthering their technical skillset.

“IAP is an invaluable program for both students and faculty to learn from leading experts in a wide range of industries, and this year with Kaspersky Lab, we’re spotlighting an important issue that affects regions around the world,” said Stuart Madnick, director of (IC)3 and professor of information technology at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT school of engineering. “Kaspersky Lab’s ‘Think Security’ seminar will test our students to think outside of the box and apply their knowledge to better protect society, a lesson extending far beyond the classroom.”

To learn more about the “Think Security” seminar during MIT’s IAP 2017, please visit Further information on Kaspersky Lab ICS-CERT project can be found at

Kaspersky Lab Launches Free Application, Kaspersky Software Updater

Kaspersky Lab has officially released Kaspersky Software Updater – a free application for Windows computers that makes it quick and easy to update software, thereby eliminating potential security holes before cybercriminals exploit them.

There is no such thing as a perfect software program; there is always the possibility that the software code includes unforeseen errors – or vulnerabilities - including those that allow the program to be used for other purposes. The more popular the application, the more actively criminals will scrutinize it for vulnerabilities that, for example, allow malware to invisibly penetrate devices. In 2016, Kaspersky Lab detected over four million exploits that use vulnerabilities in popular applications and operating systems.

Software developers regularly patch vulnerabilities they discover by releasing new versions of their applications. However, not all users regularly check for updates and install them. In addition, today’s computers have so many programs installed that checking each of them would be a daunting task.

Kaspersky Software Updater addresses this problem, taking into account user convenience and safety. The Kaspersky Lab solution works by scanning a device for popular programs* that require an update, and provides a prioritized report. Updates that are very important are marked accordingly, so that users do not miss them among other, less important updates, such as those due to new features or software code blips. From this report, users can select which programs to update, and the application will automatically download the latest software from the developer sites, replacing all out-of-date versions. A user can benefit from regular automatic checks or manual scans.

"Our main task is to improve the level of user protection against cyberthreats,” said Vyacheslav Zakorzhevsky, head of the Anti-Malware Research Team, Kaspersky Lab. “Software vulnerabilities are a critical problem, as they allow cybercriminals to secretly gain control of a user’s PC. We believe it is better to prevent a threat rather than combat it, and that’s why we call on all users to regularly update their operating system and the applications installed on it.”

Kaspersky Software Updater is available at, or as part of Kaspersky Security Scan, an application designed to scan Windows-based computers for malware infections and hazardous settings.

*The list of programs that are checked, as well as the technical requirements for optimal operation of the solution, are available at:

Top-Level Security Insight: Kaspersky Lab’s Acclaimed Interactive Protection Simulation Training

Kaspersky Lab today announced the availability of its Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation Online training (KIPS Online). KIPS Online is a valuable addition to previously available and highly regarded KIPS Live offline cybersecurity training. Both KIPS Live and KIPS Online versions offer actionable security intelligence training for top-level business executives around the world.

Not your average monopoly-style game
KIPS Online brings cybersecurity awareness and real, actionable insight where it is needed most: to top-level management of large corporations. Based on 20 years of Kaspersky Lab’s cybersecurity experience, Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation solves two essential senior management awareness challenges: the need to be prepared for swift, high-level reaction on cybersecurity incidents and a lack of time.

Mutual effort brings down recovery costs
According to Kaspersky Lab’s Corporate IT Security Risks survey, 51 percent of enterprises agreed that it is difficult to demonstrate the return-on-investment when it comes to IT security. At the senior management level, quick and coordinated action helps save on IT Security costs, and one of the main goals of KIPS Live and KIPS Online is to demonstrate this capability. During the training, participants are tasked with operating an interactive facility and the goal of different teams is to retain financial health while dealing with cybersecurity challenges. The game scenario features real-life challenges that extend beyond the issues faced by interactive operators.

KIPS Winter tournament: bringing the fun for critical acclaim
Prior to the global launch, in December 2016 Kaspersky Lab conducted a global KIPS Online tournament, inviting enterprise customers and media around the world to take part, with a total of 270 teams from 40 countries who participated in the game. This was a major test-drive of the KIPS Online platform, which turned out to be highly successful. KIPS Winter Series also successfully proved the capability of KIPS Online to engage large teams (up to several hundred people). Kaspersky Lab’s goal is to spread awareness, which is why special kits are available for security service providers and other institutions to conduct the training independently.

“General corporate cybersecurity awareness requires knowledge about threats, attack scenarios and the means to avoid compromise,” said Slava Borilin, security awareness program manager, Kaspersky Lab. “But at the highest management level, the most important key to successful incident response and mitigation is teamwork. We took this into account when we started working on KIPS, by choosing a non-standard route - using entertaining, but very relevant and insightful games that typically take only two hours. The goal is not to train managers on the threat landscape – we don’t want to replace security officers. The goal that KIPS fulfills is to help managers cooperate better in the event of a cybersecurity threat and to save money on incident recovery costs. With KIPS Online we bring the much required flexibility to the training process and the ability to involve senior management at large multi-national corporations.”

KIPS Online and KIPS Live are part of the Security Awareness Training family of Kaspersky Lab services and can be requested from Kaspersky Lab and its resellers globally.

To learn more about Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation, visit our corporate website, or refer to the detailed description in our blog. You can learn more about KIPS Winter Series tournament in a blog post by Eugene Kaspersky.

Setting a bad example: children unimpressed by parents’ online behavior

Social media give us the freedom to communicate with our loved ones, whenever and wherever we want. However, this freedom comes at a cost: blinded by our seemingly happy digital lives we often don’t realize how social media threatens and damages our real-life relationships. New research from Kaspersky Lab shows that a third of people communicate less face-to-face with their loved ones, and 21% of parents admit that relationships with their children have been damaged as a result of them being seen in a compromising situation on social media.
With people’s tendency to post photos of themselves or others under the influence of alcohol, wearing something revealing or even naked in order to get more “likes”, it is evident that social media can damage offline relationships. But while we would expect parents not to approve of their children’s online behavior, it is often the other way round. More than a fifth of parents admit that their relationship with their children worsened after they had seen their parents in compromising circumstances on social media. In contrast, only 14% of parents said they were annoyed by their children’s online behavior. In addition, around one-in-five (16%) people also said that their relationship with their spouse or partner has been damaged as a result of them being seen in a compromising situation on social media.
Relationships with family, friends and colleagues are changing as people communicate less face-to-face as a result of social media. A significant third of people admitted that they now communicate less with their parents (31%), children (33%), partners (23%), and friends (35%) because they can see and communicate with them via social media.
Dr. Astrid Carolus, Media Psychologist at the University of Würzburg comments: “Studies show that today digital communication complements real-life communication. We live in a globalized and highly mobile world resulting in distances between partners and family members. Digital communication is an opportunity to bridge the gaps in our modern lives caused by living in different cities or countries. However, digital communication cannot replace face-to-face communication - at least not always and not completely. Digital communication is less rich in terms of sensory channels affected, resulting in “reduced” sensory quality.”
Although people communicate less face-to-face, around half of respondents believe that the quality of their relationships does not suffer at all and is even better as a result of being connected with their loved ones online. Dr. Astrid Carolus warns that although it seems that the quality of our relationships is improving, people cannot always evaluate their online communication objectively: “Under certain circumstances they perceive their online communication as “hyper-personal communication” and thus they can misread and over-interpret the messages on social media. We feel especially close, we blind out the rather negative, focus on the possible positive intentions behind a message, and over-interpret.”
With the study finding that although social media can help ease communication channels and bridge time zones and distance barriers, it doesn’t always make people happy. It can strain relationships as well as leaving people feeling down and upset, as they constantly compare their lives to those of others. The hunt for “likes” and social validation leads people to share increasing amounts of private information on social media platforms, putting not only themselves but also their friends, family and colleagues at risk. For those who decide to shut themselves off from social media, the reality of losing a lifetime of digital memories, including photos and interactions, can make it difficult to do.
In order to protect themselves and their relationships, people need to be more cautious and cyber-savvy about the information they share on social media. That will not only help to mitigate the risks of the online world, but prevent relationship damage in the offline world. To help people keep their memories safe, no matter how long their online social media journey, Kaspersky Lab is developing a new app. FFForget will enable people to back-up all of their memories from their social networks, keeping them in a safe, encrypted memory container.

váº*t phẩm toi den khác lạ sá»* dụng rá»™ng rãi nhÆ° bây giờ

Tỏi Ä‘en lÃ* gì? lÃ* câu hỏi mÃ* rất nhiều người thắc mắc khi lần đầu nghe đến loại sản phẩm đặc biệt nÃ*y. Tỏi Ä‘en thá»±c chất lÃ* thá»±c phẩm được hình thÃ*nh từ công Ä‘oạn lên men tỏi trắng thông qua sá»± Ä‘iều chỉnh nhiệt Ä‘á»™, Ä‘á»™ ẩm.

công Ä‘oạn nÃ*y tuy gọi lÃ* lên men nhÆ°ng thá»±c chất lại ko phải có sá»± tham gia của vi sinh váº*t vÃ* hóa chất khác. Nói cách khác, bạn chỉ cần đổi má»›i nhiệt Ä‘á»™ vÃ* Ä‘á»™ ẩm tỏi trắng chung thì sau má»™t khoảng thời gian nó sẽ chuyển thÃ*nh mÃ*u Ä‘en. Tỏi Ä‘en được coi lÃ* thá»±c phẩm, vị thuốc quý vá»›i nhiều công dụng đối vá»›i sức khỏe khác lạ lÃ* kÄ© năng ngăn ngừa ung thÆ° vÃ* chống lão hóa.

xuất xứ của tỏi đen

Loại tỏi nÃ*y được cho lÃ* có xuất xứ từ HÃ*n Quốc. Sau đó được các nhÃ* công nghệ Nháº*t Bản nghiên cứu má»™t cách bÃ*i bản vÃ* Ä‘Æ°a vÃ*o quan tâm nhÆ° hiện giờ. Nó được sá»* dụng phổ biến ở các nÆ°á»›c nhÆ° Nháº*t, Mỹ, Anh….Tại Việt Nam, tỏi Ä‘en được nghiên cứu thÃ*nh tÃ*ch vÃ*o năm 2004. Đây chÃ*nh lÃ* món quÃ* quý giá mÃ* tá»± nhiên ban tặng cho con người.

Giá cả?

Giá tỏi Ä‘en có giá từ 1 triệu đến 5 triệu VNĐ má»—i 1 kg tùy vÃ*o loại tạo ra trong nÆ°á»›c hay nháº*p khẩu vÃ* tỏi Ä‘en má»™t nhánh hay nhiều nhánh. Đây lÃ* tầm giá khá cao khiến cho nhiều người không có Ä‘iều kiện tiếp xúc vá»›i loại thá»±c phẩm quý giá nÃ*y.

trong giai Ä‘oạn lên men, trong tỏi sẽ hình thÃ*nh các hợp chất Melanoidin. Chất nÃ*y có mÃ*u sẫm vÃ* thường được sá»* dụng trong phát triển bia để tăng thêm hÆ°Æ¡ng vị cho bia. ChÃ*nh hợp chất nÃ*y chia thÃ*nh mÃ*u Ä‘en cho các tép tỏi. để ý lÃ* quá trình lên men nÃ*y hoÃ*n toÃ*n không có sá»± nháº*p cuá»™c của vi sinh váº*t hoặc các hóa chất khác.

Tỏi đen có gì khác so với tỏi trắng?

– MÃ*u sắc: Đúng nhÆ° tên gọi “Tỏi Ä‘en”, nó có mÃ*u Ä‘en đặc trÆ°ng, khác hoÃ*n toÃ*n so vá»›i tỏi trắng

– Mùi vị: đây lÃ* đặc Ä‘iểm khá thú vị bởi tỏi Ä‘en không cay nồng, khó ăn nhÆ° tỏi trắng mÃ* thay vÃ*o đó lÃ* vị ngọt ngọt, mềm, dá»… ăn, ngay cả trẻ con cÅ©ng có thể sá»* dụng tỏi Ä‘en.

– công dụng: Tỏi đã rất tốt cho sức khỏe nhÆ°ng tỏi Ä‘en còn tốt hÆ¡n. Tỏi Ä‘en có công dụng gấp Ã*t nhất 5 lần so vá»›i tỏi trắng. NgoÃ*i chức năng nhÆ° kháng sinh tá»± nhiên có thể ức chế sá»± phát triển tế bÃ*o ung thÆ°, diệt khuẩn, kháng viêm, giảm mỡ máu, nâng cao thể trạng cÆ¡ thể, chống lão hóa….tỏi Ä‘en còn giúp loại bỏ kim loại nặng trong cÆ¡ thể.

LÃ*m cách nÃ*o để có tỏi Ä‘en để tiêu dùng mÃ* không tốn nhiều chi phÃ*?

Nếu muốn sá»* dụng tỏi Ä‘en thường xuyên mÃ* lại rẻ thì không còn cách nÃ*o khác đó lÃ* bạn tá»± lên men tỏi Ä‘en tại nhÃ* bằng máy lÃ*m tỏi Ä‘en chuyên dụng.

Trên TT có rất nhiều loại máy lên men tỏi Ä‘en vá»›i các nhãn hiệu không giống nhau, vì váº*y hãy nhanh tay đặt mua má»™t chiếc máy lÃ*m tỏi Ä‘en ngay hôm nay.

Hi vọng bÃ*i viết nÃ*y phần nÃ*o giải đáp cho bạn những thắc mắc ảnh hưởng đến đến câu hỏi: Toi den la gi .


Skied to OK Slip Falls last week on 15" of snow. Only saw 3 other people - all bare-booting! The word needs to get out, so here's a video from ADK to watch:

"Snowshoes or Skis: The use of snowshoes or skies is strongly encouraged wherever snow depths exceed 8 inches. The use of snowshoes or skis prevents "post-holing" (deep footprints in the snow), avoids injuries, and eases travel on snow-covered trails. Post-holing makes trails more difficult and more hazardous for others to use."

1940's 16' Thompson Bros w/c canoe

I just finished this 16' Thompson Bros wood canvas canoe, new canvas, paint and interior varnish with optional half ribs and unique Thompson Bros stringer covering half rib ends and original wood seats.


lundi 30 janvier 2017

Sherman Mtn, Silver Lake Wilderness

An old favorite route, on a great day to be out!
Please enjoy :)...

Sherman Mountain, Silver Lake Wilderness

Stop HR 621, a Congressional attempt to sell off our public lands!!

Please take a second to support my petition on regarding House of Representatives Bill HR621 which is attempting to sell off public lands out west to private owners. As we are all stewards of the public land in this country regardless of whether it affects our state or not. It is our obligation as citizens to protect it when it comes under attack and at this moment HR621 is trying to sell land that belongs to us as American Citizens. Thank you.

Conditions at Pharaoh Lake

I'm heading up the Pharaoh Lake this Friday for a two nighter and I was curious what conditions were up there. I've tried to get in touch with the rangers, but haven't been able to reach anyone (even after leaving 3 voicemails). The people at Ray Brook HQ said there was about 4" of snow on the ground where they were - does anyone know if I should expect the same for Pharaoh Lake? Also, does anyone have info on ice conditions? I understand that this winter has been pretty mild.

We're planning on parking at the Pharaoh Rd. Trail head, camping on the north end of the lake on Friday, then hiking Pharaoh Mt on Saturday, and back to the car on Sunday. We're bringing skis, snow shoes, and micro-spikes, so I think we have our bases covered, but I'd appreciate any info on the conditions or recommendations on how best to travel. Thanks!

Last thing I needed

I'm sure I am not alone owning more than 1 tent...(6)...

I was at the local flea market yesterday morning and one of the last booths had army surplus type gear.

So what do I find? A first series REI Quarter Dome UL. Circa 2004+/-

Looked it over as well as I could in a cold barn so I asked how much..$15...

Took it home, as soon as the wife left the house I took it in and set it up. Mint condition

I had owned a half Dome around the same period, nice tent, this is perfect size for a very large solo at 3' 11 oz.

What an amazing little tent, nothing earth shattering by todays standards but I forgot how much i liked a 2 door 2 vestibule tent. I was a bit put off by the pole sleeves as I have always preferred clips but these worked just fine.

oh...and it had 2 Tikkas inside the tent pockets.

So...if anyone needs to borrow a tent!!

6,5 punches per second! My personal record!

Sorry! my video is in german! But that is not important! I belive if you watch my video, you can understand what i mean! If you have a problem to understanding what i mean then can you click of: subtitle, translate, in english. I hope i could help you. Have fun!

Can an old arthritic guy train JKD

I trained JKD briefly many years ago but had to stop due to injury and the teacher moving out of the area.

I have an opportunity to go back and train it again, in the same line (Jerry Poteet), under a different teacher, but being over a half century old, with arthritic knees and hip, and two retina reattachment surgeries (same eye) behind me, I am not sure it is possible. Heck, kicking above my knee is rough at times these days.

I truly like JKD when I trained it and I cannot believe how much I learned about the other arts I trained (especially Xingyiquan) in my brief exposure to it.

I am truly tempted, but I am not sure an old beat up martial artist like myself could actually handle it these days.

I also realize it is something to run past my doctor too. But I am wondering what the opinion of other martial artists is on the, especially the JKD people.

Kaspersky Lab and NetApp Cooperate on High-Performance Protection in ONTAP 9 for Data Centers

Kaspersky Lab has extended its long-standing collaboration with NetApp in offering complimentary solutions for data centers with the announcement that Kaspersky Security for Storage is now compatible with NetApp ONTAP 9. Building on existing support for earlier ONTAP systems, the solution enables the smooth migration to the latest version of ONTAP, with robust high-performance and scalable protection of corporate data in storage architecture across disk to flash to cloud.

With the simultaneous deployment of NetApp ONTAP 9 and Kaspersky Security for Storage, corporate customers and channel partners can capitalize on their infrastructure investments, including NetApp engineered systems, cloud and software-defined storage. For corporations with heterogeneous storage infrastructure combining NetApp ONTAP 8 and 9, Kaspersky Security for Storage is compatible with both. This drives cost-efficiency and business continuity, eliminating the need to implement multiple security solutions to protect different versions.

Kaspersky Security for Storage delivers protection for storage systems without affecting performance or undermining data transition and management. The key security advantages now available for NetApp ONTAP 9 includes:

Real-time anti-malware protection
Cloud-assisted security with Kaspersky Security Network
Flexible scan configuration
Optimization and adaptable utilization of system resources
Scalability and fault tolerance
"As a member of the NetApp Alliance Partner Program, Kaspersky Lab is committed to delivering efficient, high-performance storage security solutions to our enterprise customers. We believe that our close relationships will help a broad range of organizations accelerate applications and amplify their IT infrastructure investments, without compromising on the security of software-defined data centers or having to worry about the compatibility of our solutions." said Veniamin Levtsov, Vice President, Enterprise Business at Kaspersky Lab.

“One of the goals of the NetApp Alliance Partner Program is to work with companies that have a shared vision of addressing the needs of today’s digital enterprise,” said Maria Olson, vice president, Global Alliances, NetApp. “Our collaboration with Kaspersky Lab ensures that our customers have visibility of their data across all environments with a choice of safe technologies to protect it.”

Setting a bad example: children unimpressed by parents’ online behaviour

Social media give us the freedom to communicate with our loved ones, whenever and wherever we want. However, this freedom comes at a cost: blinded by our seemingly happy digital lives we often don’t realize how social media threatens and damages our real-life relationships. New research from Kaspersky Lab shows that a third of people communicate less face-to-face with their loved ones, and 21% of parents admit that relationships with their children have been damaged as a result of them being seen in a compromising situation on social media.

With people’s tendency to post photos of themselves or others under the influence of alcohol, wearing something revealing or even naked in order to get more “likes”, it is evident that social media can damage offline relationships. But while we would expect parents not to approve of their children’s online behavior, it is often the other way round. More than a fifth of parents admit that their relationship with their children worsened after they had seen their parents in compromising circumstances on social media. In contrast, only 14% of parents said they were annoyed by their children’s online behavior. In addition, around one-in-five (16%) people also said that their relationship with their spouse or partner has been damaged as a result of them being seen in a compromising situation on social media.

Relationships with family, friends and colleagues are changing as people communicate less face-to-face as a result of social media. A significant third of people admitted that they now communicate less with their parents (31%), children (33%), partners (23%), and friends (35%) because they can see and communicate with them via social media.

Dr. Astrid Carolus, Media Psychologist at the University of Würzburg comments: “Studies show that today digital communication complements real-life communication. We live in a globalized and highly mobile world resulting in distances between partners and family members. Digital communication is an opportunity to bridge the gaps in our modern lives caused by living in different cities or countries. However, digital communication cannot replace face-to-face communication - at least not always and not completely. Digital communication is less rich in terms of sensory channels affected, resulting in “reduced” sensory quality.”

Although people communicate less face-to-face, around half of respondents believe that the quality of their relationships does not suffer at all and is even better as a result of being connected with their loved ones online. Dr. Astrid Carolus warns that although it seems that the quality of our relationships is improving, people cannot always evaluate their online communication objectively: “Under certain circumstances they perceive their online communication as “hyper-personal communication” and thus they can misread and over-interpret the messages on social media. We feel especially close, we blind out the rather negative, focus on the possible positive intentions behind a message, and over-interpret.”

With the study finding that although social media can help ease communication channels and bridge time zones and distance barriers, it doesn’t always make people happy. It can strain relationships as well as leaving people feeling down and upset, as they constantly compare their lives to those of others. The hunt for “likes” and social validation leads people to share increasing amounts of private information on social media platforms, putting not only themselves but also their friends, family and colleagues at risk. For those who decide to shut themselves off from social media, the reality of losing a lifetime of digital memories, including photos and interactions, can make it difficult to do.

In order to protect themselves and their relationships, people need to be more cautious and cyber-savvy about the information they share on social media. That will not only help to mitigate the risks of the online world, but prevent relationship damage in the offline world. To help people keep their memories safe, no matter how long their online social media journey, Kaspersky Lab is developing a new app. FFForget will enable people to back-up all of their memories from their social networks, keeping them in a safe, encrypted memory container.

Antarctic Biennale Art Expedition

Kaspersky Lab today announced that its Chairman and CEO, Eugene Kaspersky, will support and join the first ever Antarctic Biennale, a creative journey that brings together artists, scientists and technology visionaries from all over the world, to explore and create a cultural future for Antarctica.

Antarctic Biennale will take participants on a 12-day, round-trip expedition from Argentina to the Antarctic. With support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the journey will start on March 16 in Ushuaia, the world’s southernmost city, where participants will board a ship named “Akademik Ioffe.”

Commenting on his upcoming journey to Antarctica with the Biennale, Eugene Kaspersky, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, said: “We have supported Antarctic expeditions in the past, but this will be the biggest project for us on the continent. I think it will be a fascinating endeavor and I made my decision to support it when I saw the genuine passion from the organizers. The Antarctic is like no other place on earth; it’s a shared continent without borders that’s both beautiful and fragile in its barely inhabitable wilderness. I’ve already been there – and I think it’s a place that provides plenty of inspiration for artistic exploration and expression. I’m really excited to be participating in the expedition, and I’m looking forward to all the art it will produce.”

During landings at various Antarctic locations, artists will temporarily install works of art or host performances. Key themes of the art exhibits include mobility, proportionality to the space, ecological compatibility, artistic expressiveness and conceptual acuity. All installations created during the expedition will be dismantled and loaded back onto the ship, to be placed in leading art museums around the world. Among the artists joining the Antarctic Biennale are Tomas Saraceno, Zhang Enli, Lara Favaretto, Matthew Ritchie and Hani Rashid.

“Antarctica is the last truly free space and a model for the future; and according to the Antarctic Treaty (1959) and related international agreements, it is intended exclusively for creative activities and scientific research in the interests of all humanity,” said Alexander Ponomarev, the project’s leader and an avid artist, sailor and philosopher. “Antarctica is the continent that can encourage people to think about the future of humanity and culture, providing an opportunity to create new ways of seeing life on our planet.”

Mr. Van to Hi-Notch

Anyone have any recent info on stream crossings? Anyone know the condition of the trail---has it been skied out as of January 28?


dimanche 29 janvier 2017


So this is floating around social media. A new type of sport- combining a scoring system in the manner of a court/ field type sport with martial arts kicking.

I would never do it, but I would watch a game to see what it is like. First glance makes it look like it might have potential.

What do you all think? Has anyone else heard of this before this recent clip started floating around a couple of days ago? The official site listed below says it started in 1998.

Do you see it ever taking off as more than a fringe thing? Honestly, I don't see it ever becoming a big thing at all.

This is some sort of official site. I linked where they talk about the invention of it.

Site landing page

Hi Guys,
When I used to come onto the site, I used to land on a page that had new posts, without logging in. I could read a few posts, do some work <cough> come back to the same landing page, read some more posts etc...This was great as I read ten times more than I post.

I think it might of been posts in the last x number of hours perhaps.

Since late last year, I always land at the main forums page, have to log in, and press new posts, (note this is not the same as above). Hence I don't visit as often anymore.

Just letting you know.


Chase Lake 1/28/17

Because the weather was looking pretty good, a few friends and I decided to do our annual winter camping trip this weekend. We normally go to Holmes Lake because the hike is short and easy, but decided to try Chase Lake this year instead.

A few years ago I went to Chase Lake in the summer and it was a pretty flat and easy hike. On Saturday it was still flat, but six inches of fresh snow covered the trail so it wasn't quite as easy as I remembered. As long as we stayed on the trail it was fine, but every time we went a foot in the wrong direction we ended up with snow past our knees. We didn't have snowshoes and while they would have helped, it only took us 90 minutes to cover the 2.7 miles with our packs, so it wasn't bad.

The leanto was in good shape and the view to the lake was better than I remembered. 5 people came by for day hikes (all with snowshoes) but none hung around for too long. A nice couple from Utica cooked some hotdogs and talked with us for a while.

The weather really turned out to be perfect. It probably didn't go below 20 until after we went to bed, and the were light flurries on and off. The lake looked nice, we found a few trees to cut up for firewood, and had a good night just hanging out. In the morning we had some breakfast and picked up and hiked out. The hike out was faster than the hike in, but that's probably because of the clearly established path we followed. We lost a bit of time on the way in trying to figure out where to cross streams without getting too wet.

Overall a great place to spend a night or do a day hike to. Some pics are here.

Dungeons and Dragons

Bought a starter kit and tbh I'm still struggling with getting to grips with it. The guy at the shop wasn't incredibly helpful and I want to get invested in it. Does anyone have a good source for beginners? Also, any advice for a potential player?

Better Supplement Art for BJJ?

I was wondering which stand up grappling styles you all favour for bjj? I find wrestling works way better even with the gi. I want to try Sambo at some point though.

I found judo too restrictive and frustrating. Even though I prefer judo as an art.

Just checking something.


Conan / Robert E Howard

so I'm nearing the end of reading all of Robert E Howards work, Conan/kull/all the wierd tales work, next up is the rest of his Breckinridge Elkins Westerns but I was wondering if there's any other good sword and sorcery books/tales that are lovecraft / Robert howard esque which are worth a read, I do know there's a lot of dross out there!

Also any good movie suggestions in a similar vein would be welcome, ive started watching a lot of the 80's SandS ones, but again theirs lots of dross (some of which I loved originally) to slog through before you get to the real gems!


Kaspersky Lab Enhances Enterprise Incident Response with Kaspersky Threat Lookup

Kaspersky Lab today announced the global availability of Kaspersky Threat Lookup – a security intelligence service aimed at enhancing enterprise incident response and cybersecurity forensics capabilities. Kaspersky Threat Lookup provides access to several petabytes of global security intelligence data that is being updated almost in real-time. This always-on web service helps businesses to properly analyze digital evidence in light of a security incident and obtain the insights needed to speed up detection and remediation.
According to a survey of more than 4,000 business representatives worldwide, conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International in 2016, time is the crucial factor in incident detection and response. The survey findings show that enterprises pay over 100% more in recovery fees if they are unable to detect a security breach in a short time. The average recovery cost of a breach that stays undetected for a week or more is over $US1 million, while instantly discovered incidents cost US$400k to mitigate, almost half the overall industry average. Detection and response are some of the most time-critical activities on the agenda of security operations centers (SOCs) in organizations around the world, and both require reliable security intelligence.
Accelerating incident response
Kaspersky Threat Lookup is the solution of choice for corporate IT security teams to accelerate their incident response and forensic capabilities. Once suspicious indicators such as IP, URL or file hash have been identified by a corporate IT security officer, they can be entered into the service web interface. In return, users are provided with meaningful and structured information about a potential threat and offers global insights that help identify a targeted attack in progress.
Kaspersky Lab’s security intelligence is collected from various sources including Kaspersky Lab’s cloud security network, spam traps, botnet monitoring initiatives and web crawlers. More importantly, that data is constantly being cross-checked by Kaspersky Lab’s own research team and automatically correlated. The solution offers corporate security officers contextual intelligence capabilities. It enables them to quickly investigate the source of the problem, distinguish between potentially malicious and benign actions, and obtain data for fast and efficient incident investigation. Overall, Kaspersky Threat Lookup allows SOC operators to prioritize and act efficiently in the typical scenario of hundreds and thousands alerts received every day.
Kaspersky Threat Lookup offers enterprises the same level of intelligence that Kaspersky Lab specialists use to analyze the most sophisticated threats, and includes indicators of compromise for these new attacks. The solution makes it possible to match data obtained during an investigation due to vast knowledge of malicious objects, as well as access to one of the largest databases of clean objects, part of the Kaspersky Whitelist service.
One of the early adopters of Kaspersky Threat Lookup service is INTERPOL. Kaspersky Lab has been offering early access to the organization’s threat intelligence according to the expertise sharing agreement to help investigate cybercrime.
Veniamin Levtsov, Vice President, Enterprise Business at Kaspersky Lab, comments: “In 2016 we have rapidly expanded our range of Security Intelligence Services, including Threat Data Feeds, to provide businesses with the actionable intelligence required for faster detection. But in order to significantly reduce recovery costs, businesses need to improve detection together with response and forensic capabilities. That is, they need to understand the scope of the problem, identify the source of the security event and collect necessary intelligence to mitigate the threat. The Kaspersky Threat Lookup portal is an important addition to the family of Security Intelligence Services that directly addresses these challenges. It provides instant access to Kaspersky Lab’s threat intelligence directly from cloud sources and contains comprehensive information on requested file hash, URL or IP.”
More information about Kaspersky Lab’s Threat Lookup services can be found on the company’s Security Intelligence Services portal. Extra details are available in the detailed service description (PDF).

Unsocial media: jealousy of online friends leaves people feeling down, Kaspersky Lab study reveals

Social media started life as a way of staying in touch with friends and sharing happy memories. However, the results of the latest study from Kaspersky Lab indicate that social media now leaves many people feeling negative instead. The hunt for likes plays a central role in this, with the majority of people feeling down or upset when they don’t get as many likes as they expect for a post, and with 42% saying they feel jealous when their friends get more likes than them. In addition, the research shows that people feel envious when they see the seemingly happier lives of their friends on social media.
In a survey of 16,750 people worldwide, Kaspersky Lab has unearthed people’s frustration with social media. People often experience negative emotions after spending time on social media due to a variety of reasons, and these overpower the positive effects of social media.
Users visit social media for positive reasons and to feel good. Most people (65%) use social networks to stay in touch with friends and colleagues and to see entertaining and funny posts (60%). People also devote a significant amount of time to creating their digital profile and filling it with all kinds of positive moments, posting things that make them smile (61%), and telling their networks about the great time they are having during holidays and vacations (43%).
While it is not surprising that 72% of people are annoyed by advertising that has become extremely intrusive and interrupts their online communications, the reasons for frustration go deeper. Despite the desire to feel good from their interactions on social media, when people see their friends’ happy posts about holidays, hobbies, and parties, they are often left with the bitter feeling that other people are enjoying life more than them. For example, 59% have felt unhappy when they have seen friends’ posts from a party they were not invited to, and 45% revealed that their friends’ happy holiday pictures have had a negative influence on them. Furthermore, 37% also admitted that looking at past happy posts of their own can leave them with the feeling that their own past was better than their present life.
Previous research has also demonstrated peoples’ frustration with social media as 78% admitted that they have considered leaving social networks altogether. The only thing that makes people stay on social media is the fear of losing their digital memories, such as photos, and contacts with their friends. While keeping in touch with friends may be a difficult problem to solve, Kaspersky Lab is working on a solution to help people save their digital memories.
“Our relationship with social media has developed into a vicious cycle. We want to go onto our favourite social platforms to tell all of our connections about the positive things we are doing – that makes us feel good”, says Evgeny Chereshnev, head of Social Media at Kaspersky Lab.” But the reality is that everyone is doing the same thing, so when we log onto social media we’re bombarded with images and posts of our friends having fun. And it looks like they’re enjoying life more than us. It’s easy to see why this is leaving people feeling down and why so many people have considered leaving social media altogether. The difficulty is that people feel trapped because so many of their precious memories have been stored on social media and they don’t want to lose access to these.”
To help people decide more freely if they want to stay in social media or leave without losing their digital memories, Kaspersky Lab is developing a new app – FFForget will allow people to back up all of their memories from the social networks they use and keep them in a safe, encrypted memory container and will give people the freedom to leave any network whenever they want, without losing what belongs to them – their digital lives.
FFForget is planned for 2017. Interested users can register at to get updates and insights, provide feedback and get early access.

One-in-ten bend the truth on social media to make themselves feel good – and men go even further

People are turning to social media in order to show-off to friends, collect as many ‘likes’ as possible and to feel good about themselves. But in this quest for social validation people are playing with the truth and whitewashing their lives. New research from Kaspersky Lab shows that one-in-ten people would bend the truth on social media in order to get more people to like their posts. The research also shows that in their pursuit of likes, men are more likely than women to post their privacy away. One-in-ten (9%) men would post a photo of themselves naked compared to only 5% of women and 13% of men post photos of their friends wearing something revealing.
To attract attention and secure a significant number of likes, around one-in-ten people (12%) pretend to be somewhere or doing something that might not be strictly true. This rises to 14% of men, suggesting that many would rather get social media attention than share a realistic portrayal of their lives.
The research uncovers that men are sensitive about how many likes they get on social media and, in their hunt for likes, men are more likely than women to reveal something embarrassing or confidential about their co-workers, friends or employers. Thus, 14% of men said they would reveal something confidential about a co-worker, compared to 7% of women, 13% are willing to post something confidential about their employer, and 12% would reveal something embarrassing about a friend compared with 6% of women.
Men also get upset if they do not get the likes they hope for - 24% worry that if few people like their posts, their friends will think they are unpopular, compared to 17% of women. 29% of men also admitted that they get upset if somebody who matters to them doesn’t like their posts.
In the hunt for likes, men tend to go even further than women, posting things that present themselves and their friends in a compromising light, which according to Dr. Astrid Carolus, Media Psychologist at the University of Würzburg, “is in line with the assumption of men being rather less focused on social harmony and rather more willing to take risks.” Thus, 15% of men revealed they would post a photo of friends under the influence of alcohol compared to 8% of women, 12% of men would post a photo of themselves wearing something revealing, and 9% of men are even ready to post a photo of themselves naked compared to only 5% of women.
Evgeny Chereshnev, Head of Social Media at Kaspersky Lab agrees, but warns that this risky behavior on social media can put people at risk. “In their search for social approval, people have stopped seeing the boundary between what it is okay to share, and what is better kept private,” he says. “But it is important to protect ourselves, as well as the privacy of others. The research shows that 58% of people feel uncomfortable and upset when their friends post photos of them that they do not want to be made public. All in all, people need to become more aware and cyber-savvy about the information they share on social media and install security software on their devices to protect themselves and their loved ones from cyberthreats.”

Online Financial Cybercrime Victims Struggle to Recover All Their Lost Money

Each year thousands of Internet users become victims of a cybercrime that leaves them out of pocket. Research from Kaspersky Lab reveals that over half (52%) of Internet users who’ve lost money at the hands of cybercriminals have only got some, or none, of their stolen funds back.
With the variety and sophistication of online financial threats against consumers growing, losses from online fraud, identity theft and hacking are now running at billions a year. And with many cases going unreported, the true economic cost is likely to be significantly higher.
The research reveals how costly these attacks are for Internet users, and how lucrative they’ve become for cybercriminals. On average, Internet users lose $476 per attack and one-in-ten people surveyed said they lost more than $5,000.
A large majority of Internet users say they conduct financial operations online (81%) and just under half (44%) store financial data on their connected devices. As more users go online to manage their finances, more cybercriminals are looking for opportunities to cash in, making it important for users to have robust Internet security in place to protect themselves and their money. Nevertheless, only 60% of Internet users protect all their devices.
Attitudes to online safety could be influenced by users mistakenly thinking lost money will be automatically refunded to them. Almost half (45%) say that they assume they will be reimbursed by banks for financial cybercrime without any problems, but as the survey shows, over half (52%) of people affected haven’t had all their stolen money returned.
“Cybercriminals are continually looking for new ways to exploit and defraud consumers and that’s why it’s important for Internet users to be on their guard at all times,” says Vyacheslav Zakorzhevsky, Head of the Anti-Malware Research Team at Kaspersky Lab. “Cybercriminals can conduct financial crimes via malware, phishing and more. Don’t assume you will always get all your money back if you become a target and funds are stolen from you. The best way to safeguard your finances online is to make sure you don’t become a victim, and for that we recommend specialist software that protects your identity and keeps sensitive data out of the hands of the cybercriminals.”
Kaspersky Safe Money, one of key features of Kaspersky Lab home products, such as Kaspersky Total Security, is a financial security suite of technologies, designed to protect the online financial operations of users with three core principles — trusted site, trusted connection and trusted environment. This solution’s ability to effectively protect users against financial threats has been approved by many independent researchers.

Can BJJ practitioners benefit from practising Japanese Jiu-Jitsu

I was wondering if a BJJ can benefit greatly from studying Japanese Jiu Jitsu.

I was thinking the BJJ practitioner may be able to improve their stand up along side potentially understanding more about some of the joint locks that are taught and possibly even develop some new techniques of their own through training in other Jiu Jitsu styles?

The Kimura thread

Or chicken(wing) soup for the soul


Originally Posted by Hannibal (Post 1075015156)

So a recent thread had some discussion of the kimura, so I thought why not split it off so it has its own thread!

Here is the Kestling video was covers a good standard grappling approach (he's a BJJ Blackbelt and is/was a CSW guy too)

Heres a long (and legal) Ryan Hall video detailing a lot of concepts about Kimura/open elbow control -

Heres Josh Barnet Going over his approach to the kimura -

( I havn't included the kimura from standing/Non dominant position on purpose as I thought id do that in another thread if their was interest!)

So lets pick a detail / or entire video and go from there!

How do you commonly enter it, how do you finish, whats your secondary attacks, or positional transitions that you like to do?

Personally I use it from butterfly loads like this -(garry tonan)

and use it to sweep and finish from top, or spin under to take the back/Armbar, if it fails from top flat SC I go to North south, if no joy, either tie up the arm if were wearing Gi and take the back/choke em, or if its no gi - go for a sideways triangle / yoko sankaku, if no finish either choke or bent armlock from their, if still no joy go back to NS and go to the armbar.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong music

Hey Guys,

I'm practicing Taichi Chuan and Qi Gong for years.
It gives me power and relaxation and also inspires me as a musician. I've composed many songs because of martial arts.

A couple of days ago I uploaded my Video

Link removed

What's your opinion about the music? I'm very interested in your thoughts. If the first song doesn't match your taste, please skip a bit forward to get an impression.

Thanks for your time and feedback. :)


"ICE...A love story" documentary

It is about the SLK Winter's long standing history, traditions...building the ice castle...etc... does anyone know where I can borrow/rent a DVD of it....? I saw a trailer online but not the full length.
Many thanks ! :thumbs:

samedi 28 janvier 2017

Southerland Mt. SLWA, 28 Jan, 2017

Today, I joined seven members of the Adirondack Wilderness Explorers ( for a nice bushwhack up Southerland Mt. This somewhat modest hillis is located on the eastern edge of the Silver Lake Wilderness Area in Hamilton County. There are a couple ways to get to the ledges on the southern summit. Today, we took the longer approach from the north.

We met up at the dead-end of Hernandez Rd. in Wells during a light lake effect snow squall. After exchanging pleasantries, strapped on our snowshoes and headed out on a path through some new growth forest.

Within a few minutes, we entered the Silver Lake Wilderness Area.

The first chore was finding a good ice bridge to cross Vly Creek.

After crossing the creek, we headed uphill to cut the old road to Vly Creek Falls. There were no good views of the frozen falls, so we headed upstream, enjoying some beautiful scenery along the way.

Soon, we came to the vly that gives the creek it's name and had our first look at the ledges on Southerland Mt. in the distance.

The next part of the walk was great. We traveled along the vly through stately hemlocks, passing a the site of a deer camp and entering a box canyon at the head of the creek.

The short, but steep climb to the lesser summit of Southerland Mt. passed through a distinct notch between the peaks.

Within a few minutes, we emerged onto a wide, flat ledge looking out into the heart of the wilderness. Cathead Mt. was immediately to our south.

Wallace and Three Ponds Mts. peaked over King Vly Mt. The blustery snow flurries obscuring the view somewhat.

The snow flurries and biting wind helped us eat a quick lunch. This was no time for lollygagging as we checked out another vista before heading down the hill and out of the wind.

The walk back was great as the trail was now well packed and we made good time. The sun even came out for a little bit, brightening up the woods.

Soon enough, we were re-crossing Vly Creek.

Back at the parking area, the eight of us celebrated the end of a great little bushwhack in the Silver Lake Wilderness Area. Next time we'll do it when the sun is shining. :rolleyes:

Medical Fund Donations For Martial Artists

Hello Martial Artists everywhere,

With certain crowd-funding sites like GoFundMe & YouCaring (among others), fellow martial artists experiencing illness or injury - especially training-related ones or family illness - can benefit from a helping hand. We, in the martial arts community, have the power to help in just mere seconds or minutes.

No donation is too small. Even a couple of bucks helps! Whatever you can spare would be greatly appreciated. Some dedicated martial artists don't have all the finances to handle unfortunate illnesses or injuries.

Thank you for your kindness.:Angel:

Upcoming absence from training

The nature of my career (I'm in the Royal Canadian Navy), has always made it difficult for me to commit to any sort of training. I've been fortunate enough to spend my last few years posted to a shore facility, and now have three years of steady training under my belt.

I have now been posted to a ship, and I'm going to sea for five straight months. I want to keep up training as best as I can, but I'm not skilled enough to progress on my own. My plan is to practice some basic combinations and drills while I focus on cardio and strength training. I'm also going to try, if possible, to train at schools in foreign ports. Kind of like my own personal
"Fight Quest". Perhaps I will find someone to spar with onboard ship as well.

I'm kind of bummed-out about having to miss 5 months of training. I don't want to lose all my progress while I'm away. I'm going to try to make the best out of a bad situation and do what I can.

Has anyone here ever dealt with this? How did you deal with a long absence from training?

Throat pump for trout

Does anyone use a throat pump for determining what trout are eating? I've never used one but am curious about it this year. The last thing I'd ever want to do is injure the fish in any way so if it's iffy I'll pass. It seems very useful though especially for Chironomid pupa. Thanks in advance!

Building a Continent-Wide Map of Canoe Routes

The Map
Several years ago, I created a Google Map with several Northeast canoe routes on it, and finding it recently I thought it might be useful to others.

Everyone should be able to find out how to paddle from their neighborhood to either ocean. Hopefully, this will help.

What you can do

1.) Add new routes: Currently, most of the routes are in Maine. It can fit 19,890 more routes. Please don't delete any. Maine to Labrador to Alaska, go for it.

Red for known routes
Purple for exploratory or wishful thinking
Blue for water trails, like the NFCT

put "Added by" or "Edited by _______" and the date in route Comments.

2.) Edit existing ones: Every line is rough, and can be shifted to better fit the terrain, portages added, etc, other data. The map is full of errors.

3.) Share with Others: Just forward this email to them.

4.) Use it: for program or personal trip planning, or to distract yourself during the winter.

Meilleur moment pour le commerce Forex

Toutefois, ce que de nombreux commerçants amateurs ne se souviennent pas, c'est que pas chaque heure de la journée est un bon moment pour le commerce. Dans cet article, je vais souligner les meilleurs moments pour le commerce Forex, et pourquoi.

Quelles sont les conditions favorables à la négociation?

De façon générale, vous aurez envie d'entrer dans les métiers quand il ya des liquidités élevées sur le marché. Une liquidité élevée contribue à réduire le glissement, tout en offrant de meilleures opportunités pour les grands mouvements du marché et donc des profits plus importants.

En période de faible liquidité, alors que peu de commerçants sont actifs, les prix du marché sont généralement stables. Cela réduit vos chances de gagner de l'argent puisque vous aurez besoin du marché pour se déplacer afin de profiter.

Une autre raison pour laquelle vous devriez faire du commerce en période de liquidité élevée est parce que le volume important des transactions rend plus difficile (et plus coûteux) pour les institutions financières de manipuler artificiellement les prix du marché. Par exemple, la chasse au stop-loss est beaucoup plus coûteuse à effectuer en période de liquidité élevée.

Voici les moments où la liquidité sur le marché est généralement le plus élevé:

La session de Londres

Le marché de Londres ouvre à 8h GMT (3h EST) et ferme à 16h GMT (11h EST). La majeure partie du volume de transactions quotidiennes se produit pendant cette période.
Les monnaies les plus activement échangées au cours de cette période sont les USD, EUR, GBP, CHF et JPY.

La session de New York

New York ouvre à 13h GMT (8h EST) et ferme à 20h GMT (3h HNE). Il s'agit de la deuxième période de négociation la plus importante en termes de volume de transactions.

La session asiatique

Dernier point, mais non le moindre, la session asiatique ouvre à Tokyo à 1h du matin (8h EST) et ferme à 8h GMT (3h EST). Par rapport aux sessions de Londres et de New York, la session asiatique connaît habituellement moins de volatilité sur le marché. Cependant, certains bons mouvements de devises peuvent être observés de temps en temps.

vendredi 27 janvier 2017

gaming pc malaysia

hi guys, just want to check with you guys,

i am from malaysia and there are this premium desktop gaming builders making custom gaming pc. heres their website.

as i know they only use premium brands like asus and corsair for most parts in their build.

their entry level system tech specs are as below

intel i3 7100
asus H110
8GB corsair ddr4 2400mhz
120GB ssd
Corsair 450 Watts PSU
Corsair carbide 88R
microsoft windows 10 home edition

all above for MYR rm 2899 which is about USD $650

i think its quite worth it, and they also have options to upgrade a few of the components to a better specs.

the specs above is their poseidon series.

hope to get some knowledge from you guys!

Springtime for Marcy in January. 2017-01-22

... and the title is not inspired by "The Producers" (much).


What is veal? It's the meat of male calves raised in a manner to render it pale, soft and tender. Typically, the regimen involves a special diet and no exercise. This sounds all too much like my Xmas holidays. I indulged in a special diet of anything within arm's reach and spent my waking hours nearly motionless.

I needed a hike to gently reverse the effects of "vealification" so, for my return to the High Peaks, I chose an achievable goal, namely Marcy. It also had special meaning for me. I had hiked Marcy in every month of the year except January. This visit would complete my "Marcy Grid".

A crummy weather forecast (showers and/or freezing drizzle) made me postpone Saturday's hike to Sunday. Sunday's weather wasn't much better but, no more excuses, the de-vealification process had to proceed. My wife opted to join me for the trip (the drive, not the hike) and dropped me off at the Loj. I asked her to return in seven hours based on four hours up and three hours down.

In a nutshell, I had spring-like conditions. The temperature was above freezing, even on Marcy's summit! The peaks were shrouded in clouds and the warm temperature created a heavy fog in the valleys. The trails below 2500 feet were thinly covered in dark, wet snow. Rocks and roots were visible. The snow cover improved beyond Marcy Dam. The Van Hoevenberg Trail was packed down all the way to the alpine bog and then it became spongey.

Gloomy day at Marcy Dam.

So far, I've hiked over 115 times by myself. During all those hikes, I never listened to music. Sunday's hike was the first time I was accompanied by podcasts and tunes. I also had a GPS app that verbally informed me of my progress every half-hour (total time) and every kilometer (total distance). Altogether they helped to make the miles melt away, sort of like when you're lost in conversation with a hiking companion.

I found the verbal status updates handy (although the novelty may eventually wear off). They helped me stick to my schedule (7 hours). The only thing I'd change is the selection of podcasts. Above treeline, Frontline's documentary on the genesis of Al-Qaeda was completely incongruent with my surroundings. I switched to Duke Ellington for the descent.

Bib was very kind to lend me his racing snowshoes, namely a pair of Louis Garneau Course snowshoes weighing a scant 1 lb 10 oz! I figured they would be adequate for the gentle Van Hoevenberg trail, packed down by Saturday's hikers. In fact, I didn't need them until I reached the half-pipe at treeline.

Visibility varied from OK to soupy.

The majority of hikers had walked through the half-pipe and then basically followed the "Law of Up". Several feet of snow have paved over everything and created an almost featureless landscape. I wanted to follow the official trail so I turned right and ascended the little shoulder that forms the half-pipe. Upon reaching its western end, where the half-pipe peters out, I felt I was heading in the wrong direction. I was still contouring, instead of ascending, and that wasn't right.

I glanced at my GPS app and confirmed I was about 20 feet off-trail and heading too far west. OK. Trying to follow the "summer trail" is a bit of a fool's errand; switch to "Law of Up".

Visibility varied from one to five hundred feet so spotting cairns was never a problem. I spied one in the distance and made a bee-line for it, knowing it would put me back on the "summer trail". Three-quarters of the way up the snowy slope, I noticed a horizontal crack spanning the slab. Hmmm. That's disconcerting. I reached the cairn and followed the trail to the summit.

Sneak peek of Wright Peak.

Marcy with head in the clouds.

There were no views atop Marcy but the temperature was a balmy 5 C (41 F) and the wind was nothing more than a zephyr. Tame conditions for late January plus I had the summit to myself! I snapped a few selfies, to commemorate my "Marcy Grid", and then strolled around the summit, munching on a PB&J. Eventually, my sweaty baselayer cooled down so I added a windshell. It was a far cry from my previous winter trips to Marcy!

I spent about a half-hour lounging on the summit. I never saw Haystack or Skylight but the clouds broke a few times and revealed a hazy sun and views over an ocean of cloud. Considering the weather, it was much appreciated eye-candy.

About as foggy as expected.

A glimpse of the heavens.

It was now approaching the four-hour mark and time to return to the Loj. In the event of poor visibility above treeline, I had a map marked with two compass bearings (74 degrees magnetic for 550 feet followed by 52 degrees for 700 feet). Visibility was fine and I didn't need to use the bearings. However, I was curious to discover if the inflection point (i.e. where 74 changes to 52) coincided with a prominent landmark.

I stopped at each cairn and recorded a waypoint. There was nothing of note at 550 feet from the summit. Bummer. A bearing of 74 will take you into the half-pipe which isn't all bad but only if snow conditions are amenable. A better strategy may be to follow 74, along Marcy's flat summit, until it begins to descend. This is about 100 yards from the summit plaque and is also the location of the fourth and last cairn on the summit. From there, a bearing of 58 takes you to the head of the half-pipe. "74 flat and 58 down" isn't very catchy but good to know in soupy conditions.

The racing snowshoes have little traction so there wasn't much else I could do but glissade down the snowy slope ... and finish with a sitzmark. I paused near the half-pipe to replace them with Trail Crampons. A few steps later, in the alpine bog, I met the first and only other Marcy climbers of the day. I greeted the couple and their pale-eyed Siberian Husky ("Neve").

Snow fleas! They were all over the trail and especially noticeable in bootprints. Something to think about the next time you eat a handful of snow (extra protein).

Snow fleas!

Somewhere along the way, I picked up a lost hiking pole and stowed it in the hope of catching up to its owner. I paused at Indian Falls for a second time and, unlike in the morning, I now had a partial view of Wright. I've seen better but it wasn't too shabby considering the weather. I passed a group of hikers who had just completed Tabletop. Shortly afterwards I caught up to the lost pole's owner and he was grateful to have it back.

Beyond Marcy Dam, I still felt strong and continued at a good pace. I arrived at the Loj at 3:09 PM, just over six hours from the morning's departure (and 51 minutes "under budget"). Not too shabby but my old body would take almost four days to recover from the effort. Ugh. Nevertheless, it was well worth it and I look forward to my next "de-vealification" session.


Hi! I just joined the forum today. I'm a new 2nd Dan in ITF taekwondo from Tennessee. Looking forward to learning a lot. Thanks!

Cycle Adirondacks (organized ride)

Wondering if anyone did this the last two years? I just found out about it now. It looks fantastic. A very nice video done on youtube, watch it in HD it's worth the wait even on a slow connection.

Website is

The trip for '17 looks even better with multiple options and with two days in Keene Valley one could even be a hike combo! This is so much up my alley, but it's rather pricey :eek: (I think some cruises are cheaper!) and around here school is already back in session so kind of hard to leave my son unless I made some kind of arrangement with my ex, which I really don't want to be doing that, I mean pushing him off onto her so I can go play just isn't right. Well maybe in another 7 years or when he is on his own I hope this might be still around. I don't know maybe if I have some vacation left over I can trade a week with my ex or something. We'll see.

công dụng xuất sắc sá»* dụng toi ngam ruou

Tỏi ngâm rượu có công dụng lÃ*m giảm mỡ máu, hạ huyết áp, chống thấp khá»›p…Cách ngâm rượu tỏi để chữa bệnh nhìn nhÆ° Ä‘Æ¡n giản nhÆ°ng để lÃ*m sao cho hiệu quả nhất thì nhiều người lại không biết. Chúng tôi sẽ chia sẻ vá»›i các bạn về các ngâm rượu tỏi chữa bệnh tốt nhất.

Huong dan ngam ruou toi chua benh hieu qua nhat

Tỏi lÃ* 1 loại gia vị rá»™ng rãi trong bữa ăn hÃ*ng ngÃ*y của người Việt. Không chỉ lÃ* gia vị, tỏi còn được coi lÃ* vị thuốc quý vá»›i những tÃ*nh năng tuyệt vời nhÆ° năng lá»±c chữa ung thÆ°, mỡ máu, chống lão hóa, chữa viêm xoang…Có nhiều cách sá»* dụng tỏi hiệu quả khác biệt trong đó có qui định ngâm tỏi vá»›i rượu trắng lÃ* khá hiệu quả đối vá»›i các bệnh về xÆ°Æ¡ng khá»›p, mỡ máu. Chúng tôi xin chia sẻ cách ngâm rượu tỏi chữa bệnh sao cho hiệu quả nhất.

1) chuẩn bị nguyên liệu ngâm rượu tỏi.

Khâu chuẩn bị nguyên liệu rất cần thiết, nếu không chọn đúng cách sẽ lÃ*m ảnh hưởng chức năng của tỏi ngâm rượu.

– 25g tỏi bóc vỏ (Có thể nhiều hÆ¡n tùy vÃ*o nhu cầu tiêu dùng của bạn). Nên chọn tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i, tỏi Việt Nam, rá»*a sạch, để ráo nÆ°á»›c vÃ* bóc sạch vỏ ngoÃ*i.
– Khoảng 100 ml rượu trắng (Nếu lượng tỏi gia tăng thì rượu cũng phải gia tăng).
– Một lọ thủy tinh sạch có nắp

2) Cách lÃ*m tỏi ngâm rượu

– Lấy 25g tỏi bóc vỏ, giã nát rồi Ä‘em ngâm vá»›i 100ml rượu trắng, bịt kÃ*n miệng chai, để chá»— thoáng mát.
– Chú ý lÃ* sau khi giã nát tỏi các bạn nên cho rượu vÃ*o ngay để tránh cho tỏi mất chất vÃ* lÃ*m giảm hiệu quả chữa bệnh của tỏi.
– Sau 7 ngÃ*y lÃ* ta có thể tiêu dùng được.

3) Cách sá»* dụng rượu tỏi

Uống từ 1-2 chén (chén rượu thủy tinh), sau bữa ăn, ngÃ*y uống 1-2 lần.
Dùng tỏi trị bệnh thấp khớp bao lâu thì có công dụng?
Vá»›i căn bệnh thấp khá»›p, nhiều người đã tiêu dùng vÃ* có chức năng trị bệnh trong vòng 20 – 30 ngÃ*y. Bệnh sẽ khỏi hẳn trong quá trình uống từ 1 – 2 năm, đồng thời uống duy trì suốt đời sẽ khiến căn bệnh không còn tái phát. Lý do tỏi ngâm rượu chữa được bệnh tÆ°Æ¡ng tác xÆ°Æ¡ng khá»›p lÃ* do hoạt chất Phitoncid trong tỏi Ä‘en có tác dụng chống khuẩn, giảm sÆ°ng Ä‘au câu kết vá»›i tÃ*nh sát khuẩn, vô trùng của rượu sẽ giúp các khá»›p không bị sÆ°ng phồng, không còn Ä‘au nhức. Trong khi, cholesterol có Ã*ch được đẩy mạnh lÆ°u thông máu đến các cÆ¡ xÆ°Æ¡ng khá»›p Ä‘iều hòa, nuôi dưỡng các mô khá»›p chắc khỏe vÃ* dẻo dai hÆ¡n khiến bệnh thấp khá»›p của bạn sẽ dần tiêu tan.

Việc sá»* dụng rượu tỏi thường xuyên cÅ©ng lÃ* má»™t nguyên lý tốt vá»›i sức khỏe của bạn. Bởi ngoÃ*i tác dụng chữa bệnh thấp khá»›p nó còn có trình Ä‘á»™ Ä‘iều trị các chứng bệnh về đường tiêu hóa, tim mạch, các bệnh về đường hô hấp, hay bệnh trÄ© ná»™i, trÄ© ngoại vÃ* tiểu đường.

Đây được coi lÃ* loại thuốc Đông Y khá rẻ tiền, dá»… lÃ*m, dá»… tiêu dùng.
Tuy công dụng có nhanh chóng vÃ* khiến bệnh chuyển biến tốt nhÆ°ng bạn cần duy trì ở sá»* dụng trong má»™t thời hạn dÃ*i để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất. thời gian sá»* dụng tỏi ngâm rượu có thể lÃ* vÃ*i tháng hay vÃ*i năm, tùy thuá»™c vÃ* hiện trạng bệnh vÃ* chỉ định tiêu dùng của bác sÄ©.
Không nên lạm dụng rượu tỏi nhÆ° những loại rượu khác, chỉ nên tiêu dùng ở liều lượng phù hợp để có tác dụng phòng bệnh vÃ* trị bệnh.
Không chỉ có tác dụng vá»›i bệnh thấp khá»›p, rượu tỏi cÅ©ng có công dụng khá tốt trong việc phòng tránh vÃ* ức chế các tế bÃ*o ung thÆ°.

lưu ý:

Không nên uống rượu tỏi nếu Ä‘ang mắc bệnh về máu vì tỏi thể lÃ*m loãng máu. CÅ©ng không nên lạm dụng tỏi khi Ä‘ang dùng các thuốc trị bệnh tiểu đường, các loại thuốc uống lÃ*m hạ đường huyết, hoặc Ä‘ang mắc bệnh về đường tiêu hóa hay chuẩn bị phẫu thuáº*t vì tỏi có thể thúc đẩy thời hạn đông máu.

bên cạnh, nếu tiêu dùng tỏi Ä‘en để ngâm rượu tỏi thì công hiệu sẽ gấp nhiều lần so vá»›i rượu tỏi thông thường. Click vÃ*o “tÃ*nh năng của tỏi Ä‘en lÃ* gì?” hoặc Cách lÃ*m tỏi Ä‘en tại nhÃ* để tìm hiểu thêm.

Winter fire tower hikes.

Was wondering if anyone knew which firetower are best to avoid in winter. Ive done owls head, hadley, rondaxe and kane mountain in the past 2 months without any trouble. But i also tried to go to pillsbury which was pretty much blocked off due to logging trucks using the road. I live about an hour and a half outside of the adirondacks and would be bummed to drive all the way out there only to find i cant get to the trailhead for a tower. I know spruce and stillwater both say they are closed from oct-dec every year but after that would the road to the trailhead be plowed out enough to get to the trailheads? Any information is super helpful! Thanks in advance.

Salmo salar article

Saw this on another forum. I found it was pretty interesting and encouraging. Thought some folks here might like it.
It's part of a series, good winter reading..

Công dụng chữa bệnh của tỏi hiệu quả vÃ* phổ biến nhất

Tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i có nhiều Công dụng chữa bệnh. DÆ°á»›i đây lÃ* 4 cach su dung toi tuoi chua benh hiệu quả vÃ* phổ biến nhất. Bạn có thể thay tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i bằng tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i má»™t nhánh hoặc tỏi Ä‘en má»™t nhánh để tăng hiệu quả chữa bệnh.

1) Giấm tỏi:

Lấy 50g tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i bóc vỏ rồi ngâm vá»›i 100ml giấm gạo, sau chừng mười ngÃ*y lÃ* dùng được, nếu để đủ 30 ngÃ*y thì cÃ*ng tốt.

2) Tỏi ngâm đường:

Lấy 50g tỏi Ä‘em ngâm nÆ°á»›c trong 7 ngÃ*y, má»—i ngÃ*y thay nÆ°á»›c má»™t lần, sau đó bóc bỏ vỏ rồi ngâm vá»›i muối má»™t lúc cho chảy hết nÆ°á»›c. Hòa 800g đường trắng trong má»™t cái liá»…n miệng nhỏ vá»›i lượng nÆ°á»›c chÃ*n hoÃ*n toản, đổ tỏi vÃ*o ngâm trong 1 tháng lÃ* có thể ăn được. Tỏi ngâm đường có vị mặn ngọt, mùi thÆ¡m rất thú vị.

3) Rượu tỏi

Lấy 25g tỏi bóc vỏ, giã nát rồi Ä‘em ngâm vá»›i 100ml rượu trắng, bịt kÃ*n miệng bình, để chá»— thoáng mát, sau 7 ngÃ*y lÃ* có thể dùng được, má»—i ngÃ*y uống 1-2 lần, má»—i lần 25-30ml. Hoặc có thể chế theo cách khác: Dùng má»™t cái bình miệng hẹp hoặc má»™t vò rượu, đổ tỏi đã bóc vỏ vÃ*o đầy chừng 7/10 bình, xen kẽ vá»›i tỏi, rải từng lá»›p đường phèn đã Ä‘áº*p vụn, rót rượu trắng vÃ*o cho ngáº*p tỏi. Bịt kÃ*n miệng bình, để chá»— râm mát, sau 30 ngÃ*y lÃ* có thể dùng được, để cÃ*ng lâu cÃ*ng tốt, má»—i ngÃ*y uống 2 lần, má»—i lần 25ml. Cách ngâm rượu tỏi nÃ*y rất dá»… lÃ*m nên được nhiều người yêu thÃ*ch sá»* dụng.

4) TrÃ* tỏi

Công thức 1: Tỏi 15g, sÆ¡n tra 30g, thảo quyết minh 10g. Tỏi bóc vỏ, rá»*a sạch, thái mỏng rồi Ä‘em hãm vá»›i nÆ°á»›c sôi trong bình kÃ*n cùng vá»›i sÆ¡n tra vÃ* thảo quyết minh, sau 20 phút thì dùng được, uống thay trÃ* trong ngÃ*y. chức năng: Hạ mỡ máu, chống máº*p mạp, tiêu thá»±c tÃ*ch.
Công thức 2: Tỏi vỏ tÃ*m 10g, kim ngân hoa 6g, trÃ* xanh 3g, cam thảo 2g. Tỏi bóc vỏ, giã nát rồi Ä‘em hãm vá»›i nÆ°á»›c sôi trong bình kÃ*n cùng vá»›i kim ngân hoa, trÃ* xanh vÃ* cam thảo, sau 15 phút thì dùng được, uống thay trÃ* trong ngÃ*y.

Công dụng: Thanh nhiệt giải độc, thanh nhiệt trừ thấp.

Trên đây lÃ* má»™t số cách sá»* dụng tỏi phổ biến, dá»… lÃ*m vÃ* cÅ©ng rất hiệu quả. Chúc các bạn thÃ*nh công !

Optics for watching whitetail?

Right now, I can think of two options.

The first is using a bino. I can't think of any particular model, though. A Zeiss binocular sounds like a good idea but there are too many, and I haven't found a comprehensive review.

The second one is a spotting scope. I have my eyes on the Celestron 52252 100mm Ultima Zoom, which is one of the best spotting scopes anyway. But I'm not sure if I need a spotting scope in the first place. I'm not getting one to hunt, after all. but, on the other hand, they are best used with tripods, and while using binos is not impossible in the same manner, long-term watching might be somewhat inconvenient.

In short, I'm quite confused. Any advice?

jeudi 26 janvier 2017

ADK Moose

This year I want to get some good pictures of moose in the Adirondacks. I will be going late July and possibly early October to the Moose River Plains. What are the best ponds to see moose at besides Helldiver? Is there any way to attract moose? Is it worth it to go to Little Moose Wilderness and West Canada Lakes? Would it be too crowded with hunters if I went in October?

posting pictures

I never seem to be able to post pictures. I'm thinking maybe they need to be resized is that a possible problem. If so how does one do that, I have before but cannot seem to do it again.

mercredi 25 janvier 2017

which techniques should I try to master first?

Hi, I am doing BJJ 4 months now(8 technically but injured for 4). I am wondering which fundamental moves I should be working on most. My offensive game is horrible but I'm quite good at defense and escapes. I've been working on triangle chokes and arm/knee bars mostly, plus I love arm bar from williams guard and I love flying scissors... so those are the things i do. What should I be working on adding to my repertoire. I'm white belt 1 stripe. I can do omaplatas and gogaplatas and some gi chokes too but I'm not as good with them.

tác dụng tỏi Ä‘en lÃ* gì khi sá»* dụng

Tỏi Ä‘en chứa chất chống ô xy hóa rất mạnh, cách dùng tỏi Ä‘en hiệu quả có thể lÃ*m giảm sá»± lão hóa của cÆ¡ thể, chống lại nhiều loại bệnh..

Giúp chống oxy hóa, giúp chống lại, lÃ*m giảm các hiện tượng lão hóa của cÆ¡ thể, kéo dÃ*i tuổi thanh xuân, đối vá»›i Ä‘Ã*n bÃ* tỏi Ä‘en có công dụng lÃ*m đẹp da.

Tăng sức đề kháng: cũng như tỏi tươi, tác dụng tăng sức đề kháng tuy nhiên tỏi đen cho hiệu quả lớn hơn. Giúp người bệnh chống các nguy cơ nhiễm bệnh, cải thiện sức khỏe khi ốm, sau mổ hoặc đang điều trị các bệnh khác.

Giảm cholesterol trong máu: tỏi Ä‘en có tác dụng Ä‘iều chỉnh, bất biến cholesterol trong máu, đây cÅ©ng lÃ* công dụng tỏi Ä‘en khá rõ đối vá»›i nhiều các bạn.

công dụng của tỏi Ä‘en há»— trợ lá»›n cho các người mắc các vấn đề trên khi Ä‘ang Ä‘iều trị bằng thuốc tây y, bên cạnh đó, tÃ*nh năng của tỏi Ä‘en giúp người bệnh bình phục nhanh sức khỏe khi Ä‘ang dùng thuốc, tránh mệt mỏi, Ä‘Ã*o thải các chất Ä‘á»™c trong cÆ¡ thể.

bên cạnh có thể còn những tÃ*nh năng khác dÆ°á»›i đây bạn đọc có thể tham khảo những tác dụng của tỏi Ä‘en mÃ* chúng tôi liệt kê ở phần bên dÆ°á»›i đây cÅ©ng nhÆ° lÃ* các bÃ*i viết liên tiếp của chúng tôi.

Giải Ä‘á»™c vÃ* kiểm soát an ninh gan
Phòng chống ung thư
Giảm viêm đau khớp, tiểu đường
Chống nhiễm độc chất phóng xạ
tăng nhanh kĩ năng sinh lý
Phòng chống các bệnh đường hô hấp
Giải Ä‘á»™c nicotin mạn tÃ*nh
Ngăn ngừa bệnh Alzheimer
tăng nhanh hệ miễn dịch (kháng sinh)
cung cấp điều trị các bệnh tim mạch
Cung cấp 18 loại acit amin – LÃ*m đẹp da

Raquette Lake Ice Harvest this Saturday 1/28/2017

Wanted to let everyone know that annual ice harvest is happening in Raquette Lake Village this Saturday morning, January 28, 2017.

Sawtooth Trail, Cold Run Waterfalls, Turtle Rock


I recently hiked to some little known places at Worlds End State Park and Loyalsock State Forest.* It was very beautiful.* The Sawtooth Trail was awesome as it followed the crest of white conglomerate ledges, perfectly angled and straight to look like teeth on a saw.* The bedrock was milky white and tinged with moss.* The forests were beautiful with hemlock, moss and ground pine.* There were ice flows and dripping springs, deep chasms.* Cold Run had several waterfalls and cascades tumbling down a steep gorge with some colorful rock outcrops.* Vinegar Run had unique Turtle Rock and some beautiful cascades, with cliffs, ledges, and rhododendron.* Awesome hike.

Celebrities that do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

While I was doing some research on Celebrities that did martial arts, I stumbled across this post from Attack The Back that has a huge list of celebrities. I didn't realise it was so popular now :eek:

Mid April?

So in late March I cross a significant birthday. Family asked what I wanted to do and the thought of matching miles for age popped into my mind. Maybe a 3-4 day affair...

My trusty hiking partner has Spring Break starting April 14th. I think this is prior to black fly season but there will still be snow in the woods and of course a storm is not out of the question. Way to early to get a good feel for the weather.

We are comfortable and experienced camping in the teens and backpacking in the twenties-thirties.

Do you think this would be 'plan on Snowshoeing extensive parts of trail', 'bring snowshoes as a precaution' or 'skip through the woods unencumbered'.

Do you think creeks and streams will be passable? I am concerned about getting to them (ice around edges) and of course getting through / over them with the increase in melt? Great tip here recently about crossing same stream morning and afternoon is actually different since sun increases melt.

General wetness of trail this time of year? Tough to predict but I have to think if it is warm enough low lying areas would be rather wet?

Thinking of bear barrel whole way. Need it after Apr 1 in high peaks and more than once I have deployed a shoddy bear bag due to dark.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

sản phẩm toi den la gi duoc quan tâm

Toi den la gi - Tỏi Ä‘en (Black garlic) lÃ* tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i được chọn lọc cẩn tháº*n rồi trải qua má»™t quá trình lên men cháº*m (khoảng 12 ngÃ*y), dÆ°á»›i sá»± kiểm soát nghiêm ngặt nhiệt Ä‘á»™ vÃ* Ä‘á»™ ẩm bằng những thiết bị chuyên dụng gọi lÃ* máy lÃ*m tỏi Ä‘en. Sau khi lên men thÃ*nh công tỏi Ä‘en có mÃ*u Ä‘en, vị ngọt, không còn mùi cay hăng của tỏi thường vÃ* có tác dụng tốt gấp hÃ*ng chục lần tỏi thường.

Tỏi Ä‘en lÃ* gì


cống phẩm tỏi Ä‘en trong quá trình lên men tỏi lÃ*m các chất trong tỏi tÆ°Æ¡i được biến đối thÃ*nh các hoạt chất bổ Ã*ch hÆ¡n nhiều cho sức khỏe: 18 loại axit amin, S-allyl cysteine, diallyl disulfide vÃ* diallyl trisulfide lÃ* các hoạt chất sinh học quan trọng tốt cho sức khỏe tăng lên.

Ở HÃ*n Quốc vÃ* Nháº*t Bản, bán tỏi Ä‘en được quan tâm vá»›i vai trò lÃ* má»™t loại thá»±c phẩm tăng nhanh sức khỏe, việc mua tỏi Ä‘en đã trở nên nhu cầu thường xuyên của người chi tiêu. Tỏi Ä‘en có năng lá»±c chống ô xy hóa rất cao vÃ* nó thường được tin lÃ* có thể kéo dÃ*i tuổi xuân. HÃ*n Quốc lÃ* nÆ¡i hình thÃ*nh tỏi Ä‘en trÆ°á»›c tiên, sau đó người Nháº*t Bản thấy rõ tÃ*nh năng của tỏi Ä‘en nên đã nghiên cứu thêm vÃ* tỏi Ä‘en trở nên váº*t phẩm thÆ°Æ¡ng mại phố biến trên quả đât. Các phân khúc tại Mỹ, châu Âu rất Æ°a chuá»™ng váº*t phẩm có nguồn gốc 100% từ trùng hợp nÃ*y.

mardi 24 janvier 2017

The SC Secretary Accustomed sat down

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Six years afterwards Qatar was awarded the rights to host the 2022 FIFA Apple Cup, Supreme Committee for Supply & Bequest (SC) Secretary Accustomed HE Hassan Al Thawadi is dynamically arch diplomacy for a country in abounding exhausted appear hosting the greatest football blow in the world.

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Public Comments Favor Wilderness For Boreas Ponds

inappropriate links

NO, not those type of inappropriate links! ;' )

When I click, not signed in, on the today's posts link I get a reply that says

''Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.''

So it just seems that there is a short in the programming as I have received a search query reply rather than a list of new posts.

If signed in then there is no problem.

Anyone else noticed this?



I saw this today and had to share...

Just think of all the beer you could bring! :dance:

rút hầm cầu, thông cầu cống nghẹt, nạo vét hố ga giá rẻ

RÚT HẦM CẦU Quáº*n má»™t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° các tỉnh giấc lân cáº*n: long an, tiền giang, bình dÆ°Æ¡ng, đồng nai

+ Dịch vụ Chúng tôi chuyên dụng cho mang tÃ*nh chuyên nghiệp vÃ* thường gây hÃ*i lóng các bạn.

+ Dịch vụ chúng tôi đã có từ khá lâu vì đề xuất quý khách ngÃ*y má»™t cao chúng tôi đã ứng dụng công nghệ má»›i cÅ©ng nhÆ° các loại phÆ°Æ¡ng tiện chuyên dụng để xá»* lý 1 cách sá»›m cÅ©ng nhÆ° ko để lại mùi hôi lúc thông cống nghẹt nhÃ* quý khách.

+ Chúng tôi lÃ* 1 Ä‘á»™i ngÅ© giÃ*u trong nghề trong việc thông cống nghẹt tại Quáº*n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° những tỉnh giấc, chúng tôi thÃ*nh láº*p nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu giữ vệ sinh môi trường, cam kết chất lượng cuá»™c sống đến đối tượng dân thị thÃ*nh.

CHUYÊN THI CÔNG DỊCH VỤ RÚT HẦM CẦU Quáº*n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° các thức giấc

+ Nháº*n rut ham cau gia re Quáº*n má»™t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° số thức giấc , hút hầm cầu , hút hố ga , hút hầm mỡ , … tại Quáº*n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... vÃ* số tỉnh cho giá phải chăng nhất

+ Thông cống nghẹt Quáº*n má»™t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° các tỉnh giá tốt , thông cầu cống nghẹt ko đục phá ,…

+ Dịch vụ thông tắc bồn cầu, thông thoát sÃ*n nÆ°á»›c bị nghẹt , thông toalet bị nghẹt

+ Dịch vụ nạo vét hố ga , xây dá»±ng sá»*a sang nâng cấp hầm má»›i , cải tạo hầm chứa chất thải ,..

+ Lắp đặt đường ống , xây dá»±ng tu sá»*a lÃ*m má»›i các hạng mục đến quý khách lúc mang nhu cầu

+ bên cạnh Dịch vụ rút hầm cầu Quáº*n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° số tỉnh giấc chúng tôi còn sở hữu những dịch vụ tá»›i mọi những quáº*n huyện trên địa bÃ*n thÃ*nh phố nhÆ° Dịch vụ thông cống nghẹt , thông bồn cầu nghẹt , thông cống thoát nÆ°á»›c , ...

Tiêu chÃ* lÃ*m việc của chúng tôi:

rút hầm cầu Quáº*n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... cÅ©ng nhÆ° số tỉnh giấc cam kết váº*n chuyển đủ cÅ©ng nhÆ° đúng khối lượng

luôn luôn đảm bảo sạch thường , ko lÃ*m mất vệ sinh , không gây mùi hôi khó chịu

trang váº*t dụng máy móc Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng đại , nhiều năm kinh nghiệm , chúng tôi có xe chở chuyển dụng cam kết vệ sinh

dịch vụ nhanh chóng bảo hÃ*nh dÃ*i hạn

siêu thị mang toÃ*n bá»™ hóa Ä‘Æ¡n cần thiết cho quý người mua

chuyên dụng cho 24/24 tất cả khi mọi nÆ¡i tại gần nhÆ° các phường thuá»™c Quáº*n má»™t, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bình chánh, hóc môn, thủ đức, tân bình, bình tân, phú nhuáº*n, tân phú... vÃ* những thức giấc cÅ©ng nhÆ° số quáº*n huyện khác trên địa bÃ*n thÃ*nh thị HCM

Chúng tôi lÃ*m việc cho phÆ°Æ¡ng châm:

"Uy tÃ*n – thÃ*nh công - có bảo hÃ*nh – phục vụ 24/24”

tại sao lại sắm dịch vụ rút hầm cầu của chúng tôi:

* nhÃ* hÃ*ng hoạt Ä‘á»™ng uy tÃ*n , cam kết đúng khổi lượng , vá»›i quý người dùng

* Ä‘Æ¡n vị mang toÃ*n bá»™ hóa Ä‘Æ¡n chúng từ cần thiết tá»›i các bạn

* luôn luôn cam kết sạch có thể , ko gây ra mùi hôi khó chịu , vệ sinh sạch thường

* Dịch vụ kịp thời bảo hÃ*nh dÃ*i hạn

* Trang thiết bị đương đại có xe chở chuyên dụng

* Ä‘á»™i ngÅ© nhân viên trong nghề , nhiệt tình phục vụ 24/24 cả ngÃ*y nghỉ vÃ* lá»… tết

Tiêu chÃ* hoạt Ä‘á»™ng:

* dùng cho chuyên nghiệp chỉ từ 30 phút đến 45 phút, táº*n tình, nhanh gọn sạch có khả năng

* Xá»* lý nhanh sạch gọn

* Giá cả tốt

* chuyên dụng cho 24/24

* hÃ*ng ngÅ© nhân viên mang nhiều trong nghề xá»* lý

tổ chức hÃ*ng đầu tphcm về vệ sinh hố ga cầu cống, thong cau cong nghet, nạo vét kênh mÆ°Æ¡ng, cầu cống, nhÃ* vệ sinh, thông tắc bồn tiểu, rút hầm cầu, nạo vét hố ga tại hồ hết các quáº*n huyện tphcm.

gần như vấn đề về cầu cống, hầm cầu, gia đình vệ sinh, labo, bồn tiểu ... xin vui lòng liên hệ: - 0945.120.565