mardi 14 mars 2017


This is the chronicle of Xman’s memoirs a direct student of 4 decades as a white belt master uncertified. What is a master with Chinil Chang. the history you are about to read is true, I am witness to the facts, it is not hearsay as a direct student I needed no interviews. Whether I am right or wrong. Once you read this chronicle. Then you can decide true or false, fact or fiction. This information can be crossed referenced on internet search resources.
The world needs to know about Chinil Chang’s evil ways.
CHINIL CHANG; A master strategist with plans to deceive everyone in order to receive one of the DoJu 10th Dan titles.
Choi Yong Sul; Born on July 2 1904 in Chung Bok province South Korea.
It’s a fact that during the Japanese-Korean war. Choi Yong Sul was abducted and taken from Korea as spoils of war. To the Japanese main land during World War II by the Japanese military. Along with several thousand Korean males and female to work camps in 1911. Choi Yong Sul at that time could have been about 8 to 9 years old and without a birth certificate. When taken alway from his home land Korea. In Japan a wealthy Japanese solider took Choi Yong Sul to live at his home as a servitude and at the about age of 11 years old. The solider released choi to the streets and abandoned Choi for Misbehavior. There Choi Yong Sul wandered around as did many other young Koreans abandon on the streets of Osaka, Yokahama; Japan and all shared the same common goal to survive day by day to be safe, prosper and someday return to there home land Korea. This was just one part of japan where survival day by day became common. For 2 years Choi Yong Sul worked as a servitude to be safe and prosper even without documents, birth certificate or permanent home. Until the day that Kintaro Wadanabi a samurai monk, discovered Choi Yong Sul at about 13 years old a hard working young men . Kintaro Wadanabi decided to ask Choi Yong Sul to come to his temple and live there and learn the way and prosper, Choi Yong Sul went with The monk Kintaro Wadanabi. Who then spoke to his friend Takeda Sokaku to take in and help the young men Choi Yong Sul to learn the way. Then Choi Yong Sul is taken to meet Takeda Sokaku who then take Choi Yong Sul to live at his temple to learn the way. As Choi Yong Sul worked hard doing the chores assigned him. Takeda Sokaku then started training Choi Yong Sul in martial arts the way of Daito-Ryu Aiki-jutsu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido). Takeda Sokaku would become Choi Yong Sul surrogate father. Choi Yong Sul trained for 30 years with Takeda’s son, Tokimune Takeda’s who became successor of the Daito-Ryu Aiki-jutsu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido) system before his father’s death in 1943.
There is much controversy about Choi Yong Sul history in Japan and the position held in the Daito-Ryu Aiki-jutsu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido) system. After the death of Takeda and several years of preparation in 1946 Choi Yong Sul was granted the visa to returned to Korea and lived in Taegue provenance Daegu City at the age of 47 years old and continuing to study other martial arts combining them to farther enhance his techniques and on Feb 12 1951, opened the Hapkiyukwonsul Dojang. It is from here that the history of Choi Yong Sul’s student began. Eventually with the assistance of Choi’s first students Seo Bok Seob , Ji Han Jea, Bong Soo Han, and Jung kwan Park, his prime students in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1957 Choi Yong Sul, Seo Bok Seob and JI Han Jea used the name hapkido to represent the (3 Kingdom history) of Korea’s martial arts past, Making Choi Yong Sul the founder of Hapkido a Korean martial arts system. But it was Jung Moo Kwan who first used the term hapkido to refer to the art. In 1959 the Hapkido name was permanently adopted and used for the Choi Yong Sul system. Hapkido means Aikido and both are written with the same symbols. In march 1960 the headquarters of Korean hapkido was established. Choi yong sul was appointed the first director general founder of hapkido system in Korea on September 1963. Choi Yong Sul wanted his students to unified and spread hapkido around the world. They would go with his blessing and in the 1960s, the students of Choi Yong Sul started the Emigration of Hapkido world wide mostly to the United States of America. Bong Soo Han 1967, Kim Moo Hong 1969, Jung hwan park 1972, Rim Jong Bae 1973, Lee Chong Min 1980, Yong Kim Myung 1980, Ji Han Jea 1985. Kim Yun-Sik went to Brail in 1977, IL Park Song went to Panama in 1977, Hee Kwan Lee traveled all over the world, also three others Kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, and Lim Hyun Soo who remained in Korea with Choi Yong Sul. There are many others and all have contributed to the growth of the Hapkido systematically world wide. Except for Chinil Chang came to the United States of America and settled in Manhattan a borough of New York City a province of New York State in the 1970s. Where Chinil Chang’s first students would start to take notes to write their future memoirs about Chinil Chang's history from the stories he told to the problems he caused and be duped and branded as the talking master conman. Chinil Chang would do nothing to spread Hapkido unity and its influence to a higher stage world wide. The way Choi would have wanted Chinil Chang to do. Instead Chinil Chang wanted the fame, fortune, and glory for himself. Chinil Chang would not except any of Choi’s others students regardless of when they trained under Choi Yong Sul. Because they all had become famous in hapkido Movies, hapkido Books and Organized Hapkido schools around the world. All of them shared the abilities of hapkido and envisioned to move hapkido forward around the world as Choi Yong Sul knew it would be. Each and every one of them would have theire own identity and all will represent hapkido as granted by founding father Choi Yong Sul regardless of the names and styles of hapkido. For it was not for one men to rule the world of hapkido but for every one who branched out to make hapkido known through out the world and they too would have become their own successor for further generation to come as Choi Yong Sul said it would. This was not the case for Chinil Chang who wanted to become the Successor Crowning King and the only supreme leader of all grand masters world wide successor to the Choi Yong Sul, hapkido system.
So to do this Chinil Chang would executed a plan that he said his father used to influence Choi Yong Sul with gifts and money to get Chinil Chang fast promotions with inflated ranks while a student of Choi Yong Sul in Korea. Chinil Chang knew that Choi Yong Sul was elderly at 66 years old and could easily be deceived for years. So Chinil Chang said as successor, His hapkido empire would be built around the word. This is how Choi Yong Sul would be easily deceived by Chinil Chang’s plan to be the next successor of hapkido. It would take several years for each promotion. Well, Chinil Chang always told the students that the waiting time was not a problem. That by sending monetary funds from the his profits in America to Choi Yong Sul in Korea. This would start to secure Chinil Chang to get the 8th, 9th, and 10th Dan DoJu successor of hapkido without any further training while in America. Chinil Chang started doing every thing necessary Grooming Choi Yong Sul in order to be the next successor of the hapkido system. Chinil Chang would Plant the seed to the plan and execute it. The moment the 1st school was in operation.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일) 7th DAN BLACK BELT ( 1st Location 1970 )
Located at 4960s Broadway west 207th street Manhattan, New York City 10034
Chinil Chang, Born on June 11, 1940 south Korea trained under Choi Yong Sul for a few years in Korea. Chinil Chang a 7th Dan black belt, Emigrated to the United States of America. Settled at 100 Park Terrace west, In Manhattan a borough of NYC, NY 10034.
There Chinil Chang would fail as a master teacher because of his devil like attitude from the excessive freedom in America which instilled an arrogant behavior and decline inself discipline. Chinil Chang opens the 1st noncommercial, unlicensed and unregistered school to avoid paying any taxes even when self employed. Chinil Chang is doing great financially with easy technique, quick promoting and excepted monetary funds as donations from student to skip promotions to higher levels with no certifications for hapkido. Chinil Chang always avoided paying self employed taxes and/or filing tax forms. So the plan work both ways to get money from student and executes the plan to obtain the 8th, 9th and 10th Dan certificates and be appointed successor of hapkido. By sending monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul without further training and only go to Korea if necessary to get the certificate letter of appointments. Chinil Chang never posted any portrait of Choi Yong Sul at any of his schools to honor the founder of hapkido.
No problems, Until Chinil Chang; duped and branded the talking master. Starts telling students of his plan to become the Successor; Crowning King and supreme leader of all grand masters world wide Successor to the Choi Yong Sul, hapkido system.
Chinil Chang explained how his father used the same method to give Choi Yong Sul incentive, Monetary funds as payments for Chinil Chang to receive faster promotions. For Chinil Chang this became a normal tradition and continued sending monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul for quick promotions. Chinil Chang said he had different martial art teachers in Korea and was a martial arts master in Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Kum Do; Kendo (live-blade sword style), Chuck Pyo Do (the art of throwing knife, spike-darts, darts, stars), Dan Kum Do (the art of knife and dagger), Cha Ryuck Do, boxing, judo, ji pang e ( the art of cane ), Jang Bong togi (long staff stick fighting ), Tahn bong ( short stick fighting ) and even the strongest man able of lifting 12 plates of 50 ponds each off an incline bench. Chinil Chang said his the best martial arts master in the world, Regardless of the type of fighting styles, martial art style and weapons. Chinil Chang was the best and could beat any one. Chinil Chang also talked about having special powers and abilities far beyond normal human. Including in the physiological field, Acupressure and Spinal column treatment for paralytics to be cured completely without medicine or doctors degree. Chinil Chang always talked about all of Choi’s students as being fakes, Self proclaim black belt dan’s and not masters. Students like: Seo Bok Seob, Jung Hwan Park, Ji Han Jae, Kim Yun Sik, Bong Suo Han, Kim Moo Hong, Lee Chong Min, Rim Jong Bae, kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, Lim Hyun Soo, Myung Jae Nam, Myung kwang silk and many others. Chinil Chang also told story about the oriental ( “go game” ) as though it was some kind of oracle mystical Ouija board and if any student disagreed Chinil Chang would get very abusive to the point of hurting students and it did not matter the age of the student he hurt. That’s why I, Xman and students started to take notes for future memoirs and although everything can’t be written Because of the many incidents repeated by Chinil Chang.
I, Xman will explain as much as possible going forward read on. Chinil Chang said to me, Xman that his only interest was to obtain the 10th Dan and the students were just pawns in the executed plan. In Oct 1974, Lim Hyun Soo the longest running student of Choi Yong Sul knowing Hapkido’s true value and meaning. Opens the Jung Ki Kwan Hapkido system certified by Choi Yong Sul. Lim hyun soo is considered the top swordsman in Korea by the president of the international association of Laido, Komei Sekiguchi and the founder of the live-blade style of Chung Suk Kuhapdo. So in 1975, Chinil Chang wanted to show the world how great he was in the art of Chuck Pro Do (spike throwing). But because of his devil like attitude, He would fail drastically. During a Henry Cho all American Martial Arts Championship Exhibition, Demonstrations/Promotional event on March 1975 in New York City madison square garden felt forum. In the presence of several thousand people. Chinil Chang tried to show the world that he was the best in throwing spike darts. But Chinil Chang was seen as incapable of throwing spikes when he made unsuccessful attempts to burst balloons placed on plywood as targets. Chinil Chang was told that the iron spikes flew wobbly and away from the target balloons with every attempt. Then Chinil Chang was told to refrain from throwing at a human target. Even Chinil Chang's direct student Xman, thats me, I told Chinil Chang to use a Silhouette or mannequin instead. But Chinil Chang’s ego was at steak. So Chinil Chang took and placed Manuel, A student, In harms way, In front of the plywood to show his prowess in spike throwing. Manuel was very afraid when Chinil Chang demanded him to assist. As soon as Chinil Chang threw one of the iron spike darts at full thrust, it hit Manuel. The spike went into his neck. Manuel turned screaming in pain and fell to the ground. Chinil Chang flinched and knowing his fame was over. Chinil Chang ran up to Manuel and while pulling the spike out of Manuel’s neck. Chinil Chang was heard screaming at Manuel “Get Up Get Up” as if nothing had happened. Chinil Chang prevented Manuel to be seen or examined by doctors and instead swiftly left the scene. Then Mr. S. Henry Cho, promoter of the event, quickly stopped the media from publicizing the incident. Chinil Chang's students and parents could never understand no matter what Chinil Chang said as an excuse for sticking Manuel with the spike. Leaving them with the thought that it could have been anyone’s child and the parents had no choice but to stop sending their children to Chinil Chang for training anymore. Chinil Chang’s grasp at fame was over. Chinil Chang,s 1st school located Broadway west 207th st. Manhattan, New York City was a non commercial school to avoid paying taxes. After the incident Chinil Chang avoided paying the monthly rent to the land lord and was told to vacate the premises and shortly there after the school had a mysterious fire. The school was closed for good. Then 9 months later the spike throwing incident was published in the 1975 Dec. Issue of Black Belt Magazine the cover page title ”ARE DEMOS DEADLY” find it in google search ( Black Belt Dec.1975 ). The Black Belt Magazine organization wanted nothing to do with Chinil Chang after the spike throwing incident with Manuel. Chinil Chang has not thrown another spike since that dreadful night in 1975 to this present day 2017. Any way during 1976 Choi Yong Sul closed his DoJang and joined the Hapkido; Jung Ki Kwan Dojang created by Lim Hyun Soo certified by Choi Yong Sul and devoting himself to assist Lim Hyun Soo in Korea. As for Chinil Chang it took him many years to come up with an excuse as to what happen when the spikes were thrown at Manuel.
When asked; Chinil Chang says his hands were sweaty, Is thats the best excuse for a so call master in spike throwing “Really”. But Chinil Chang still took the change to hurt Manuel. REALLY is this a master. Chinil Chang’s ego and devil like attitude was more important then the life of a student. Manuel was never seen again. The incident was a set back for Chinil Chang to quickly capture the title of successor to hapkido system. But Chinil Chang’s plan would take hold again once another school location reopen to continue sending funds to Choi Yong Sul. After all Choi Yong Sul closed his Dojang in 1976 in Korea and did not know about Chinil Chang’s failure at fame in America. Only that the monetary funds were still on time from Chinil Chang to receive his self proclaim 8th Dan in Dec. 1977 without going to Korea for further training by Choi Yong Sul, As this had become a tradition for Chinil Chang to buy his certifications.
WIKIPEDIA: In 2003 Chinil Chang knowing about wikipedia the free Encyclopedia founded in 2001 where anyone can post Editorials and edit with whole lies as evidence to some truth. So Chinil Chang would use wikipedia to write his cover up story presenting himself honorable and famous. When the reality is he's dishonest, since arriving to America all Chinil Chang has done is keep himself financially secured by deception from 1970 to 2017 for 47 years. Continue reading the chronicle of Xman memoirs, my experiences with Chinil Chang. Learn the facts how Chinil Chang enlisted Vincent Giordano to start posting editorials in wikipedia as dictated by Chinil Chang. A lot of misinformation, half truths, In a self serving marketing web site. For me, Xman it seems Chinil Chang is mentally ill and doesn’t see himself as such and yet for him everyone else is the problem. Vincent Giordano had been a short time hapkido student in late 1985 to1986. Receiving the rank of purple belt and quit never returning, yet claiming himself to be an unpublished hidden master. There’s a lot of that going around: self proclaim masters. As for me, Xman White belt never certified by Chinil Chang.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2013 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Furthermore, the future Grandmaster, who was a personally trained, closed-door disciple of Choi, was given Letter of Appointment certificates, the second dated Dec 1 1977 for the 8th Dan.
Xman since Chinil Chang was always in America since 1970s and never had a long term trip to Korea for further training in real time with Choi Yong Sul. This fact that the 8th Dan was obtain with monetary funds sent to Choi Yong Sul from Chinil Chang was no secret.
Choi Yong Sul Hapkido system would grow world wide by personally training his closed-door disciple and longest running favorite student Lim Hyun Soo at the Jung Ki Kwam Dojang in Korea. Of which Chinil Chang never made himself available to take part since living in America.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일) 8th DAN BLACK BELT DEC 1977 ( 2nd Location 1978 )
Location at 5657 west 232nd St. Bronx, New York City 10463
Again this was an unregistered commercial school to avoid paying taxes. Chinil Chang’s attitude instilled a more arrogant devil like behavior because of his past failures. Chinil Chang decided to keep a low profile, while the incident with Manuel in 1975 got forgotten. Like self- exile to isolate himself away from martial arts events and hide for a while in a new location teaching. Self-exiled, Chinil Chang knew he was unknown in the new area and no one could possibly know of the past incidents and failures. As Chinil Chang knew that the Martial Arts culture was still at it’s early stage in the United States of America. By capitalizing on this to find students to join for training in martial arts. With some advertising people started to visit and inquire about the Hapkido training. Soon Parents started joining their children to take lessons. Many adults also joined for training. Chinil Chang let some former student to also joined because he needed the money. Which was bad because they knew about Chinil Chang’s spike throwing incident at Manuel. The incident in Madison Square Garden 1975 and later Chinil Chang would hurt these students to get rid of them before they talk about it to others. Not Xman as a direct student follower of Chinil Chang I remained loyal. Xman, that’s me I instructed the students as I learned. (“THE WAY”) The aspects of physical training required to maintain our health and application in the Hapkido system. When Chinil Chang could not come Xman, that’s me, I open and close the class sessions and never asked or was given any payment and/or special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. I paid monthly dues to Chinil Chang for my training and dues for promotions and received only peaces of color tapes on the tip of the belts to show the rank level. No one ever got any certifications from Chinil Chang for the promotion test which was included in the cash payments. This is how Chinil Chang cheated the student to prevent them from having proof of there training with him. This was Chinil Chang’s way to keep hidden in self-exile. Even for the hapkido students Chinil Chang was training part time at the John F. Kennedy High School, located at 99 terrace view avenue Bronx NY. For Chinil Chang this was great financially not having to produce certificates and have the extra funds to continue the plan to become the next successor of hapkido. So Chinil Chang made sure he got his certifications from Choi Yong Sul. But Chinil Chang never gave hapkido certificates to his own students to present day. Chinil Chang knew that Choi Yong Sul wanted to appoint someone that would unify hapkido world wide and someone as the hapkido advisor in the United States of America. Chinil Chang continued to influence Choi Yong Sul by sending large amounts of monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul in Korea, since no one else was doing it and since Chinil Chang was in America. This would buy Chinil Chang the self proclaim first 9th dan black belt granted by Choi Yong Sul in March 1980 while in America 10 yrs without further training in his home land Korea with Choi who was training his closed-door disciple longest running favorite student Lim Hyun Soo at the Jung Ki Kwam Dojang in Korea. Chinil Chang never made himself available since living in America and continuing his abusive power of authority for years to come.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2003 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Chang also had the privilege and honor of being the first Hapkido master awarded the 9th Dan certificate by Choi in 1980.This gave Chang more progressive power and authority in Choi's Hapkido Association.
Xman of course this is not true for Choi Yong Sul had no documents Identifying his position and/or rank Dan in the martial arts of Daito-Ryu Aiki-jutsu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido) in Japan and as Hapkido in Korea. The only 10th Dan was Takeda’s son, Tokimune Takeda’s who became successor of the Daito-Ryu’s Aiki-Jujustu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido) ) in Japan. Known as Hapkido in Korea and 9th Dan Chinil Chang was one of many before him, Because Hapkido is Aikido. Again it wasn’t without a buy out payment to Choi Yong Sul. This gave Chinil Chang more progressive power and authority to neglect his duty to the growth of Hapkido in America and Chinil Chang would make every attempt to prevent its growth world wide. Every one else moved forward spreading hapkido world wide making it what it is today and how it will evolve for generations to come and Chinil Chang would continue to face many failures as a master teacher because of his devil like attitude from the excessive freedom in America which instilled an arrogant behavior and decline in self discipline. Unknown to Choi Yong Sul that Chin il Chang had no intentions to ever unify or contribute to the growth of hapkido in anyway. Chin il Chang continue to explained to me, Xman that his real interest was to obtain the title 10th dan DoJu successor to the hapkido system while in America and persuaded Choi Yong Sul to grant it through a buy out. As his father did. By doing this he would remove the title of DoJu out of Korea and into America. This was how Chinil Chang become known as the talking master. Choi Yong Sul had two titles to appoint, A DoJu successor of the hapkido system in Korea and a Advisor of the hapkido system in the united state of America. Chinil Chang wanted both titles for himself. Now In Korea Choi Yong Sul in 1979 decided to appoint Micheal Wollmershauser as the first and only American ever to have been trained by Choi Yong Sul to inherit the title of the American hapkido adviser in U S A . Now Choi Yong Sul wanted to visit America and said this to Micheal Wolmershauser. in 1979 Choi Yong Sul is 75 year old so Micheal Wolmershauser assured Choi Yong Sul that the arrangements will take place to go visit Micheal Wolmershauser in America. Chinil Chang wanting all the titles for himself, is now raged, Angered and disliking Micheal Wollmershauser as the American advisor of hapkido. Chinil Chang remained unwilling to take part in the growth, unification and spreading Hapkido in America or world wide 1980. On July 26, 1980 The Hapkido Dojang built in Geumsan province by Choi’s students Kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su and Kim Hyun Bae in Korea. Was certified by Choi Yong Sul with the use his name as the Hapkido (Yong Sul Kwan) Hapkiyusul headquarters. For theIr commitment in preserving the growth of hapkido for future generations to learn. Choi Yong Sul appointed Kim Yun Sang as the Kwonjangnim. This gave Kim Yun Sang more progressive power and authority in Choi's Hapkido system in Korea. When Micheal Wollmershauser returned to the USA he started to focus on developing and promoting the growth of Hapkido in America as Yong Sul Choi wanted. In June 1981 Mike Wollmershauser extended an invitation and made all arrangements for Choi Yong Sul at the age of 77 years old to come to the USA.
Where they would have a video recorded interview, Chinil Chang was the translator for Choi Yong Sool announcing formally Mike Wollmershauser as the American hapkido adviser in 1981.That’s when I, Xman, met Choi Yong Sul. So at this interview Chinil Chang as the translator intervenes to alter the results. Arranging to be announced as a probationary period for Chinil Chang to be the acting successor of hapkido. This would not be official for several years until Choi Yong Sul would formally transfers the title. Once again this angered Chinil Chang that Mike Wollmershauser is the adviser for U S A hapkido system. So what Chinil Chang did next was dishonest by taking the video tape containing the contents of the interview to prevent Mike Wollmershauser from publishing the article in the Taekwondo times. For the world to know who was appointed the America adviser of hapkido. Chinil Chang said the tape would be handed back to Mike Wollmershauser the next day and that did not happen. So by taking the video tape Chinil Chang violated the trust of Choi Yong Sul, Mike Wollmershauser, and Xman and all who would learn of this act of mistrust by Chinil Chang. Every one knew that the only interest for Chinil Chang was to obtain the title hapkido successor and nothing else mattered. In Aug 1981 Chinil Chang reduces Xman’s rank of 3rd Dan black belt to serve a 2nd term as a 9th Kup white belt and destroys all recorded/ documents showing the length of time in years Xman trained and a total payment of $20,000.00 dollars cash. This would be Xman’s 2nd term as a white belt in 1981. Chinil Chang did this to Xman for speaking out about the video beta tape interview recording which was not given back to Mike Wollmershauser to publish in TaeKwonDo Times Magazine. Any way Mike Wollmershauser went on and founded the American Hapkido Association in 1981 to spread the goal as Choi Yong Sul wished. Now since Chinil Chang could not afford to lose the 2nd school not yet anyway. The student techniques were easier. Chinil Chang continued to denounce Choi Yong Sul students and continues his devil like attitude at 41 years old doing nothing for the growth and unity of hapkido for Choi Yong Sul. Xman, that’s me I remained with Chinil Chang inspite of being reduced to white belt in 1981 and followed the instruction of the other higher ranking students to which I had given lesson too. For Xman, that’s me, failure is an illusion. So I got better with time and continued writing about my experiences with Chinil Chang for my future memoirs. Then in 1982 Chinil Chang had me, Xman sign a 1 year contract to start over on a 2nd term to get a yellow belt within 6 months. So I, Xman trained with a humble heart. Chinil Chang’s evil way wouldn’t stop Xman, a strong minded young man smart in many trades. Xman would help Chinil Chang with many endeavors where Chinil Chang could not undertake. Any way as time has it. In 1982 Choi Yong Sul would be returning to the U S A not to bring together all of the Hapkido factions as written by others. Because there were many Hapkido factions and none would cooperate with each other, Choi Yong Sul’s visit was to meet with former Korean students, Bong Soo Han in Hollywood, California and endorse the international hapkido federation founded by Bong Soo Han in 1974. Also to meet Rim Jong Bae in Baltimore, Maryland and endorse Rim’s Hapkido. Also for the purpose that their might be a chance to bring harmony with all Hapkido faction with the right men as separated as they were even if not united. Because Chinil Chang had no intentions to try and do this as Choi Yong Sul Wanted.
Since Bong Soo Han a Korean, Born in Aug 25, 1933, came to America In 1967 and the first to introduce hapkido to the USA and was given the title farther of hapkido in America and also introduced hapkido into the Hollywood movies and gain critical acclaim status and was dubbed father of hapkido USA . Bong Soo Han also published the first English Hapkido book in 1974 in the USA and founded the international hapkido federation in 1974. Bong Soo Han’s movies; Billy Jack 1971 and the trail of Billy Jack 1974, The golden goose 1974, The Kentucky fried 1977, Inducted into Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame 1978 and the movie the Little Dragon in 1980. The movie Billy jack was vary inspirational for me, Xman, when I saw it. Bong Soo Han, was to make the arrangements for Choi Yong Sul to visit Hollywood California and see how Bong Soo Han, had made the culture of Hapkido evolve in the United States of America as Chio Yong Sul envision it would be. Bong Soo Han a foremost practitioner and promoter of the growth of hapkido for 15 years since 1967 thru 1982. A translator will not be needed at this meetings between Choi Yong Sul and Bong Soo Han or Choi Yong Sul and Rim Jong Bae who in 1973 came to the U S A and lives in Baltimore Maryland to continue promoting the growth of traditional Hapkido to present day 1982 as Choi Yong Sul wanted. Rim Jong Bae would make the arrangements for Choi Yong Sul to visit Baltimore, Maryland. Anyway Chinil Chang explained to Xman that the meetings would not take place in neither the state of California or Maryland. Because all that Chinil Chang had done to capture the title of Hapkido successor by deceiving Chin Yong Sul would have been lost. Chinil Chang knew Choi Yong Sul was ill and his life near its end. If the meeting were to take place. The title of Hapkido successor might be given to Bong Soo Han or Rim Jong Bae. So Chinil Chang intervenes again and in June 1982 arranged for Choi Yong Sul to come instead to New York for a second interview to be recorded in writing announcing Chinil Chang as the acting successor of hapkido until fully granted by Choi Yong Sul at a later year. Rim Jong Bae and student Joseph Sheya attended Chinil Chang’s meeting and two others not named which helped Choi Yong Sul get around walking and sitting. Bong Soo Han was not invited to attend. At the meeting Chinil Chang again translated for Choi Yong Sul so that the announcement could be written in english by Joseph Sheya. This took place at the Yong Bin Kwon, Korean restaurant in NYC. After the meeting Chinil Chang took Choi Yong Sul to visited the 2nd school Location at 5657 Broadway west 232nd St. Bronx, New York City 10463. Once there Choi Yong Sul again had to be assisted getting around as well to be seated as he was of aged and ill. Chinil Chang then presented Choi Yong Sul with a hand-tied bouquet of flowers, followed by a photo shoot session with Xman and the other students as Choi Yong Sul sat in the center of them. This was also where in 1981 the recorded interview with Michael Wollmershauser the American hapkido advisor took place. After NYC, Choi Yong Sul went with Rim Jong Bae to Baltimore, Maryland. Rim Jong Bae knew that Choi Yong Sul was being groomed by Chinil Chang for the title 10th dan Doju successor of the Hapkido system. After Joseph Sheya published and copyrighted the interview of the statement translated by Chinil Chang in June 1982 for Choi Yong Sul. Several errors were found and left uncorrected providing proof Chinil Chang didn't translate information properly.
In Aug 1982 students witness that Chinil Chang seemed mad and angry to the point that during a class session Chinil Chang at 43 years old loses control and became abusive to a student with a sudden forward thrust front kick to the knee of the 7 year old boy a yellow belt. The boy collapse to the ground in anguish. His mother a green belt and his twin brother a yellow belt both rushed over to help him get up. The young boy was lipping and had to be sat down. The mother was frighten of Chinil Chang,s abuse towards her young son. That was the last time they were seen. The mother quit with her two twin sons to get away from Chinil Chang. Undeniably Chinil Chang knows about his abusive action that day toward that child in 1982. Parents withdrew theire children also to get them away from Chinil Chang. So I, Xman got better with time and continued writing about my experiences with Chinil Chang for my future memoirs. That young boy might grow up with a bad left knee and always afraid. That day in aug 1982 Chinil Chang was like a raged gorilla attacking a harmless chipmunk. This was so unbecoming of a master Chinil Chang a 9th dan. What could that young boy had done to get abused by Chinil Chang with disregard to the boys mother and other students that were present also quit in 1982. Xman, I felt the anguish that the little boy and mother was going through, my son at that time was 7 years old and I was glade not to have him in Chinil Chang’s classes. So for me, Xman it was imperative to remain with Chinil Chang to gather important data and Information to write future memoirs like this. According to Chinil Chang in 1983 Choi Yong Sul promoted his longest running student of 19 years Lim Hyun Soo to be the second 9th dan black belt in Korea. Now that Chinil Chang was no longer the only 9th dan black belt. The waiting time to become the 10th Dan became a problem. Chin il Chang was very upset because this could jeopardize his grasp for the 10th dan title successor of the hapkido system. Here again in 1983 students witness Chinil Chang raged with anger and would hurt another student a teenager. Paplito a green belt was being himself practicing and exercising round about as every one was doing. When along came Chinil Chang straight in front of Paplito and slapped Paplito so hard on the face that the kid went into a temporary shock of paralysis for a moment. When Paplito recovered scared and so frightened he ran out of the school and never returned. Every one could not believe that Chinil Chang would once again hurt and mistreat another young student. Now the other young teenagers also quit to get away from Chinil Chang. At this moment I, Xman knew that this was a pattern for Chinil Chang to be abusive toward students. So now I, Xman would have to wait for Chinil Chang to act against other student. To have more to write my future memoirs like this. It was just a matter of time and would not be long. such was the case when Chinil Chang at 43 years old had to be alone with a student a young teenage girl Marie and had her dressed up only in a leotard, a unisex skin-tight one piece garment and perform full splits for him to take pictures of her with no uniform blouse or pants. No one was present with Marie when Chinil Chang had this photo shoot with the young girl. Marie told the other young female students of the photo shoot which prompted them to get away from Chinil Chang and never return. It was after several days later when Chinil Chang had the developed pictures. That I, Xman on coming to class and found Chinil Chang alone with Marie. She was asking for the pictures. Once she had them she came up and showed them to me. She said to me look what Chinil Chang had me do and she looked back at Chinil Chang.
She was frighten. I, Xman looked at the picture and then looked at Chinil Chang and knew it was wrong of him to do this with Marie without someone else present. Chinil Chang looked back at me in anger with devilish eyes because once again. I, Xman witness the bad side of Chinil Chang. the girl left with her pictures and never return for class again. But as always Chinil Chang had the natives and copies of the pictures why!. If Chinil Chang wanted pictures of Marie doing the full side split he could have taken them with her wearing the hapkido uniform and other students present. Again I felt the anguish that the Marie was going through, my daughter at that time was 13 years old and I was glade not to have her in Chinil Chang’s classes. So the next time I, Xman came to class and was going about practicing waiting for Chinil Chang to come to the school. Thats when Chinil Chang acted against me. He came in walked towards me and strikes with a front thrust kick to my groins so hard wearing shoes. I fell to the ground and I stood there for a while. I thought to my self this mother ****er could have killed me and then I thought, Don’t do anything stupid calm down I will prevail. I am strong and the future awaits my memoirs. So I must carry on to tell about the perverted evil person Chinil Chang. On that day I became a victim of Chinil Chang’s abusive ways. The following days many of the students who witness the abuse never returned after seeing what Chinil Chang had done to the lead student me, Xman. Of course no one knew that it was over the pictures that I, Xman saw of Marie in her leotard provocatively performing splits as Chinil Chang had her do. Time after time the rogue Chinil Chang continued his abusive ways against students and I, Xman would be around to note it and I knew Chinil Chang would repeat these abuse. Again It was just a matter of time. In 1984 Rim Jong Bae went to Korea and was promoted to 7th dan black belt by Choi Yong Sul. Also recognized for there outstanding work in spreading the growth of hapkido around the world are the three students who remained with Choi Yong Sul in Korea, lim hyun su 9th dan 1983, Kim Yun Sang 9th dan 1984, and Lee Yong Su 9th dan 1984. All personally trained, closed-door disciples and outstanding students of Choi Yong Sul. All three promoted to 9th dan granted by Choi Yong Sul letters of appointment certificates giving them all more progressive power and authority into the most esoteric techniques and secrets in sharing Choi’s complete system of hapkido with full documents and records. All of Choi Yong Sul students knew that Chinil Chang was the wrong person to be the successor. Because Chinil Chang had no interest to do any thing for the growth of hapkido unity and hid this fact from Choi Yong Sul. Every one knew that Choi Yong Sul's greatest dream was for the successor to unify hapkido world wide. Chinil Chang did not envision Choi Yong Sul greatest wish and since Choi Yong Sul was ill and life’s at end. All Chin il Chang had to do was wait. Chinil Chang continued funding and persuading Choi Youg Sul to pass the 10th dan Doju successor of hapkido to Chinil Chang. Now that Kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, and Lim Hyun Soo were all promoted to 9th dan black belts this gave them more progressive power and authority in Choi's Hapkido system in Korea. Now the title of hapkido successor may not get to Chinil Chang. It was during this time that the few remaining students again witness Paplito elder brother Carlos a brown belt and former student of Chinil Chang returned to a class session and confronted Chinil Chang about the slapping of Paplito’s face. Well, what happen next.
Chinil Chang’s got raged and pushed Carlos shoving him so hard on the chest forcing Carlos to lose backward balance and falling hitting the back of his head on two winging doors breaking the glass on the doors. Carlos was petrified and could not say anything or do anything except to get away from Chinil Chang. Carlos never returned as well as the last students quit. Now Xman knew that Chinil Chang would get away with these acts of student abuse because Chinil Chang knows that he can’t be held accountable for any injuries and/or accident that occurs during training and this was toward Chinil Chang’s advantage to use without it being obvious. Carlos who was around in 1975 when Manuel got the spike dart stuck into his neck and was one more reason for Chinil Chang to get rid of Carlos for good. This would not be the last incident committed by Chinil Chang. As I, Xman said before about writing memoirs, I will write as much as possible about the incidents I encountered with Chinil Chang’s devil like attitude and abusive behavior towards the students. Which Chinil Chang knows undeniably are true because of the students that are witnesses. By this time Chinil Chang's abuse of students was such that only a few students were left. Then in 1984 Chinil Chang was also in the verge of losing the part time job teaching at the John F. Kennedy, High school. So Chinil Chang arranged to preform a Kung Fu; Kum-Do (Kendo-live blade sword style) demonstration at the John F. Kennedy, High School Auditorium. Xman, I was invited by Chinil Chang to take part so I did. All was going as planed with the short hapkido demonstration. Until Chinil Chang decided to have me, Xman stand at attention on stage and hold an apple in my mouth while Chinil Chang cut sliced peaces with a sword. I, Xman was concern and feared the worst that could happen if Chinil Chang missed. Would my face be disfigured or worst. Any way I took that chance for my future memoirs. Then Chinil Chang said do not move while the sword was in motion. So Chinil Chang started wilding the sword vertically upward and downward to splice the apple and after the first slice of the apple. The second attempt missed cutting into my green belt. At that moment I, Xman moved back aways from Chinil Chang, Removed the apple from my mouth to stop the demonstration. That was to close for comfort. Chin il Chang had lost control of the sword is this a kendo master or was Chinil Chang trying to cut Xman. As Chinil Chang did in 1975 when he throw the spike dart into Manuel’s neck. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a green belt in 1984. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981. Xman, I still have the green belt from 1984 that Chinil Chang cut with the sword which he has to this year 2017. So after the demonstration the last remaining students quit. For Chinil Chang that was not a problem because there were already new students enrolled to start the following days. At this point Xman as a hidden black belt wearing a green belt purple tip. I still remained with Chinil Chang. I never asked Chin il Chang if he kept the part time job at the John F. Kennedy, High School. Because Chinil Chang could not manage his own schools. Anyway during the probation period for 10th dan Chinil Chang start to get angry waiting. Because at this point in time Choi Yong Sul was 80 years old and ill. So not knowing how long it would take to get the 10th dan from Choi Yong Sul before someone else got it. Chinil Chang began again mismanaging the school coming late and neglecting the duty of teaching the classes and being abusive toward hurting the students. Leaving other students like my self to open the school and train the students. When Chinil Chang showed up late or not show up at all.
Because of Chinil Chang’s devil like attitude and corrupted ways. What happen next was unbelievable. once again Chinil Chang said he is a master of sticks long or short and started to demonstrate the art of the stick technique swinging it around wildly losing his grip on the stick and the stick went airborne towards the waiting area there the parents and other children were sitting. the stick struck a child on the face cutting the skin causing bleeding. the parents could not believe want just happened. Chinil Chang rushes over knowing there is nothing he could say or do that would comfort anyone and be forgiven of this act of hurting other child or person. The parent took the child to the hospital and were never herd from again.
Chinil Chang like every other incident again got away with it. I Xman asked Chinil Chang what could he had done to prevent losing the stick and he said it should have had a short sling attached to but the wrist into and secure it in place. But the thought was a little to late and the incident irreversible. For Chinal Chang the cost of incompetence came in the following days students quit the school, except Xman, that’s me gathering data for my memoir, alway loyal, ready to help and trying to under stand why Chinil Chang would want the title 10th dan dojo of hapkido successor with no intent to do anything for the growth of hapkido as Choi Yong Sul wanted. Chinil Chang always mismanaged his schools. In 1984 again Chinil Chang stopped paying the rent to the land lord and he was evicted and forced to close the 2nd school.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일) 9th DAN BLACK BELT MARCH 1980 ( 3rd Location 1984 ).
Located at 5591 Broadway west 231st ,Bronx, New York City 10463.
Chinil Chang’s 3rd school was unregistered commercial business to avoid paying taxes, In a renovated basement, that was all that was available at the time. The land lord helped with the utilities such as electricity, use of rest rooms, heating and air conditioning to assist Chinil Chang to get the school started all for the rent of $100.00 dollars per month. It was a small place with a ceiling hight of 8 feet and floor space (12ft x 16ft). The male changing room had no place to hang anything in a space 4ft x 8ft . No female students would join since the incident with marie’s photoshoot by Chinil Chang in 1983 at the second school. Also Chinil Chang said if any females joined they would have to changed in Chinil Chang small office as he wanted. So with advertising signs on the street level. Only male student began to enroll for training. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a purple belt in 1984. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981. Xman, purple belt and the only lead student, I continued doing most of the students training. Because Chinil Chang was not around most of the time. Chinil Chang trained Xman his longest running and highest lead student going through his 2nd term of color belts with techniques higher then 3rd Dan and currently Xman is a purple belt instructor hidden 3rd DAN black belt. Again Chinil Chang is doing great financially with advanced payments from the new students, as always, and continued sending monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul. In 1984 Chinil Chang applied for part time work to teach hapkido martial arts at the united nations recreational club. So on sept. 1984 Chinil Chang was invited to audition for a spot in one of the united nation recreational clubs on staff day. the audition consisting of a practical demonstration of the candidate’s suitability and skills in teaching hapkido martial arts. Chinil Chang invited Xman to join him for the united nations staff day to preform demonstrations of hapkido. Xman a contractor employee at the united nations building and well known as the technician maintaining the life safety fire command system through out the building. Xman wold be A great reference for Chinil Chang. The first Demondration took place outside of the ford building at 1st ave. and 42nd st. at 1:PM and the second inside the united nations building in the Dag Hammarskjold auditorium at 7:PM with the possibility that a part time hapkido class could be established at one of the united nation staff recreational clubs at a later Date. After the audition was completed Chinil Chang was placed on notice to be called once the evaluation was completed by the clubs committee. Chinil Chang expresses thank saying you are my favorite Xman. All seem to be on schedule, except that during the waiting time to get the part time job at the united nation recreational club. Chinil Chang had to leave to Korea. Because on October 1984 the moment Chinil Chang had been planing for years had arrived. The magic of the monetary funds he gave to Choi Yong Sul. Chinil Chang said this is why he’s the best at mystical go game paving the way to the 10th Dan. Choi Yong Sul was very ill and had about a year to live. So Chinil Chang had to go to Korea and left Xman, that me, to run the school while Chinil Chang was in Korea to see how Choi Yong Sul was doing and confirm that on Jan 15 1985 the transfer of the title 10th Dan DoJu successor of the hapkido system was going according to his plan which he conceived upon coming to America in the 1970s. It would not be official until April 1985 Chinil Chang returned to America at the end of January 1985.
On February 1985 Chinil Chang would hurt yet another teenage student, Nathan who he hit so hard forcing him backward and tipping over against the book shelfs which came crashing down to the floor with Nathan. A raged Chinil Chang did this to Nathan for bringing in to class an issue of the December 1975 Black Belt Magazine titled “ARE DEMOS DEADLY” which contained the dart spike throwing incident in March 1975 at Madison Square Garden. The cover page showing Manuel going down with the dart spike stuck to his neck. That night was the last time any one saw Nathan since he never returned to class in fear of Chinil Chang. Nathan unknowingly was just another innocent teenager; a child caught up in Chinil Chang’s abuse because of his angered, past of failures. When the time came for Chinil Chang to travel back to Korea in March 1985. Chinil Chang appointed his direct, loyal and longest running student Xman, to remain in charge of the schools. “Undeniably proving that Xman is lead and only instructor” Every student respected Mr. “ X ” as he respected them and for the way Mr. X instructed the students with all aspects of the physical training required in our daily lives including for the hapkido system whenever Chinil Chang was not present as when taking the trip to Korea to be officially appointed a 10th Dan on April 5 1985. So in 1985 Choi Yong Sul at a small inauguration, granted Chinil Chang and Choi Bok Yuel booth received the status of 2nd Doju from his father Choi Yong Sul Dojunim. Choi Bok Yuel was born in 1942. As a young man he began training under his father in Taegu Korea. Therefore the second Doju of Hapkiyusul for Korea was Choi Bok Yuel, the son of Choi Yong Sul Dojunim.
Present was friends, family, students and Korean sports news. The event was not covered or published in the United States or by any other Nations as well as world known Martial Arts News, Tea Kwon Do Times, black belt magazine, Kung Fu Sports, World News, and even if it was known to the Black Belt Magazine organization they wouldn’t have publish Chinil Chang because of the March 1975 incident at Madison Square Garden which was published on December 1975 titled “ARE DEMOS DEADLY” so no one really cared about Chinil Chang’s 10th Dan DoJu for America and to this day 2017 has done nothing for the Hapkido system any where but only to have removed the DoJu title out of his home land Korea into America for self fame, no fortune and rejected by every Hapkido master as he was first to reject them. Chinil Chang returns from Korea to America on April 1985 and is very proud that the school and students he left Xman in charge of had been perfectly maintained and the students trained. Chinil Chang shows Xman the 10th Dan certificate letter of appointment and the scroll letter of appointment DoJu successor of Hapkido document. Chinil Chang continued his selfish devil like attitude because of his past failures to fame and fortune. Chinil Chang got fame world wide rejected as the Successor, Crowning King and Supreme leader of all grand masters world wide. Chinil Chang; As successor of Choi Yong Sul’s Hapkido system and no empire. This because the way Chinil Chang acquired the title and alway rejected all of Choi Yong Sul students appointed 1st through 9th degree masters. Chinil Chang alway said they were all self proclaim masters, Why did Chinil Chang hate them so much. Because since the blessing of Choi Yong Sul to the students to go and start the great migration of Hapkido World Wide. This is how all the student made Hapkido famous world wide and had their fame and fortune. Anyway not for Chin il Chang with the plan to capture the title of 10th Dan completed in 1985 which took 15 years while in America without any further formal training with Choi.
So for 15 years Chinil Chang has done nothing for the growth and unity of hapkido since arriving in America as Choi Yong Sul would have wanted. Every body knew that the only fame Chinil Chang had. Was the way in which he obtained the 10th Dan title from Choi Yong Sul through monetary funds and deception. The excepted 9th Dan masters who train with Choi Yong Sul in Korea are Lim hyun su the second 9th dan in 1983, Kim Yun Sang the third 9th dan in 1984 and Lee Yong Su the fourth 9th dan in 1984. All personally trained, closed-door disciples and outstanding students of Choi Yong Sul until 1986. All three promoted to 9th Dan granted by Choi Yong Sul certificates; letter of appointments giving them all more progressive power and authority into the most esoteric techniques and secrets, sharing Choi’s complete system of hapkido. Chinil Chang got the first 8th dan in 1977, 9th dan in 1980 and 10th Dan in 1985. All while in America and without even going to Korea for any further training with Choi Yong Sul. But only by deceiving Choi Yong Sul pretending to have built a Hapkido empire in America and sending monetary fund for his personal gain to Choi Yong Sul. For this reason Chinil Chang is not recognized as the heir of the Hapkido empire and only he himself is to blame. When Ji Han Jea a prime student of Choi Yong Sul came to the USA in 1985, Ji Han Jea got working right away in America and founded Sin Moo Hapkido. Ji Han Jea took part in the Lady Kung-fu a 1972 Hong Kong film and in the Game of Death a 1972 Hong Kong film with a fight scene against Bruce Lee. Ji Han Jea undeniably made huge contributions to the growth of Hapkido, promotion and systemization world wide. The same can be said for all of Choi Yong Sul students. Except ChinIl Chang who remained unwilling to insure the continuity, growth and unity of Hapkido and continued the rhetoric about Ji Han Jea, Bong Soo Han, Mike Wollmershauser and every others students of Choi Yong Sul. So Chinil Chang is the only one to blame for his misfortune to fame and being rejected as the 10th Dan Hapkido successor world wide since 1985 to present day. The last inflated rank buy out, paid by Chinil Chang as the old Choi was very ill and illiterate with a short time to live, everyone knew in just months, Died June 1986. Xman, So here you have it, the start of Chinil Chang’s dictating cover up stories in his own elaborate lies, written by Vincent Giordano a short time student from Aug 1985 to Dec 1986 who was never around and couldn’t have known the facts about Chinil Chang’s abusive passed and deceptive ways grooming Choi Yong Sul from 1970s to 1985 and there after. Then In 1986 Chin Il Chang again applied for part time work to teach hapkido at the staff recreational club in the United Nations Building, New York City. There were already other martial arts master teaching at the recreational clubs in the United nations. The other clubs martial arts masters, teachers made up part of the committee which would decide if Chinil Chang could teach hapkido at the united nations. Chinil Chang talked to me, Xman, about the other clubs instructors rejecting him, Chinil Chang, to teach at the united nations. So it took a while but Chinil Chang was given a chance to teach hapkido to the staff at the united nations in sept.1986. Now before Chinil Chang could get started with the Hapkido Club at the United Nations. Xman would have to run the school at 5591 Broadway. While Chinil Chang was training employees at the United Nations Hapkido Club. So Chinil Chang explained to Xman hi-brown belt and lead student to run the school on broadway, which was nothing new because Xman, always trained the students which were many in three classes per day.
This was Xman’s 2nd term as a hi-brown belt in 1986. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981 and Xman alway excepted it with honor. In Nov. 1986 Choi Yong Sul dies at the age of 82 years and his vision of the unification and/or harmony of the hapkido factions never happened because the wrong person was chosen as the successor of hapkido. Chinil Chang who obtained the DoJu title successor of Hapkido by deception as everyone knew. Choi’s students got them selfs to Korea for the wake and burial. Xman remains to run multiple classes, training the students until Chinil Chang returns from Korea. Chronicles of Xman’s memoirs a direct student of Chinil Chang for 16 years and follower of Chinil Chang remained loyal. Xman, I instructed the students as I learned. The way to all aspects of the physical training required in our daily life and how to apply it when training in the hapkido system. When Chinil Chang could not come, Xman, that’s me, I open and close the class sessions and never asked or was given any payment and/or special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. I paid monthly dues to Chinil Chang for my training and dues for promotions and received only peaces of color tapes on the tip of the belts to show the rank level. No one ever got any certifications from Chinil Chang for the promotion test which was included in the payments. This is how Chinil Chang continued cheating the students to prevent them from having proof of there training with him. Now Chinil Chang did trained Xman his longest running and the only lead student going through his 2nd color belts terms with techniques higher then 3rd degree. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981.Xman, I’m writing my memoirs in order to educate the public about individuals like Chinil Chang. Who’s students are abused, cheated out of certifications for there achievements. Chinil Chang who continues the rhetoric denouncing the other Hapkido Masters as being self proclaimed. Chinil Chang is not the person he portrays to be. Chinil Chang self proclaimed himself to be successor and heir of the hapkido system when he executed the plan in 1970 to deceive Choi Yong Sul in order to obtain 1 of the 10th Dan and successor title. His only concern was to obtain the 10th Dan and successor titles which came 15 years later in 1985 and now that in 1986 Choi Yong Sul died the only other 2nd DoJo 10th Dan is Choi Bok Yuel, the son of Choi Yong Sul Dojunim. When Chinil Chang return from Korea to America in 1986 again was very proud that the school he left Xman in charge of has been open every day for three classes per day, perfectly maintained and all students remained which were many children and adults. Chinil Chang continues the part time work of teaching Hapkido at both the United Nation Recreational Club in Manhattan, NY and at John F. Kennedy High School in Bronx, NY. While in the absence of ChinIl Chang, Xman ran the school at 5591 broadway west 232nd st. in Bronx, NY.. Xman I never asked or was given any payment and/or special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. I paid monthly dues to Chinil Chang for my training and dues for promotions and received my peaces of color tapes on the tip of the belt to show the rank level. I never got any Certifications from Chinil Chang for the promotion test which was included in the payments as when on January 1987 Chinil Chang promotes Xman to red belt but still a hidden advanced 3rd Dan black belt. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a red belt in 1987. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981. Xman, I trained hard with a humble heart in spite of the bad times with Chinil Chang and for the future that was yet to come.
For Xman failure is an illusion. Chinil Chang was doing the part time work running classes at the UN club and at John F. Kennedy high school. While Xman run classes at 5591 Broadway the school in the Bronx. Again Xman proved to be a great asset for Chinil Chang. During this period Tragically, Choi Bok Yuel the 2nd Doju of Korean Hapkiyusul died in 1987. Chinil Chang’s ego soars rejoicing as the one and only King of the Hapkido Empire.
TAEKWONDO TIMES MAGAZINE: November 2006 page 28.
Choi’s family and widow wife posted the second DoJu certificate dated Jan 15 1985 of Choi Bok Yuel son of Choi Yong Sul. this certificate proves that the authority of the Korean DoJu was given to Choi’s son Choi Bok Yuel. With the responsibility to maintain and preserve the Hapki Martial Arts way, secrets and all techniques in their original forms without modifications. To further passing the Hapki Martial Way for future generations for its growth of awareness.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2015 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying:
One lineage created further controversy by stating Choi passed the system to his only son, Choi Bok-Yuel, which is incorrect, misleading, and insulting to the legacy and wishes of Choi.
Xman, Chinil Chang is the one lineage who created further controversy by stating Choi passed the system only to him, which is incorrect, misleading, and insulting to the legacy and wishes of Choi. As has always been the case for Chinil Chang’s unwillingness to participate in Choi’s wishes and envisioned dream to unify and spread hapkido world wide as everyone else did. The truth of the matter is that Choi split the 10th Dan Successor of hapkido between his only son, Choi Bok Yuell the 2nd Doju of Korean Hapkiyusul system and Chinil Chang the 2nd Doju of the American hapkido system. Here again tragically, Choi Bok Yuel the 2nd Doju of Korean Hapkiyusul died in 1987 leaving a void with no 2nd Doju for Korean Hapkiyusul hapkido system. Chinil Chang’s ego soars rejoicing as the one and only King of the Hapkido Empire. Now because Chinil Chang removed the DoJu from Korea and into America. It wouldn’t be long before Choi’s linage family would appoint a new 3rd DoJu 10th Dan for Korea’s Hapkiyusul hapkido system.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2003 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: A direct student of Choi, Chin Il Chang ( 장진일 ) inherited the title of Doju in Choi's personal and complete system of Hapkido on January 15, 1985, becoming the second direct lineage Grandmaster.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2006 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: On April 5 1985 Choi personally awarded Chang the only existing 10th Dan certificate in Hapkido history.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2006 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: A large inauguration ceremony followed on April 11, 1985. The historic event was covered and documented by Korea Sports News and MBC Korean Television. Choi Yong-sool, Chang, and Choi's son, the late Choi Bok-Yeol, were in attendance.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2006 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Chang is the only Hapkido master ever awarded the 10th Dan and DoJu title directly from Choi. This specific certificates 10th Dan ranking in 1985, amply demonstrate that Choi was grooming Chang to be the future Grandmaster of Hapkido.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2006 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Black Belt Magazine, Respecting Chin Il Chang as the second lineage successor, asked him to write a brief obituary on Choi that appeared in the April 1987 issue.
The Black Belt Magazine organization wanted nothing to do with Chinil Chang after the spike throwing incident with Manuel in 1975. Now being a competitive article it was decided for a fee paid by Chinil Chang. The obituary of Choi would appear on the April 1987 issue of Black Belt Magazine 1 month before the Taekwondo issue of May 1987.
TAEKWONDO Times Magazine, After the death Choi Yong Sul Respecting Choi Bok Yuel as the second DoJu lineage successor of Korean Hapkido, Published a brief obituary of Choi which appeared in the May 1987 issue.
Then on January 1988 Chinil Chang promoted Xman to 1st dan black belt and still a hidden advanced 3rd Dan black belt. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a 1st dan black belt in 1988. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981 for speaking out about the video beta tape interview recording of 1981, which Chinil Chang took and did not return it to Mike Wollmershauser to be published in Taekwondo Times Magazine. Xman, as time would have it. On March 1989 Michael Wollmershauser comes out and publishes the article in the Taekwondo Times Magazine pages 53, through 57 and 78 explaining to the readers how the interpreter of the interview Chinil Chang took the video tape saying he would return it the next day to Michael Wollmershauser in 1981, and how Mike Wollmershauser and Choi Yong Sul trusted Chinil Chang; that trust was violated, the video tape was never returned, despite that Mike Wollmershauser requested many time for the video tape to be returned Chinil Chang refused to honor that request. Since the incident in 1981 only small group of people knew that Chinil Chang was dishonest and not to be trusted with other peoples property. Which is why Mike Wollmershauser went public to make the facts known about Chinil Chang to a greater audience through taekwondo times magazine, Now when Chinil Chang found out and read the March 1989 issue of taekwondo times depicting him as a thief and that a greater audience had been reached and maybe including the student at the United Nation Club, John F. Kennedy High school, The Bronx Taekwondo-Hapkido School and the likes.
Chinil Chang is the only one to blame for his devil like attitude, raged with anger for not returning the beta video cassette tape of the 1981 Interview with Mike Wollmershauser. Well, what happens next; Remember the talking master; Chinil Chang starts saying that there was never a video tape trying to convince every one within his reach. But after the interview of 1981 and there after, even now Chinil Chang talked about taking the video cassette tape and that he had no intention to return it. On January 1990 Chinil Chang promoted his favorite; Xman to 2nd dan black belt and still a hidden advanced 3rd Dan black belt. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a 2nd dan black belt in 1990. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981 for speaking out about the video beta tape interview recording of 1981, which Chinil Chang took and didn’t return it to Mike Wollmershauser. Year after year Chinil Chang would repeat himself about the video cassette tape. So it took some time for the article to reach Chinil Chang’s audience. But when it did his students every where started to diminish. Again all because Chinil Chang was dishonest. So now here we are in 1991 with Chinil Chang who has been 21 years in America and even now has done nothing for the growth of hapkido anywhere as the 10th dan and successor hapkido DoJu. What a waste! Now in 1991 Chinil Chang came up with a new plan for damage control to pacify the bad publicity he created by being dishonest in 1981. So to do it Chinil Chang would have to contact Mike Wollmershauser the American hapkido advisor, appointed by Choi Yong Sul in 1979. Chinil Chang being a master of deception, knew It would take time to deceive Mike Wollmershauser. So by befriending Michael Wollmershauser and participating in future hapkido events and endeavors promoted by Mike Wollmershauser it would be achieved. As Chinil Chang for years deceived Choi Yong Sul. January 1992 Chinil Chang continued grooming Mike Wollmershauser befriending him and participating in hapkido events and endeavors promoted by Mike Wollmershauser. Chinil Chang’s plan was to get Mike Wollmershauser to retract the statement he made in the march 1989 issue of Taekwondo times about Chinil Chang taking the video tape. Xman, I met Mike Wollmershauser many times since the 1980s on many occasions when waiting to meet with Chinil Chang. Xman, I always said to Michael Wollmershauser to be sure about Chinil Chang’s promise to release the 1981 video taped interview in exchange for retracting the statement Mike Wollmershauser made about Chinil Chang in the March 1989 issue of TKDT Magazine. As for me, Xman, I knew that Mike Wollmershauser’s statement was true and shouldn’t be retracted but gathering more data for the chronicles of Xman's future memoirs was just as important. Now by October 1992 Chinil Chang had persuaded Mike Wollmershauser to write a new article in the 1992 November issue of Taekwondo Times. Publicly apologizing and retracting the statement he made about Chinil Chang in the March 1989 issue of TKDT Magazine. The Article of the video tape that Chinil Chang took and did not return it in 1981 preventing Mike Wollmershauser from publishing the contents of the recorded interview with Choi Yong Sul proclaiming Mike Wollmershauser to be the appointed hapkido advisor for the United States of America. So for Mike Wollmershauser apologizing and retracting the statement In the November 1992 issue of TKDT Magazine. Chinil Chang said he would agreed to release the tape to be published for the world to know that Mike Wollmershauser is the American Advisor to the Hapkido system.
So every one should assist him in the growth of hapkido as Choi Yong Sul would have wanted. But Chinil Chang told me, Xman, that he had no intentions of releasing the video taped recorded interview of 1981. Citing that he's the only Hapkido Ruler since 1986 when Choi Yong Sul died. So Chinil Chang could not endorse Michael Wollmershauser as being the Hapkido advisor for America as Choi Yong Sul did in 1979 in Korea and officially in the video taped recorded interview of 1981 in America at Chin Il Chang’s 2nd school Located at 5657 Broadway west 232nd St. Bronx, New York City. So as always Chinil Chang remained dishonest once again by deceiving Mike Wollmershauser saying that the video tape interview of 1981 would soon be released guaranteed by December 1992. Chinil Chang lied this was not happening. Meanwhile on January 1993 Chinil Chang promoted Xman to 3rd dan black belt. This was Xman’s 2nd term as a 3rd dan black belt in 1990. Since being demoted by Chinil Chang from 3rd dan black belt to white belt in 1981 for speaking out about the video beta tape interview recording of 1981, which Chinil Chang took away from Mike Wollmershauser.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2015 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Chang's intimate video interview with his teacher DoJu Choi during his visit to New York City has been abused through numerous interpretations and translations.
Xman, The only one abusing the “intimate” video interview with Michael Wollmershauser and DoJu Choi during his visit to New York City with numerous interpretations and translations has been Chinil Chang himself.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2015 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Some have even claimed erroneously to have conducted the interview themselves, further clouding and distorting the truth and gravity inherent in the interview.
Xman, No one other then Michael Wollmershauser and Chinil Chang have laid clam to have conducted the interview themselves and is Chinil Chang who continued to further cloud and distort the truth and gravity inherent in the interview.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2015 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: These endless distortions were generally rebutted in various media each time they appeared.
Xman, There has never been any proof of endless distortions, any where published about the video interview with DoJu Choi during his visit to New York City in 1981 and therefore could not have been generally rebutted in various media each time they appeared, since there were none. The only two interviews with DoJu Choi during his visits to New York City. Were in 1981 with Michael Wollmershauser and in 1982 with Rim Jong Bae and student Joseph Sheya and of course lets not forget Chinil Chang the translator who was doing all the distortion to hide the truth of what was being said by Choi Yong Sul.
Further clouding for years what has been talked about in online social media not news media. To make matters worst for Chinil Chang on January 1993 the land lord told Chinil Chang his monthly rent was going to be increased to offset the cost of free utilities such as the electricity, water, heating and ventilation which were not included to the rent when he lent out his helping hand to Chinil Chang in 1984 to open the school located in the basement at 5591 Broadway at Bronx NY. Because financially Chinil Chang was doing great 9 years in and never returned the favor or lent a helping hand to the land lord with the utilities bills. Chinil Chang didn’t agree and refused the increase. Now the land lord wanted Chinil Chang to vacate the premises because Chinil Chang was becoming a squatter and for 2 months Chinil Chang didn’t pay the increase. So on April 1993 Chinil Chang found the place flooded with water and went and told the land lord, who said a water pipe broke and the valve was closed to stop the water. The land lord said nothing further could be done at this point except to use wet vac’s to pick up the water. There was some much water it was not possible to suck it all up. The floor rug were wet, saturated with water and there was no way to dry It. Chinil Chang knew he could not afford to close the school and lose the students. When the students arrived for class Chinil Chang didn’t say anything about the wet floor and it was every where including the changing area. Chinil Chang only told the students to wear there shoes to class. For Xman this was not right and when the students went to change. Since there was no place to hang up there clothes everything went on the floor as usual and then they realized everything was getting wet. So they got there thing together and left. Chinil Chang was raged with anger for losing two class sessions that night. The next day land lord told Chinil Chang that the broken water pipe was fixed. That same day student return for class some accompanied by there parents. The place was still wet and really smelled bad from the rugs saturated with still water over night and since the land lord stopped supplying free ventilation to the dingy basement. Because Chinil Chang refused the rent increase which included free commodities such as HVAC and electricity. Well, except for Xman every one left. To returned at a date when all would be dried. Xman, I always stayed, me being a strong minded young man smart in many trades I help Chinil Chang with many endeavors that he could not undertake such as Construction, Electrical, Renovation, Management, HVAC, Rebuilding, etc. So as the water damage dried with rented hot air blowers each day that passed Chinil Chang and Xman would still have training sessions and every so often some students came. So on April 1993 two week later the basement was dry completely. Some students return for training and all was fine. On May 1993 Chinil Chang didn’t pay the monthly rent. But on June 1993 the new rent increase would be due and Chinil Chang again refused the increase stating that he had lost revenue because of the flood and that he would only pay the usual monthly rent of $100.00 dollars. Then on July 1993 the next thing the land lord did was to turn off the free electricity to the basement to get Chinil Chang to move out. So upon Chinil Chang arriving and finding no electricity he now knew this was a battle which he could not win because the land lord was right. Chinil Chang had been renting for 9 year without having to pay for any utilities such as water, electricity, heating and ventilation bills which for any one having an establishment would have been mandatory and separate from the renting bill. Now when Chinil Chang wet to the land lord to inquire about what happen to the electricity.
The land lord said he had no idea that the electricity was out at the basement and didn’t know where or what circuit breaker would restore the electricity to normal operations. The land lord let Chinil Chang check all the electrical panels to see if the circuit breaker for the basement could be found and reset. All the circuit breaker were found restored in the normal power on position and the power to the basement was still not restored. Then I, Xman upon coming for class Chinil Chang explained that there was not lighting because the electricity was out. So I got my multimeter and went with Chinil Chang to the land lord and asked to allow me to check the electrical panels circuit breakers which I did and all were on no problems there. But I knew that the land lord had an electrician remove the cover plate of the electrical panel and disconnect the power from the circuit breaker and make it look like all was normal and there was no way of knowing which circuit breaker was bypassed and I was not allowed to remove the front plate of the electrical panel to see what had been done. Here again the student had to be told there would be no classes Thursday, Friday or Saturday. All because of Chinil Chang’s refusal to pay the rent increase of $200.00 dollars which was only $100.00 dollars more for rent. Chinil Chang was getting $4,000.00 dollars per month from the students and still wanted to cheat the land lord out of the $100.00 dollars increase. Because Chinil Chang’s greed pretending not to have money. So on Saturday morning Xman meets up with Chinil Chang at the school and troubleshot all the power outlets in the basement and came upon one outlet that had power with a output of 30 amps. So Xman went with Chinil Chang to the hardware store and picked up enough power cable to rewire all the needed lights and outlets from the 30 amps working outlet and it worked. Chinil Chang again was very proud and gratified of Xman’s capability to restore the electrical power from a circuit of which the land lord could not disconnect without effecting his own business on the first floor haha. Now when the land lord found out that the basement had power. He hired the electrician to investigate where it was coming from. Once the electrician had completed troubleshooting and gathered his findings. He went and got the land lord to show him the outlet used to power the basement. Was from a circuit of which the land lord could not disconnect without effecting his own business on the first floor haha. Now the land lord didn’t say anything at this point because he had ordered the main circuit breaker feeding the basement to be disconnected and hidden from detection in the first place. So once again Chinil Chang prevails Having free electricity but not for long. Because the land lord had enough and told Chinil Chang to move out by the end of the year December 1993. Despite this Chinil Chang continued training Xman to train the students while Chinil Chang was at the U N club, John F. Kennedy High School or at Mike Wollmershauser,s seminars. Now Chinil Chang continues to deceive and use Mike Wollmershauser in order to clear him self as being dishonest. Again Chinil Chang is doing great financially but neglecting the students every where. It didn’t matter where Chinil Chang was teaching, He never honored students with hapkido certificates. Because for Chinil Chang every one was out to take his hapkido and spread it around. As was done by all of Choi Yong Sul students. Except for Chinil Chang who cast himself out of fame and fortune by his dishonest ways, deceptions and because of his devil like attitude.
Now in August 1993 since the land lord had a demolition contractor take down a one story structure that was built on top of the back yard and no longer in use at the rear of the building.
The rear door of the basement was no longer protected by the one story structure that was removed. Now when the raining season started during the month of August 1993. Every time it rained the basement got flooded. The land lord simply wanted Chinil Chang to move out and with no quick fix to prevent the rain water from coming in from the higher elevated back yard into the basement. Now Chinil Chang knew it was time to look for a new location to move out by December 1993 as the land lord ordered. The basement got flooded from August through December 1993 and all the student quit because of Chinil Chang’s ways causing problems with land lords and one way or another getting kicked out by not paying the rent in the first place. which was why the land lord first flooded the basement via a “broken pipe”, second turned off the electricity to the basement and third flooded the basement again when rain water started entering through the back door. This was not the first and would not be the last time for Chinil Chang to be kicked out by a land lord for not paying rent. As you read the chronicles of Xman’s memoirs you will see Chinil Chang’s pattern of continues wrong doing even onto Xman his direct and only highest student for many years. Anyway as time has it Chinil Chang found a 4th location.
CHINIL CHANG ( 장진일 ) 10th DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 4th Location 1994 )
Located at 4685 manhattan collage parkway, Broadway & west 242nd St. Bx, NY 10471
Now January 1994 the place was 1.400 Sqft a good size and completely empty. It needed a lot of renovation work. The floor was concrete uneven and bulged, So a new wooden floor had to be laid and made flat for the carpet to be installed, also needed to be built was an office for Chinil Chang , a restroom, two dressing rooms for the female and male students, including the installation of barded wire fence to keep graffiti intruders from defacing the school logo and murals that would be placed on the side of the outside walls. Chinil Chang was dumbfounded with sudden wonder of the cost of several thousand dollars it would take to hire all the trades men and worker required to build everything in order for the place to be fit for a martial art school. So Chinil Chang consulted a contractor about the work to be done. The quoted price for all the trades men needed. Chinil Chang said the price was to high. Then Chinil Chang told me, Xman about the quote the construction project would cost. So this is why I, Xman continue to write my memoirs. Xman, I knew for years that Chinil Chang was alway looking for handouts free of charge. Now Xman, I had never had any type of training in any of the trades required to do the work. It just that any time I, Xman started an endeavor it would be done and completed mathematically. As Xman, I did just that many time for Chinil Chang’s previous schools. Chinil Chang knowing this to be true of me, Xman, being with Chinil Chang many years. To his surprise I, Xman said I could do all of it and the only expense would be the cost of buying everything that would be required to make it happen. At that moment Chinil Chang looked at me, Xman, and asked can you really do the work all of it and Xman, I replied of course. Chinil Chang was baffled that one man Xman could undertake such a renovation project requiring Carpentry, Plumping, Electrical, Locksmithing, Fencing, Hvac, construction and completed all by himself. Anyway I, Xman took Chinil Chang to home depot it took several trips to buy everything needed to build the school. Now after work Xman would show up to the new school location for the renovation every evening without fail Xman was there building everything himself. During the building of the school there was still time for training with Chinil Chang and five students that return from the third school no females. Then on week ends from Friday through Sunday Xman continued to renovate at times staying sleeping on the mats when tired. Chinil Chang would show up at 11: AM and be gone at 1: PM. Xman, I always stayed, me being a strong minded young man. I never asked or was given any payment and/or special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. Now the first week students from the previous school showed up to see the new location and get some training, they also wondered about me, Xman. How I was always there when they came and when they left. Xman, I was always working and still found time to train hapkido with them. Some would even help taking directions from me, Xman to build the floor. But the student didn't return again because of the work and ongoing renovation. The second week the floor got completed and the carpet Installed. So as days went by Xman continued the work. Then weeks and Xman continued nonstop at times night and day on weekends. With no one to guide me and/or company. Even Chinil Chang was not around with food and refreshments during the times I was building the school. At the end it was large, beautiful and the best place Chinil Chang ever had as a school completed March 1994.
Again it was an unregistered commercial school because as alway Chinil Chang wanted to avoid paying any government taxes. Two days later before the opening of the new school Chinil Chang meet me, Xman outside the school and said that I could only enter the new school with a lower rank. It was at this time in 1994 that once again I, Xman would be striped of the hapkido 3rd dan black belt and degraded to a green belt 6th gup by Chinil Chang. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a 6th gup green belt and 2nd time degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 and now 1994. I always suspected Chinil Chang would take this action against me, Xman. Once I had completed all the work and the school was finished as he did in the past in 1981. But I was ready and did not quit as Chinil Chang wanted me, Xman to do. Instead Xman, I excepted the arrangement in order to remain a student and continue gathering information for my future memoirs of my experiences with Chinil Chang's evil ways. Because Xman after many years of training and a total payment to date of $45,000.00 dollars cash. Xman, I would start over with no contracts, certifications and payments by cash only with no receipt as mandated by Chinil Chang. I remained with Chinil Chang in spite of being reduced to 6th gup green belt. Xman, I trained with a humble heart. For me, Xman failure is an illusion. For Chinil Chang’s evil ways it didn't matter who he hurt. But it wouldn’t stop me, Xman smart, strong, and well minded young man. It’s why I, Xman continued writing about my experiences with Chinil Chang for more future memoirs about Chinil Chang’s failures yet to come. Follow if you can and read on. Well, curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction revived the cat. So Xman, I asked Chinil Chang what empowered him to have me start over again with 6th gup green belt. His answer was he could not let go of the fact that I knew and talked with the American Hapkido Adviser Michael Wollmershauser appointed by Choi Yong Sul in 1979. Now in 1994 the school was open for business. New and former students started to enroll and here again any females that joined would quit shortly after, For Chinil Chang business was great. When Chinil Chang was not around Michael Wollmershauser visited Xman at the new school and parents and students alike learned that Xman was the sole contributor of his time and knowledge in building this marvel of a school and congratulated Xman for his contribution of the incredible school. Only the former students knew that Xman was degraded from a 3rd degree to a green belt by Chinil Chang for reasons unknown to them and Xman would only say that in a future time anyone interested, would read Xman’s memoir to learn about how Chinil Chang would alway continue his evil ways and hurt students, make trouble with other tenants and again make excuses to skip rent payments owed to the landlord and get kicked out of the premises closing the school that Xman built. Chinil Chang also get kicked out of the united nations staff recreational club for inconsistencies and mismanagement of duty as a proclaimed DoJu grand master. but in time Xman would excel again as he was now a green belt and still the lead student instructor for the new school. So by this time it was well known that Chinil Chang would once again rely on Xman to continue teaching the classes in his absence. As alway Class hours : 4:30PM to 9:30PM three class per day ( Mon. thru Fri. ) and 11:30AM to 1:00PM on ( Sat. ) Xman I was alway there for the children and adult classes. Now you would think that Chinil Chang might have changed his ways at this new school location. Well, guess again because inspite of all the past incidents and failures.
Chinil Chang continued to the rhetoric repeating himself talking about his different martial art teachers and that he was a martial arts master in Hapkido, TaeKwonDo, Kung Fu, Kum Do; Kendo (live-blade sword style), Chuck Pyo Do (the art of throwing knife, spike-darts, darts, stars), Dan Kum Do (the art of knife and dagger), Cha Ryuck Do, boxing, judo, Ji Pang E ( the art of cane ), Bong Toogi (long staff stick fighting ), Tahn Bong ( short stick six to thirty six inches fighting ) and even that he’s strongest man able of lifting 6 plates of 50 ponds each off an incline bench. Chinil Chang said his the best martial arts master in the world, Regardless of the type of fighting styles, martial art style and weapons. Chinil Chang was the best and could beat any one. Chinil Chang also talked about having special powers and abilities far beyond normal human. Including in the physiological field, Acupressure and Spinal column treatment for paralytics to be cured completely without medicine or any doctors degree. Chin il Chang always talked about all of Choi’s students as being fakes, Self proclaim black belt dan’s and not masters. Students like: Seo Bok Seob, Jung Hwan Park, Ji Han Jae, Kim Yun Sik, Bong Suo Han, Kim Moo Hong, Lee Chong Min, Rim Jong Bae, kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, Lim Hyun Soo and many others. Chinil Chang also continued to tell story about the oriental ( “go game” ) as though it was some kind of oracle mystical Ouija board. So even in this new school he became to be known as the talking master. Because since 1970 to present 1994 for 24 years. All Chinil Chang has done is disappoint every student he ever had so they would just quit. Xman these are my memoirs for December 1994. Any way with this said here we are January 1995. Chinil Chang continued teaching Xman to run the school. Chinil Chang knew that he would continue to attract an influx of students for several year. Since the new school was located in a commercial area of many retail store, manhattan college, high schools, public schools, and restaurants like IHOP, Burger King and many other. So the student would keep coming and keep him financially stable. Even if students joined and quit just the same he would be ok financially. Chinil Chang could now continue his plan of spending lots of time grooming Michael Wollmershauser who became the American Hapkido Advisor in 1979 and founder of the American Hapkido Association in 1981. So the fact that Chinil chang in 1992 did say to Michael Wollmershauser that the video recorded interview of 1982 could be released, it was not. For Michael wollmershauser it would be great if in 1995. The world could know the contents of the video recorded interview of 1982 Dictation that Michael Wollmershauser is indeed the American hapkido advisor for the USA. In 1982 this would also dictate for every one able and willingly to go fought spreading Hapkido around the world. This was Choi Yong Sul vision for Hapkido. Now Michael Wollmershauser still did not believe that Chinil Chang had no intention of releasing the 1982 video interview and let alone spreading hapkido around the world. For 25 years Chinil Chang refuses to do anything for the growth of hapkido in a big way. Michael Woolmershauser would invite Chinil Chang to come along to seminars of the American Hapkido association. Chinil Chang excepted but not without payments to speak at these evens and participate in demonstrating some techniques. Here again this was just another part time job for Chinil Chang with no intention of promoting Hapkido or endorse Michael Wollmershauser as the American Hapkido advisor the way Choi yong sul would have wanted him to. Michael Wollmershauser founder of the America Hapkido Association was always ready, willing and able to spread Hapkido without Chinil Chang.
On August 1995 Xman is the lead and only instructor promoted to purple belt. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a purple belt 4th kup since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang’s training methods to excel Xmen forward as the longest running student and hidden master to run the school. By now most of the time which became a routine for Xman as the lead and only instructor. In August 1996 the problems came when Chinil Chang started trouble with the 2nd floor restaurant owner. Chinil Chang stating to owner that water from the 2nd floor restaurant kitchen was leaking down to his school on the ground level Causing water damage to the celling and floor of his school. Chinil Chang said he could not have classes because of the water damage and asked the owner for money for lost revenue due to damaged school. Anyway Xman, I inspected the area inside the school where the water leak had been. I found the water leak stained the carpet an area 4’ x 4’ or 16 SqFt very small or nominal damage no reason for the school to be closed. Xman, I then went to the 2nd floor restaurant and asked the owner if I could see where the leak happen in the kitchen area. The owner explains that one of the sinks had a drain leak which was repaired immediately to prevent further water leaks. The owner explains; that it was an accidental leak and he was not paying Chinil Chang the money asked for. Now as always Chinil Chang had also missed monthly rent payments as he did at the previous schools. Skipping rent payments and coming up with reasons for neglecting the new Xman school , Neglected the part time job of teaching Hapkido at the club in the United Nations Building for the staff members; like students: Ernesto and Kenneth, and Neglecting the part time job teaching at the John F. Kennedy, High school. Chinil Chang was problematic to himself mismanaging his responsibilities and would have a plan and excuses to walk away financially sound to start over somewhere else “wealthy”. What happen next ? Chinil Chang contact the land lord, asked him come to the school and see the damage caused by a water leak from the 2nd floor restaurant. When the land lord came for the rent payment. Chinil chang said the 2nd floor water leak damaged the school and no classes could be held leaving him with no revenue to pay the rent. Chinil Chang said he was going to take the 2nd floor restaurant owner to court to sue for the damages done to the school. Chinil Chang also told the land lord the rent payment would be done after the lawsuit was won. The land lord said he would wait and told Chinil Chang to get him proof of the court date for the pending lawsuit against the 2nd floor restaurant owner. So Chinil Chang went to small claim court located at grand concourse 161st street Bronx, NY 10451 and got an appearance subpoena to be handed to the restaurant owner. The justice clerk told Chinil Chang that the appearance subpoena would have to be handed to the restaurant owner by someone other than Chinil Chang himself, other wise it would be void. Well, Chinil Chang asked me, Xman if I would take the subpoena and handed it to the restaurant owner. Of course I said since I had already met the owner and I knew that Chinil Chang really didn’t have a case. When Xman, I gave the owner the subpoena and he said why is Chinil Chang trying to swindle me. I explained that it was a small claim court, arbitration case and the case would be dismissed. so the restaurant owner said he would appear at the court. Now Chinil Chang contacted the land lord with proof of the lawsuit and court date. Chinil Chang told the landlord that he could not pay rent until after the court appearance for the lawsuit settlement against the restaurant owner.
So the land lord gave Chinil Chang until after the court date to pay the rent. Other wise he would have to vacate the premises that’s it, he said. While awaiting for the lawsuit court appearance which was just a month away in 1996. Chinil Chang knowingly neglected everyone while grooming Michael Wollmershauser for funds from seminars promoted by the American Hapkido Association. Since Michael Wollmershauser had been diagnosed to have terminal skin cancer which would progressively get worse. Having Chinil Chang at the seminars their might be a chance to persuade Chinil Chang to endorse Michael wollmershauser as American Hapkido Advisor as Choi Yong Sul would have wanted, But Chinil Chang was only there for the money nothing else. As with money from the Xman School, the UN Club, and JFK HS In September 1996 Chinil Chang was told the hapkido club at the united nations building was going to be terminated because the staff realizing that Chinil Chang was no show most of the time leaving the members like Ernesto and Kenneth to learn on their own and teach the others. So what happen next? Chiinl Chang had Xman join him to go to the united nation and preform hapkido demonstrations in an effort to keep the hapkido club active. As Xman was also an active contractor at the united nations building and well known as the technician maintaining the life safety fire command system through out the building. So here again Chinil chang would be given time to get his act together other wise face termination from the united nations building for good. Xman saved Chinil Chang to continue the hapkido club at the united nations building. On March 1997 Xman is the lead and only instructor promoted to Brown belt. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a Brown belt 3rd kup since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang. Now the question remained for how long would they let Chinil Chang be part of the staff clubs as he was a repeat offender not showing up on time and/or not showing up at all missing days. Chinil Chang realized all would be lost in time and made a effort to hold on to the school that Xman built, the UN Club, JFK HS and AHA. By this time his loses were begining in 1997. Now as for Chinil Chang never having any intent to promote the movement of Hapkido anywhere the way Choi yong sul wanted as all other students spread Hapkido world wide except Chinil Chang who would continue to fail as a master teacher because of his devil like attitude from the excessive freedom in America which instilled an arrogant behavior and decline in self discipline ongoing until present-day 1997. So nothing else mattered as long as he was financially wealthy. Now here we are. It was time for Chinil Chang to appear in court for the lawsuit case against the 2nd floor restaurant owner. For the day of the court appearance Chinil Chang asked me, Xman to be there at 5: pm as always I couldn't refuse to gather more data for my memoirs.What happens next was really uncalled for by Chinil Chang asking Xman to commit perjury by lying for him to say to the judge that I saw a big water leak coming out the ceiling from the 2nd floor restaurant and how the water ruined the school with mildew damage every where and the that wooden floor rotted. Xman, I knew that I could never do that which Chinil Chang wanted. So once again Chinil Chang was in for lost. So there we were in the court room. Chinil Chang versus restaurant owner. ( who's name was omitted at his request ). well the judge herd both their side of the incident which everyone knew what it was about and then the judge asked if there was any witnesses.
the owner had his dish washer worker to speak to the judge and explained how the small water leak occurred and the actions taken to fix it. this was not looking in Chinil Chang. The judge then asked Chinil Chang to present his witness Xman. The judge asked Xman if he was present or observed the water leak. Xman said no on arriving to the martial art school I just notice a stain on the carpet an area 4’x 4’ or 16 SqFt the floor and ceiling were damped. Then the judge asked was there any significant water damage, and again Xman said no it was dried and gone by the next day and classes were in session. So the judge told both the defendant and plaintiff to get along and come to terms having each a business in the same building of business and the case had no merit in small claim court. The judgement was to dismiss all claims in favor of both parties case dismissed. Now Chinil Chang was again very angry with the out come of the case and as always would start redirecting the blame on someone else. So as Chinil Chang and Xman exited the court room and through the corridor. Chinil Chang started blaming Xman stating that Xman’s testimony caused him to loose the case. This went on outside the court building at 161st street and Grand Concord. Xman a young man, strong and filled with wisdom listen while Chinil Chang vented anger and frustration. This of cause would not be the last time Xman would be blamed for the lawsuit case being dismissed and this became apparent the every next day in class as Chinil Chang continued blaming, telling lies to the students blaming Xman for losing the lawsuit. Chinil Chang was alway unforgiven to himself. Now everyone knew that Xman had told the truth to the judge. As always Xman stand his ground and remains to move onward collecting data for future memoirs based on experience from past and present event, knowing this would go on for year with Chinil Chang as is evidence here and now. This again caused Chinil Chang to get angry at the students because they disagreed and say that Xman is innocent and a just man. Again Chinil Chang’s anger became apparent during a class session lead by Xman as always because Chinil Chang was never on time. One evening when Chinil Chang arrives and starts to teach the class wearing regular clothes and shoes with hard heels 1.6 inches thick. It would seem nothing was wrong with that, but during the class session. Chinil Chang decided to use the heel of the shoe to strike a student’s ankle bone. Hitting Richie so hard that he fell down, Richie’s face was with anguish. Richie got it the worst, Richie’s ankle swelled living the class limping. Richie never return to class again as did his friend Anthony and other students. This was Chinil Chang’s way of vengeance against student who might said or done something which Chinil Chang disagreed with as in the passed. This was also to frighten the students away and start over as in the pass With new students unaware of the pass events. Chinil Chang still owed the back rent payments to the land lord. Chinil Chang tells the landlord the court case was dismissed and no student remained because of the water leak damage which again was a lie. Students were being hurt that’s why they left. Chinil Chang then asked the landlord for some time to get new students and pay the rent. Well, the land lord had enough and evicted Chinil Chang in Oct. 1998 and the Xman school was lost. What a shame it would be the last permanent school Chinil Chang would ever have for many years to come. So Chinil Chang’s plan to get quick revenue by signing up new students and having the landlord wait for the rent payments fail. The eviction came quick and by Dec. 1998 Chinil Chang had no School and Xman vowed never to build another.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2013 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: Doju Chang continues to teach in New York City after decades of maintaining a commercial school,
Xman, Well as it’s known by now Chinil Chang could never maintain any school without being evicted time after time.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일)10 DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 (5th Loc. van cortland park 1999) Well, by now Chinil Chang is searching around for a new location to rent and start a new school. Chinil Chang was rejected by the land lords through back ground check revealing his past incidents as a renter. With others the cost to rent and/or renovate was to to high. As Xman vowed never to build another. This infuriated Chinil Chang but together with Xman they carried on. So Chinil Chang told Xman and the remaining four students that classes would be held in van cortland park, across the street from the old Xman school 4685 manhattan collage parkway, Broadway, west 242nd St. Bx, NY 10471... Everyone met at van cortland park 1 to 2 days a week in the evening. At first it seemed this might work to be ok.
Chinil Chang’s 1st mandate: strictly was training students to pay in advance to continue hapkido lessons at the park. The students train on how to pay for quick promotions for inflated ranks. The cost for quick promotions and inflated ranks was not cheep from $ 1 to 4 thousand dollar each making Chinil Chang quick money tax free as usual. So I, Xman told Chinil Chang that the 1st mandate. Made the student self proclaim ranks with no certification. As Chinil Chang always talked about all of Choi Yong Sul’s students as being self proclaimed and certified. So here we have Chinil Chang himself given monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul from the 1970s through 1986 to obtained 10th Dan without leaving America and never having further training by Choi Yong Sul in Korea. So Chinil Chang is the only one to blame for not being excepted as the 10th dan Hapkido successor because every one knows the truth. One students Jonh Leshaj who joined in 1994 signed up for Chinil Chang’s program to quickly rise thru the ranks. This was quick money for Chinil Chang as a tradition tax free and unreported income.
Chinil Chang’s 2nd mandate the students to say false statements, Such as that they learned hapkido in the mountains of New York instead of in a public park, (van cortland park).
Chinil Chang.s 3rd mandate that every one listen to his daily speeches, after which some hapkido lesson would follow.
Chinil Chang started, talking sessions, speeches having nothing to do with hapkido lessons, stories about daily events which really no one wanted to here but had to stand diligently and listen.
Chinil Chang,s 4th mandates every one to bring an umbrella for whenever it might rain.
Chinil Chang would have the students open there umbrellas for cover. Then all Chinil Chang would do in the rain was talk most of the time for 1 or 2 hours about issues like rejecting Choi yong sul students, Hating the Japanese for there atrocities agains the Korean. Repeating he had different martial art teachers in Korea and was a martial arts master in Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Kum Do; Kendo (live-blade sword style), Chuck Pyo Do (the art of throwing knife, spike-darts, darts, stars), Dan Kum Do (the art of knife and dagger), Cha Ryuck Do, boxing, judo, ji pang e ( the art of cane ), Jang Bong togi (long staff stick fighting ), Tahn bong ( short stick fighting ) and even the strongest man able of lifting 12 plates of 50 ponds each off an incline bench. Chinil Chang said his the best martial arts master in the world, Regardless of the type of fighting styles, martial art style and weapons. Chinil Chang was the best and could beat any one. Chinil Chang also talked about having special powers and abilities beyond normal human.
Including in the physiological field, Acupressure and Spinal column treatment for paralytics to be cured completely without medicine or any doctors degree. Chinil Chang always talked about all of Choi’s students as being fakes, Self proclaim black belt Dan’s and not masters. Students like: Seo Bok Seob, Jung Hwan Park, Ji Han Jae, Kim Yun Sik, Bong Suo Han, Kim Moo Hong, Lee Chong Min, Rim Jong Bae, kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, Lim Hyun Soo and many others. Chin il Chang also told story about the oriental ( “go game” ) as though it was some kind of oracle mystical Ouija board. The few remaining student at this point came and left just the same. Because when it rain everyone would go home wet with there belongings. During the winter students would come dressed appropriately to learn hapkido and still had to listen to Chinil Chang’s speeches in the cold instead of working out to stay warm. When the only two or three remaining students showed up for training Chinil Chang would bring us to a McDonald’s and sit for hours to continue his speeches which were meaningless and all because Chinil Chang is afraid of working out in the rain or snow. Chinil Chang always started problems with other people in the park for the only reason that they would come and sit on the park benches and telling them to leave when he had no right to. Xman I would alway restrain Chinil Chang to leave then alone because after all it was a public park for everyone. Xman I also explained to Chinil Chang that his actions on these innocent people in a public park would only cause trouble. Such was the case, when they returned with there friends to stand theire ground and show Chinil Chang that the park was not his alone. So Chinil Chang was out done and didn’t return to van cortland park Oct. 1999. As for me, Xman it was such a journey watching and learning time after time how Chinil Chang continued doing so much wrong every where he went. By this time Chinil Chang has been using Michael Wollmershauser more then 7 years for money from the american hapkido association seminars and Michael Wollmershauser has historical documents he obtain during his travel around the world promoting hapkido and learning its GENEALOGY from Japan to Korea and would wide. Chinil Chang would have never had these hapkido family tree genealogy documents if not for Michael Wollmershauser sharing them with him. It is so inconceivable that Chinil Chang could not come to terms with himself to honor and endorse Michael Wollmershauser as the American Hapkido Adviser of the United State of America. Michael Wollmershauser was very sick from terminal cancer and would soon die. For Xman; Chinil Chang became to be known as the man with a black heart for not granting a dying man; Michael Wollmershauaer’s last which to be endorsed as the American Hapkido Adviser as Choi Yong Sul did in 1979 and would have wanted Chinil Chang to do the same. This Chinil Chang continued to say he wouldn’t do, As well as not to release the 1981 video recorded interview. Chinil Chang enlisted the aid a new student, Reggie who worked at a firm capable of editing and converting video Beta tape to video compact disc. So Chinil Chang had the 1981 interview Beta tape converted to a compact disc.
Michael Wollmershauaer: Dedicated his time and Became a pioneer as the American Hapkido advisor. He traveled to several countries to Learn the history and lineal descent of Daito-Ryu Aiki-jutsu (Aiki-Budo) (Aikido) from ancestry documents and how it forged the path to the
development of the hapkido art and history of the family tree which Chinil Chang obtained from Michael J. Wollmershauaer.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2006 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying:
Choi left the full documentation and recordings of the system to Chang, who continued to research and document the full history and development of Hapkido.
Xman, Its well known that Choi Yong Sul distributed documentation and recordings of the hapkido system to all of his students Seo Bok Seob, Jung Hwan Park, Ji Han Jae, Kim Yun Sik, Bong Suo Han, Kim Moo Hong, Lee Chong Min, Rim Jong Bae, kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, Lim Hyun Soo, Michael Wollmershauaer and many others. All spread the development of Hapkido World Wide. In 2000 a special headstone was erected on Choi Yong Sul Dojunim’s grave by Kim Yun Sang, Lee Young Su and Kim Hyena Bae to commemorate Choi’s art and record its preservation. Taekwondo Times Magazine published this fact on November 2006. While Chinil Chang was no where to be found and did nothing to be present at this ceremony when the special headstone was erected in 2000 and only continues to obtain documented history researched by others and claiming to be his own.
CHINIL CHANG ( 장진일 ) 10TH DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 6th Location 2000 )
Located at New Dance Studio at 254 west 47th st. in NYC NY 10036 between Broadway & 8th ave. This was timesharing dance studio. Classes would be 1hour sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays evening. The students in attendance were former student who Chinil Chang called by phone persuading them to return for hapkido training sessions available in a convenience location of midtown Manhattan, NYC. In all 6 former students return convinced that Chinil Chang would changed his ways and here again no female ever joined. It was something about Chinil Chang’s personality that the females didn’t like. On July 2000 Xman is promoted to Red belt. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a Red belt 2nd kup since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang. Now even though others joined for classes they would not stay every long because of Chinil Chang’s speeches that had nothing to do with hapkido, but more to do with Chinil Chang hatred of the Japanese, Choi Yong Sul students, United States of America and everything else like loosing the court case in 1997 blaming Xman and this would go on for entire sessions at times leaving every one to wonder how could Chinil Chang be this way with so much hatred and through it all Xman continue gathering data for his chronicles. Xman, I wrote and gave a direct letter to Chinil Chang. Because once again Chinil Chang was neglecting to teach the students as I was also a student and instead. Chang started with the rhetoric again. This time about being a strong man. Saying that when working out on a lat bar pulldown machine. He would set the lat bar with the weight stack selector pin at 300 Lbs. Well, it came to pass one evening during Chinil Chang's lat bar pulldown session at the BALLY’S gym. Chinil Chang didn't properly inserted the selector pin securely and when Chinil Chang pulled down fast and hard on the lat bar the pin came out and with no weights attached. It hit the top center of his head causing a gash on the crown bleeding. It wasn’t a serious cut but it left it’s mark. After ward Chinil Chang blamed it on faulty equipment links and again attempting to sue the gym owner as always. Which could not happen because it was evident that Chinil Chang was at fault. From that time Chinil Chang started wearing a hat to cover the gash and the bald spot left on his head and wouldn’t show up without a hat or remove it at any time, there after. Well, now Chinil Chang started teaching again, but not before the speeches and hapkido follows. On Feb 2002 Xman is promoted to Black belt. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a Black belt since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang. Now although Kim Yun Sang has been training in Gumsan, Korea. Choi's family was always in constant contact and have known how dedicated Kim Yun Sang has been to preserving Choi's art. on April 17th 2002 Kim Yun Sang received the status as 3rd DoJu from Choi’s family to assure a 10th Dan successor of hapkido for the next Korean generation. Now when Chinil Chang got the news that a ceremony had taken place in Korea granting Kim Yun Sang the 3rd DoJu 10th Dan. Chinil Chang was raged with anger saying this could not be he was the only king of Hapkido. Then in November 2006 Taekwondo times magazine published Kim Yun Sang as the 3rd DoJu 10th Dan for all the world to take notice that the homeland Korea now had a new successor of Hapkido. As for Chinil Chang he was never recognized as the 2nd DoJu and never published as such any where except in his own editorial on wikipedia written by Vincent Giordano and these would be cover up stories as dictated by Chinil Chang.
Michael J. Wollmershauser passed away peacefully on Dec 8, 2002 after a long five-year of battle with cancer. Never to have been endorsed as the American Hapkido Advisor to the USA by Chinil Chang as Choi Yong Sul did in 1979 and would have wanted Chinil Chang to do. Instead Chinil Chang was Rejoiceful and self proclaimed himself as the chairman of the American Hapkido Association which no longer exist, founded by Michael J. Wollmershauser in 1981. Chinil Chang reminded every one of the 1981 interview video beta tape that was converted to video compact disc. Here again we have Chinil Chang at his utmost evil ways taking what is not his as chairman of the American hapkido association which was never granted by Michael J. Wollmershauser. Now as mention before in 1996 and now in 2003 it would come to pass at the United Nation that after fifteen years of Chinil Chang collecting founds and not giving anyone certificates with there promotions for hapkido. Chinil Chang was dismissed from teaching at the United Nations because of his on going neglect, mismanagement and misappropriation of student founds and including at times not present to teach the employee staff. So the hapkido classes were removed from the staff recreational club and Chinil Chang’s privilege to enter the United Nation Building were revoked for making a mockery (stink) teaching Hapkido at the United Nations. Xman was still a contractor Employed at the United Nation Building maintaining the integrity of the life safety fire system through out and understood why Chinil Chang was removed from the United Nation building. So just incase the news of his removal from the united nation is made public of the stick he made during years of teaching Hapkido at the United Nations.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2013 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying: DoJu Chang continues to teach in New York City as well as a stint teaching Hapkido at the United Nations.
In 2003 Chinil Chang conceived a new plan to use wikipedia the free Encyclopedia founded in 2001 where anyone can post Editorials and edit with whole lies as evidence to some truth. So Chinil Chang would use wikipedia to write his cover up story presenting himself honorable and famous when in reality he's dishonest and untrustworthy. Since arriving to America all Chinil Chang has done is keep himself financially secured by deception from 1970 to 2017 for 47 years.
Chinil Chang dictates a lot of misinformation, half truths, In a self serving marketing web site. For me, Xman it seems Chinil Chang is mentally ill and doesn’t see himself as such and yet for him everyone else is the problem. Continue reading the chronicle of Xman memoirs, my experiences with Chinil Chang. Learn the facts how Chinil Chang enlisted Vincent Giordano to start posting editorials in wikipedia as dictated by Chinil Chang. So Giordano Vincent writes that Chinil Chang made a stint teaching Hapkido at the United Nations. Feb 1 2013 Interview with Doju Chin Il Chang New York City Personal interview. As for Xman never needing an interview as a direct student of Chinil Chang every thing I write in my memoirs is from the history and experience of being with Chinil Chang for decades nothing could be more truth. Vincent Giordano had been a short time hapkido student in late 1985 to1986. Receiving the rank of purple belt, quit never returning, claiming himself to be an unpublished hidden master.
There’s a lot of that going around: self proclaim masters. As for me, Xman, I would always be a white belt never certified by Chinil Chang. Even on June 2004 Xman is promoted to 1st Dan Black belt uncertified. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a 1st dan Black belt since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang. Xman, I never asked or was given any payment and/or special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. I paid monthly dues to Chinil Chang for training and dues for promotions. I never gave Chinil Chang any extra payments for quick promotions and/or for inflated ranks which was the reason why Chinil Chang always said I was his favorite. Xman, I received only peaces of color tapes on the tip of the belts to show the actual rank level. No one ever got any certifications from Chinil Chang for theire promotion test which was included in the payments. This is how Chinil Chang cheated the students to prevent them from having proof of there training with him. Even the payment had to be made by cash only. For some that included payments for quick promotions and inflated ranks for students like Jonh Leshaj who joined in 1994 and quickly rose throw the ranks. This was also quick money for Chinil Chang as a tradition tax free and unreported income. This was the way for Chinil Chang it was as though he was saying give me your money and get lost. Well, here again it was time for Chinil Chang to move out and finds a new location in Dec. 2004. Now 34 years later and all of Choi Yong Sul students have contributed to the growth of the Hapkido systematically world wide and all can be searched for on the internet. Except for Chinil Chang who has done nothing for Choi Yong Sul’s Hapkido.
CHINIL CHANG ( 장진일 ) 10TH DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 7th Location 2005 )
Located at a Dance Studio 2 floor 625 west 55th st. in NYC NY 10019 between 11th & 12th ave. This was timesharing dance studio. Classes would be 1hour sessions on Thursdays evening. The students in attendance were former student who Chinil Chang again called by phone persuading them to return for hapkido training sessions available in a convenience location of midtown Manhattan, NYC. In all 7 former students return convinced that Chinil Chang again would changed his ways and here again no female ever joined. It was something about Chinil Chang personality that the females didn’t like. So now hapkido class would be in session and even though others joined for classes they would not stay every long. Because again Chinil Chang started the class with speeches that had nothing to do with hapkido but more to do with Chinil Chang hatred of the Japanese, Choi Yong Sul students, that the United States of America was no good and everything else. This would go on for entire sessions at times leaving every one frustrated and again how could Chinil Chang be this way with so much hatred. Xman and other student reminded Chinil Chang that the speeches were making student quit, but for Chinil Chang this didn’t matter. So as days passed Chinil Chang started with the rhetoric again. About being the strongest man because when working out on the incline barbell bench press at 45 degrees. He would set the barbell with 6 plates of 50 ponds each side for a combine weight of 600 Lb’s and no one else could lift it. The rhetoric went on for month at a time. Then as always Chinil Chang started having problem because he would pay for 1 hour timeshare to use the dance studio and stayed for 2 hours making speeches and when told to pay for the extra hour. Chinil Chang would refuse, so access would be denied the next day. Until Chinil Chang would catch up and make the rent payments, which he did for his timeshare at the studio in Dec. 2006. Of course this was nothing new for Chinil Chang as in the previous locations late rent payments were repeated and problems would ensued with the land lords and then it would be time to move out.Well it came to time passed, Han Bong-soo (한봉수) Died: January 8, 2007, Santa Monica, CA. Born: August 25, 1933, Inches, South Korea. Well, known as Bong Soo Han a martial arts Master, A student of Choi Young Sul and the 1st Hapkido master to migrate to the United States of America In 1967 and the first to introduce Hapkido to the USA. “GOOGLE SEARCH Bong Soo Han” You would think that this would be a moment of remembrance by Chinil Chang of Bong Soo Han a great men who’s only vision was to promote the growth of Hapkido launching its culture throughout the U S A followed by others world wide. Instead Chinil Chang was Rejoiceful which became another speech session during class showing his hatred and denouncing Bong Soo Han as always. Including waiting for Ji Han-Jae (지한재) and the others to be next as this would leave Chinil Chang at 67 years old the supreme leader of hapkido. This was the third time Chinil Chang rejoiced on the passing of hapkido masters; Choi Yong Sul 1986, Michael Wollmershauser 2002, and Bong Soo Han 2007. Well, it as time has it, This don’t care attitude would come back to hurt Chinil Chang as he continued his rhetoric about being the strong men at the gym which was not true. So I, Xman, to continue gathering data for these chronicles. I encourage Chinil Chang to prove that he could lift the barbell off the incline bench with 6 plates of 50 pounds on each side for a combine weight of 600 Lb’s as Chinil Chang said to me and every one else he could do it.
Then when Chinil Chang attempted to lift the barbell with 600 LB’s off the incline bench while being photographed doing so. Well, the truth was Chinil Chang could not do it and on the lifting attempt the barbell came crashing down onto his face. Chinil Chang was taken to the hospital for medical care. Getting stitches on the left side of the bridge of the nose. It was bad Chinil Chang’s face was swollen and bruise for several weeks and had to wear large sun glasses to cover the injury. The impact of the barbell also cause Chinil Chang the lost of front tooth. After Chinil Chang’s face healed, the scar remained and he was no longer wearing glasses. As always when asked what happened, the blame would go to someone else, as to why Chinil Chang couldn’t make the lift of the 600 LB’S barbell off the incline bench as he said. Chinil Chang’s excuse was that the camera men didn’t take the picture fast enough and the weights came crashing down. Well, after Chinil Chang recovered from the injury and went back to the gym to have pictures taken showing him on the incline bench holding the barbell in an upward position. Now when the pictures are closely observed the rail pegs (safety pin) can be seen holding up the barbell onto the rails on the incline bench proving that Chinil Chang is not actually making the lift but just posing for the photoshoot while the weight is supported on the rails pegs (safety pins). When I, Xman, and the other student looked at the picture many times it became evident that the weight were being held up by the rail pegs and not by Chinil Ching and we told him so. From there on Chinil Chang never talked about being a strong ever again. Time after time Chinil Chang has been a failure on all attempts, such as Darts, sword, sticks, weights, and only has himself to blame. On April 2007 Xman is promoted to 2nd Dan Black belt. This would be Xman’s 3rd term as a 2nd dan Black belt since being degraded from 3rd dan black belt, first in 1981 then in 1994 by Chinil Chang. Well, here again it was time for Chinil Chang to move out and find a new location in Dec. 2007. Now 37 years later and all of Choi Yong Sul students have contributed to the growth of the Hapkido systematically world wide and all can be searched for on the internet. Except for Chinil Chang who has done nothing for Choi Yong Sul’s Hapkido.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일): 10TH DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 8th Location 2008 ) Location: A 5th floor Dance Studio at 250 west 57th st. in NYC NY 10107 between Broadway & 8th ave. This was again a timesharing room. Classes would be 1hr sessions on Thursdays evening. The students in attendance was myself, Xman and four former students; John, Richard, Mark, John, who Chinil Chang called to give the new location. Now for the first 6 months of 2008 all seem to be in order with the rent payments by Chinil Chang. The beginning of classes were alway the same with Chinil Chang’s rhetoric stories as in the pass and then training. By the 9th month things get out of hands between Chinil Chang and the timeshare owner. Over no rent payments by Chinil Chang just as in the passed locations. This would be the shortest time Chinil Chang would had rented a place. Because in timesharing there is no lease or contract for renting. It just works as pay per use hours. So Chinil Chang was simply kicked out of the room. At this place thing really didn’t work out. For Chinil Chang it was time find a new location Dec. 2008. Xman continues gathering data for these chronicles.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일): 10TH DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 9th Location 2009 )
Well, Chinil Chang is searching around for a new location to rent and instead decides classes would held at the Hudson River Park: Pier 95 NYC NY 10019 located west of 12th ave between 55th and 56th streets. ( google search: PEIR 95 NYC ). Everyone met there 1Day a week Thursday’s 8:PM. Only six former student attended; John, Richard, Marc, Jason, John, and Xman.
Chinil Chang,s 1st mandate: student payments in cash only. Which includes payments for quick promotions and inflated ranks for students who would pay like John and John. They quickly rose throw the ranks. This was quick money for Chinil Chang as a tradition tax free and unreported income as always. It was because of this unfair practice that Chinil Chang had with inflating ranks with quick promotion for money that if any student paid Chinil Chang 1 to 4 Thousand Dollars that student would be promoted to the rank of Black Belt up through 4th Dan or higher. The new student getting promoting for money would be place ahead of the students who had been around for months or even years. Now John and John enjoyed Chinil Chang’s lust for money. So here again I, Xman reminded Chinil Chang that his 1st mandate. Made the student self proclaim ranks with no certification. As Chinil Chang always talked about all of Choi Yong Sul’s students as being self proclaimed but certified. So here we have Chinil Chang himself given monetary funds to Choi Yong Sul from the 1970s through 1986 to obtained the 8th, 9th, and 10th Dan without leaving America never having further training with Choi Yong Sul in Korea. So Chinil Chang is the only one to blame for not being excepted as the 10th dan Hapkido successor because every one knows the truth how he obtain it.
Chinil Chang’s 2nd mandate: the students to say false statements, Such as that they learned Hapkido in the Mountains of New York instead of in a public park, (Hudson River Park Pier 95).
Chinil Chang’s 3rd mandate: that every one listen to his daily speeches, after which some hapkido lesson would follow.
Chinil Chang started, talking sessions, speeches having nothing to do with hapkido, stories about daily events which really everyone knew and no one wanted to here it but had to stand diligently and listen.
Chinil Chang’s 4th mandate: every one to bring an umbrella so whenever it might rain. When it did rain Chinil Chang would open his umbrella and have the students open there umbrellas for cover. Then all Chinil Chang would do in the rain was talk 1 or 2 hours about issues like rejecting Choi yong sul students, Hating the Japanese for there atrocities agains the Korean. Chinil Chang always talked about all of Choi’s students as being fakes, Self proclaim black belt dan’s and not masters. Students like: Seo Bok Seob, Jung Hwan Park, Ji Han Jae, Kim Yun Sik, Bong Suo Han, Kim Moo Hong, Lee Chong Min, Rim Jong Bae, kim Yun Sang, Lee Yong Su, Lim Hyun Soo and many others. Now this time Chinil Chang would say nothing about himself because of the injuries in sustained at the gym with the weights in 2002 and 2007. All the pass incidents hurting students with spike darts, swords, kicks, shoes and sticks. Came back to hurt him injuring his head and face while pulling or lifting weights at the gym. so Chinil Chang was being caution about what he talked about. Anyway when it rained everyone would go home wet with there belongings.
All because Chinil Chang is afraid to get wet working out in the rain and only during major storms Chinil Chang called the students not to come to the park class cancel. During the winter students would come dressed appropriately to workout and learn hapkido, now everyone first had to listen to Chinil Chang’s speeches in the cold instead of working out to stay warm. When it got to cold for Chinil Chang, he would take us to a McDonald’s or Dunkin donuts restaurant to listen to his speeches which were now about religion. At time starting problems with others people there because they would join in and question him about the religion speeches and sometimes correcting him on the religion. All because Chinil Chang is afraid of working out in the rain or snow. So finally during the rain and snowy months of 2009 Chinil Chang found another dance studio located at 244 west 54th street Between 8th ave and Broadway, NYC NY 10019. There we would meet only during the cold weather days. Other wise classes would be at Hudson River Park: Pier 95. Here again Chinil Chang always started problems with other people in the park for the only reason that they would come and sit on the park benches. Chinil Chang would tell them to leave when he had no right to do so. Xman, Again I would alway restrain Chinil Chang to leave then alone because after all it was a public park for everyone. Xman I also explained to Chinil Chang that again his actions on these innocent people in a public park would only cause trouble. Such was the case again when they returned with there friends to stand their ground and show Chinil Chang that the park was not his alone. Which was a repeat of the incident that occurred 11 years ago at van cortland park in 1999 and now at Hudson River Park at Pier 95 in 2012 and as the incident spread around the area other Martial Art Masters, two males and one female having schools in the area started coming to the Hudson River Park, Pier 95 each week to work out in the disputed area of Peir 95 and see if Chinil Chang would challenge them to leave. Any way curiosity got the best of me, Xman so I went up to Chinil Chang and asked him if he had taken notice that the area was being used by others and Chinil Chang said we had to relocate. So out done by the other Masters. The next time we met further up the Hudson River Park, PEIR 96. The other Masters followed and by Dec. 2012 out smarted Chinil Chang had to leave the Hudson River Park, area for good and only has himself to blame for starting problems with innocent people in a public park. As for me, Xman it was such a journey watching and learning time after time how Chinil Chang continued doing so much wrong every where he went. At this time Jason, Marc, and Richard the last honest students quit and the only ones remaining were John and John who enjoyed Chinil Chang’s lust for money and paid for their quick promotions and inflated ranks. Xman, I never gave any payment for special treatment as a direct student of Chinil Chang. I paid monthly dues to Chinil Chang for my training and dues for promotion nothing else. As I, Xman alway had to wait months and sometimes years for promotions as all students knew this and its why Chinil Chang alway said that, I, Xman is his favorite. Because for me, Xman, many decades have passed going from white belt to 3rd dan and then back again to start over through the terms two times from white to 3rd dan. As I Xman got my promotions the old fashion way I earned them through time not by buying them as others did. For me, Xman, failure is an illusion. As I got better and continued writing my chronicle memoirs of Xman a direct student of Chinil Chang no interview required. Memoirs about my experiences with Chinil Chang.
I, Xman, watched with a humble heart Chinil Chang’s evil way wouldn’t altar my free harmonious spirit ever! Now Chinil Chang got the required funds from John and was given 3rd Dan, and the other John was given 4th Dan. With that said both students John and John with their quick promotion and inflated ranks were placed ahead of Xman, I Became to be known as the abominable white belt always force to returning to the beginning by Chinil Chang. Xman harmonious spirit strong and smart as always Dec. 2012.
CHINIL CHANG (장진일): 10TH DAN BLACK BELT APRIL 1985 ( 10th Location 2013 )
Well the next location would be: Inwood Hill Park, west 207th St. NYC, NY 10034
As it was at the previous parks the routine remained the same Chinil Chang would teach hapkido but not without his mandates being observed. Chinil Chang’s speeches: were alway the same. Saying His the one and only Emperor of Hapkido with powers and abilities far beyond any one else and could beat any Master no matter the fighting styles. Alway hating Japanese, America, Hapkido master and students. Chinil Chang always said that to be an emperor, as he is, the student would need to train in various styles of martial arts. So in the years prior to leaving Korea to America, Chinil Chang conceive his plan not only on how to become the 10th Dan Hapkido doju, even to have taken away the Hapkido dojo leadership out of Korea to America never to return and never passing it on in Korea to someone that might return to Korea. Chinil Chang now 78 years old has been in America for 48 years and has done nothing as the Hapkido Doju.
Only to have become wealthy by deceiving all who joined his Hapkido year after year students joined and left just the same and for Chinil Chang it didn’t matter as he got paid anyway. Chinil Chang is famous world wide for his failures and only has himself to blame. Now during the rainy and snowy months of 2013 Chinil Chang continued renting space at the dance studio located at 244 west 54th street between 8th ave and Broadway NYC NY 10019. There we would meet only during the winter weather days. Other wise classes would be held at inwood hill park. Aug. 2014 Here again Chinil Chang started problems with other people in the park for the only reason that they would come and sit on the park benches or stand around. Chinil Chang would tell them to leave when he had no right to do so. Xman, here again I would alway remind Chinil Chang to leave then alone because after all it was a public park for everyone. Xman, I also explained to Chinil Chang that his actions on these innocent people in a public park could only cause trouble. In Jan 2015 I, Xman decided it was time for me to move on and leave, get away from Chinil Chang. I would wait for a while and trained with a humble heart as the abominable white belt and now followed the instructions of the new higher student John 4 Dan and john 3 Dan. This way I, Xman, could finish my chronicle of memoirs and experience with Chinil Chang for the world to know to look out for masters like him who only wants the money and don’t care who get hurt. Also to know what Chinil Chang has been up to all this years and how he will continue to wrong everyone. It has been many years, there is no change in Chinil Chang. Now on June 2015 I, Xman told Chinil Chang I will be leaving at the end of 2015 and again I asked Chinil Chang to give me certificates owed to me for my years of being a student and his reply was only at the end of his life maybe. So I would have to leave as a white belt with nothing to show my years as a direct and longest running student. In aug 2015 again Chinil Chang started problems. With other people in the park for the only reason that they would come and sit on the park benches or stand around. Chinil Chang would tell them to leave when he had no right to do so. Xman, here again I screamed at Chinil Chang to leave then alone because after all it was a public park for everyone. Xman, I also explained to Chinil Chang that his actions on these innocent people in a public park could only cause problems which he would run away from any way.
On Sep. 2015 Xman, I really went off on Chinil Chang in the park screaming at him because of his continued conduct with the people in the area. So on Sep 2015 Xman, I left for good and never wanted to see Chinil Chang ever again. As he will never be famous for doing nothing and the only thing he only knows to do is wrong. Now 48 years later and all of Choi Yong Sul students have contributed to the growth of the Hapkido systematically world wide and all can be searched for on the internet. Except for Chinil Chang who has done nothing for Choi Yong Sul’s Hapkido.
Chinil Chang is only mentioned on wikipedia and is only what and how Chinil Chang would dictate and tell Vincent Giordano to write it. Whole lies and half truth about himself. This way Chinil Chang would keep out of site as if it were an honest interview. Saying hole lies and half truth and keeping out the past events of 47 years of failures. The wikipedia hapkido home page would be edited on through 2017 by Vincent Giordano porting Chinil Chang as being wronged when in reality Chinil Chang has himself to blame for his misfortune.
WIKIPEDIA: HAPKIDO; 2015 Vincent Giordano writes as Chinil Chang dictates saying:
He currently teaches a small group in NYC dedicated to the preservation of Hapkido. Many detractors have spread endless conjecture about him.
Xman: the only small group left training with Chinil Chang in 2017 at Inwood Hill Park, west 207th St. NYC, NY 10034 was 2 students paying there way through inflated ranks; John and john not for the preservation of Hapkido but to keep Chinil Chang financially sound. The only detractor who spreads endless conjectures about himself is Chinil Chang with Vincent Giordano writing them.
Well, after 4 decades with no certifications training under Chinil Chang and tens of thousands of dollar paid to Chinil Chang for training and promotions as other thousands of students did. This is the end of the chronicle of Xman, memoirs of my experience with a conman Chinil Chang. As Chinil Chang cover up stories are relentless and incessant. Chinil Chang is 77 year old on June 2017 with nothing accomplished after 52 years as a martial arts instructor in America.
P.S. I dedicate this chronicle to all who have made hapkido what it is today. Because if it was left up to Chinil Chang nothing would have ever been done as his only goal is to deceive everyone and do nothing.
Fraternally Your Xman, peace, love and god bless. Author; XAVIER DAVILA

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