lundi 13 mars 2017

Sparring mentality


I'm new to sparring, ~18 months.

Some days, it's great and I'm in the zone. Usually when I'm sparring people around about my own level. I am relaxed, breathe, use footwork, variety of heights and attacks, combinations etc. It flows without thinking and feels really awesome.

Other days, it's awful. Usually when sparring with the black belts. My technique is worst against them, than against the lower grades. I over think it, I freeze and mentally can't get past the fact that I'm getting smashed. We can spar for 3 or 4 minutes without me landing a hit, and the longer it goes the harder for me to continue without retreating with guard up and cowering into a corner.

Any tips for how to get past this? I don't need tips on how to "win" the spar, because I won't beat them. I just need to not psych out so I can improve against higher grades.

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