jeudi 24 octobre 2019

Looking for a mentor

I am a beginning hunter with NYS hunting license and rifle experience. Looking to find a mentor who would be willing to take me on a hunt or two this season, I don't even have to bring my rifle if you would prefer. I would just like to shadow and learn. I am looking for someone who enjoys hunting at least a few miles from trail head and plans to camp overnight in tents. All fair chase stalking type hunting. Please feel free to contact me and start a conversation. A little about myself, I am a 35 year old new father with an Engineering degree. I am in decent physical shape and am currently training to get in better shape still. I have backpacked once before in Adirondacks a few years back and loved the area. Again make no mistakes about it I am pretty much as green as they come, but I am an exceptional learner and up for the challenge. I can follow directions and have very little ego when it comes to who is in charge.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Enjoy your season!

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