lundi 13 mars 2017

An introduction

I'm new here so thought I'd say hi, and introduce myself.

I have studied karate for ~ 18 months and train 3 or 4 times a week.

We practice a full contact style, but I'm not a school snob... I think that most martial arts will contribute to your mental and physical well being and contribute to your self defence skills, and there is (almost) always something you can learn from others.


I'm about half way through the kyu belts in my club. I personally am not yet at the level of full contact sparring, but getting there. I'm really hoping that I can keep learning and increasing the level of contact and speed. Seems to be a bit of a mental challenge, because sometimes it "clicks" and sparring is awesome and relaxed and effective, and other times I overthink it and freeze up.

I also run, mostly sprint intervals, but sometimes 5 kms. I really enjoy the increase in physical fitness and mental clarity from working out regularly.

Anyway, that's me! Still a beginner, but an enthusiastic one.

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