lundi 24 septembre 2018

Winter descent from Iroquois

I apologize if this has been previously discussed, but I have been unable to locate the information that I am hoping to see.

I would like to do a winter summit of Wright, Algonquin, and Iroquois this winter. My plan is to leave from the Loj pre dawn, and be on wright by sunrise. I would do the next two summits after, and then would like to descend down to colden lake and hike out through avalanche pass.

I would be doing this with my wife - both of us are experienced hikers, with some winter summits under our belt already. We will carry snowshoes, spikes, crampons, and a mountaineering axe. (in addition to the regular gear). My question is to the difficulty of the descent down from Iroquois to Colden Lake. I have done it in the summer, so I know it is steep. Is it just one giant ice fall down the descent that will required ropes? Or is it just a steeper trail that requires a little more caution?

Any input would be appreciated!

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