mardi 22 août 2017

Good Luck Lake?

Talk to me about this one.

This is a canoe trip.

Wife and I are looking at it for a few days in Mid-late Sept.

Someone from her work said they did it last year and it was "nice." I suspect it was, BUT.....

I'm going to start all the usual research in print form as well as here on line so I'm looking for first-hand observations etc.

It is not written in stone as "the" destination. I've done the Floodwood area solo, she hasn't but is interested based on my trip, so that is also on the possibles list.

Lake Lila last year was a super location and we would like something similar.

Bottom line; we only have a couple days (2, maybe 3 nights to be exact).

Thoughts/ observations?

Thanks in advance.

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