vendredi 21 septembre 2018

New Kaspersky Small Office Security brings Protection from Cyberthreats in Minutes not Man Hours

Small companies with under 25 employees have to deal with cyberthreats like everyone else, but unlike larger firms, they might not be able to prioritize IT security, with their focus being primarily on business growth. To help these companies, the next generation of Kaspersky
Small Office Security provides out-of-the-box protection from cybercrime that doesn’t require hands-on administration or technical expertise. While keeping businesses safe from malware, financial fraud, phishing and other threats, the updated version provides extended server protection, and helps to keep applications updated, so that unpatched vulnerabilities do not let threats infiltrate business networks.
You don’t have to be an IT pro to protect your business
Nearly a third (32%) of VSBs entrust the task of cybersecurity to employees that don’t have expertise in the area . Therefore, it’s crucial for these firms to implement an easy-to-use solution that can be deployed and managed by virtually anyone in the company.
The new Kaspersky Small Office Security can now be installed in a few minutes. If businesses need more control, the web console gives them all the information they need about how the product is being used (including information about licenses, users and their devices, product versions installed, etc.).
The product allows employees to concentrate on their business tasks without having to think about cybersecurity — after being installed on all devices, the solution doesn’t require any special attention. In addition, Kaspersky Small Office Security notifications have been updated and won’t appear if the event is not crucial, allowing users to concentrate on their daily tasks — such as on office applications, on programs running in full-screen mode, or on performing video calls – without interruption. This causes less disturbance to the working day.
Protecting data, wherever it is stored, from malware, ransomware and crypto-miners
Ransomware continues to target small organizations, with 37% of VSBs having experienced two or three incidents of ransomware infection in the past 12 months . Ransomware directly results in data loss and/or compromise, so to protect businesses from this threat, the System Watcher component in the new version of Kaspersky Small Office Security is now available for Windows file servers as well as computers. In addition to other security layers, the solution detects threats and helps businesses to protect company data – preventing malicious attempts against the system, backing up critical data, and rolling back the system if required, to undo any damage.
In addition to the threat of ransomware, in 2017-2018, 2.7M users have been affected by crypto-miners, which use power from PCs, mobiles and servers to mine cryptocurrency. When targeted by this threat, businesses end up paying higher electricity bills, whilst their PCs and systems run at a lower performance rate. Kaspersky Small Office Security now provides businesses with protection from crypto-miners to help them deal with this threat.
By running a scheduled search for application updates, the solution now helps to decrease the risk of cybercriminals exploiting unpatched application vulnerabilities. It also supports safe web surfing, with private browsing, anti-phishing, anti-spam and anti-banner components. Meanwhile, the Safe Money feature protects financial transactions by opening payment sites in a protected browser.
“New technologies give businesses new opportunities to grow, but threats are always present: fake websites, malicious pictures and unprotected networks; free but unsecure Wi-Fi spots; and even lost or stolen work devices. All of these elements are risk factors for businesses and their data, especially small companies, for whom sensitive data is a key asset. When focusing on growth, and their busy day-to-day tasks, companies don’t always prioritize the prevention of these attacks,” says Sergey Martsynkyan, Head of B2B Product Marketing, Kaspersky Lab. “That’s why we are constantly improving Kaspersky Small Office Security. It is an efficient, set-and-forget and easy-to-use cybersecurity solution, which doesn’t require heavy investment or technical expertise from its small business users.”
Kaspersky Small Office Security is available for companies with 5-25 users. To learn more about Kaspersky Lab products for small businesses please visit: insert link.

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