samedi 28 janvier 2017

Southerland Mt. SLWA, 28 Jan, 2017

Today, I joined seven members of the Adirondack Wilderness Explorers ( for a nice bushwhack up Southerland Mt. This somewhat modest hillis is located on the eastern edge of the Silver Lake Wilderness Area in Hamilton County. There are a couple ways to get to the ledges on the southern summit. Today, we took the longer approach from the north.

We met up at the dead-end of Hernandez Rd. in Wells during a light lake effect snow squall. After exchanging pleasantries, strapped on our snowshoes and headed out on a path through some new growth forest.

Within a few minutes, we entered the Silver Lake Wilderness Area.

The first chore was finding a good ice bridge to cross Vly Creek.

After crossing the creek, we headed uphill to cut the old road to Vly Creek Falls. There were no good views of the frozen falls, so we headed upstream, enjoying some beautiful scenery along the way.

Soon, we came to the vly that gives the creek it's name and had our first look at the ledges on Southerland Mt. in the distance.

The next part of the walk was great. We traveled along the vly through stately hemlocks, passing a the site of a deer camp and entering a box canyon at the head of the creek.

The short, but steep climb to the lesser summit of Southerland Mt. passed through a distinct notch between the peaks.

Within a few minutes, we emerged onto a wide, flat ledge looking out into the heart of the wilderness. Cathead Mt. was immediately to our south.

Wallace and Three Ponds Mts. peaked over King Vly Mt. The blustery snow flurries obscuring the view somewhat.

The snow flurries and biting wind helped us eat a quick lunch. This was no time for lollygagging as we checked out another vista before heading down the hill and out of the wind.

The walk back was great as the trail was now well packed and we made good time. The sun even came out for a little bit, brightening up the woods.

Soon enough, we were re-crossing Vly Creek.

Back at the parking area, the eight of us celebrated the end of a great little bushwhack in the Silver Lake Wilderness Area. Next time we'll do it when the sun is shining. :rolleyes:

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