mercredi 30 août 2017

Peddling Cheney Cobble and North River.

Busy peaks!
On August 28th Trail Boss and I did Cheney and N. River from Boreas Ponds. (cycle, road walk, whack). I was looking at the feasibility of doing them as a two-fer for this winter's HH project. After the bike ride we took a road-walk all the way to its end in 1h05m of walking) We went up to the CC-NR col and then hiked north through the length of the col before turning east and heading up. The idea was to get past the cliffs that line the col.

This we did but the woods were not conducive to rapid travel (bit of an understatement). Trail Boss said it was soul-destroying. We made it to Cheney and found a Cliff Bar wrapper near the summit that looked fairly recent. As we were leaving we found an awesome exposed lookout towards the NW that dropped right off and gave us expansive views and then we headed right back into what we had just come through. Except we skipped the end-run around the cliffs. We simply went directly down to the col via the cliffs, which was "interesting".

Then we took on some water and tackled North River, which as I recalled from before, was a lot easier. Must be the east-facing slopes. Really nice views from this craggy summit and then we headed for the first col towards Rist and that drop was way harder than I remembered it from 4 years ago. We were now really happy not to be doing the entire range down to Rist South! As we descended eastward from the col we followed a line of big cliffs that were topped with very gnarly-looking vegetation. Took us a long time to get back to the road - seemed like the mountain would not let us go. The deer flies feasted on our flesh until the bike ride. IIRC, the entire trip car-to car too 10h30m.

We felt more whipped than if we'd done a big trailed hike of that length. In fact, I've been hiking/training hard for 2 months now with a heart rate monitor and last week went up Colden from the Lake Colden at 135 BPM, made it in just over an hour, moving steadily, felt moderate. Going up Cheney at a pace that felt like we were standing still I was always well above 140 and really feeling it.

Now I'm not so sure of this route for a winter two-fer. Have to remember that the road will be closed all the way in so that's another 6 miles of skiing for a total of 12 roundtrip just to and from the start of the 3-mile approach to where the bushwhack begins. I don't know if people ski around the Pond and keep that section packed out.


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