mardi 22 octobre 2019

Rocky Peak Ridge bushwhack from Rte 73.

This hike was inspired by Gregory Karl, who is an intrepid student of the wonders of the Adirondacks, as long as the wonders in question are off-trail. Greg posted a trip report on the forum many years ago and I mentally filed it away for future reference. Recently, I communicated with Greg regarding the route he took. For mastergrasshopper and Boghollow and I yesterday was the big day.

In the pitch dark we hopped over the guard rail across from the Round Pond parking lot. Under headlamp glow we immediately hit a set of cliffs, then another set. We worked our way up very steep terrain and, being overdressed for the occasion, we quickly overheated in the 32 degree temperatures. As false dawn began to light up the woods the terrain flattened out and everywhere the eye fell was a riot of gorgeous colors, complete with a stream flowing though it all. As the hike unfolded the riot of color would be a constant theme.

We ascended upon swaths of open rock and autumn gave way to winter progressively as the rock became slick with ice. Dustings of snow gradually morphed into a carpet 6 inches deep with trees that were completely encrusted. The brilliant sun turned the snow into rain under blue skies and we became soaked. There were only three colors: white, green and blue.

We zig-zagged from swaths of ice-covered rock through thick and gnarly woods and switched from one ridge to another as the adventure unfolded. On the final viewing area it was as if we could reach out and touch the people sunning themselves on the summit. I was freezing but fresh mitts, noon-day sun, a 2nd wool hat and churning legs kept me comfortable as we dropped into a final col then ascended to the summit.

We immediately stripped off our soaked clothing and changed into fresh layers while the perfectly warm and dry sun bathers looked on curiously. For a half-hour we sat there and savored the incredibly rich and varied experience we had just had. We hiked out to New Russia, which was amazing in its own right.

The all important PICTURES

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