dimanche 29 mars 2015

3/29/15 Mount Blue (Garnet Lake)

I read an online trip report (telemarkmike) that someone had climbed Mount Blue in the Adirondacks on Saturday. So, I went out today to try and follow their tracks. I parked at the trailhead on Garnet Lake. Walked across the frozen lake to the shore on the southwest side - and the start of the snowmobile trail that leads to Lizard Pond and beyond. Followed the trail until almost the height of land, then veered off and followed the snowshoe tracks up. Much easier climbing when someone else does the trail breaking for you! Reached a lower viewpoint and then continued up the southern ridge to the large open area. Eventually I reached the summit and headed back down. Stopped at the open area and had a snack. Felt warm with the suns rays beaming down on me. Saw a lone snowmobile crossing the lake as I was returning. Beautiful day for hiking.


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