lundi 23 mars 2015

Why does the body burn muscle during a deficit?

So I understand that, in order to lose weight, you need to create a caloric deficit.

Whilst losing weight, it is inevitable that your body will burn some muscle along with the fat.

But then the question is... why is that? Why does the body not just burn fat and leave the muscle alone?

Most people just seem to accept this as a given. The only explanation I have found via a google search is that the body uses protein to fuel the burning of fat; therefore, during a deficit, it will look to obtain that protein from muscle fibres... but surely this is just a protein deficit that can be rectified by ensuring that you ingest enough protein during the cut? And if that's the case, isn't it thus possible to build muscle during a cut unless you have basically run out of fat reserves, as Scooby suggests?

Is it simply the case that it's harder to consume the requisite level protein during a cut but theoretically possible?

BTW I'm not saying the theory is wrong, I'm just saying I don't get it.

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