mardi 24 mars 2015

3/24/15 Unnamed (E of Kibby Pond) - Wilcox Lake WF

I climbed an un-named hill east of Kibby pond. There are cliffs along its western face and I thought there might be some views if I could reach them. I started from the other side on Bartman road. I drove to the end that is maintained in the winter, and parked near the little red school house (camp). I hoofed the remaining 1/4 mile along the road until just before the snowmobile parking area. I could have driven this stretch, but it was icy under the light coating of snow. I veered right onto a jeep road. It was easy walking as snowmobiles had packed the snow down. After 3/4 mile, I reached the state land boundary and another camp ("camp chippewa"). I took a bearing and headed NW uphill toward the summit. It was primo snow shoeing conditions. The snow had a nice crust and was very supportive. The only problem was that the snow had a tendency to clump up and stick to the front and back crampons on my snowshoes. Had to stop periodically and bang the snow off. The woods were open deciduous and I made good time until I reached the peak. I dropped down the west side to make my way to the cliffs. This is where things got gnarly with a lot of thick spruce and steep slopes and ledges. I wandered around fighting my way through the trees. Managed to get some decent views from one set of cliffs SW of the top. Went back the way I came. Beautiful day with mostly sunny skies and no wind.


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