samedi 18 mars 2017

Nice 'beginner' hike, maybe on western side?

So this is a new one for me. I'm more of a aspiring 46er and stick to the HPs. But am hoping to take a friend hiking as soon as we have a chance when summer comes around. I'm not sure how soon (of course the first part of summer brings the dreaded black flies!!!). I have a week off last week of May/beginning June, and then 2 weekends in June off. Probably end up in the thick of black flies.

But anyhow, she is not a strong hiker but loves the outdoors and has spent some time in the Adirondacks and hiked I think maybe one of the small mountains or two. I really want to do something like Cascade and Porter but I want to do an easier hike first, maybe something closer to home - we'll be coming from between Watertown and Syracuse. I know the prefect trail probably doesn't exist of course, but is there anything on the western side that offers a beautiful hike with nice views? Doesn't have to be a mountain but a little elevation gain and some up high views would be nice too but not required.

I'll be looking in the HP's as well, but thought for a first hike-date something we could do without getting up before the crack of dawn and still have time to have a dinner at a restaurant and also be back home that evening to the shores of our great lake would be nice. Probably slim pickings I know, but figured if anyone knows it'll be the experts here. :thumbs: As an alternate might go on a paddle first, or in addition too.

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