lundi 24 septembre 2018

Blue Ridges (3497' and 3436')

Best possible weather to hike yesterday. Nothing but blue sky and sunshine, gentle breeze and cool crisp fall weather. I took the old tote road out toward Dishrag pond from the NPT. At the very end of this old tote road was this awesome, circa 1938 automobile just in the absolute middle of the woods. Hard to imagine how it ever got out there with the route in its present condition. So cool to see!
I felt that both of these Blue Ridges were nice mostly wide open woods. I even caught some peak-out views in several places. I made it across the long-ass ridge between the two peaks in 2.5 hours. I think the tree that had the old canister strapping on the easternmost Blue Ridge has fallen over. I searched all over the summit for it and could not find it anywhere, and there was lots of seemingly fresh blowdown.
In part due to the inviting amazingly pleasant weather I made record time yesterday and completed the hike in 6 hours and 45 minutes.

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