dimanche 22 mars 2015

Urgent Call out to all Hung Gar practitioners

Hello my name is Steven Burton I teach an art called Five Thunder Lau Kuen and within the style we teach Hung Gar forms such as Hung Gar Lau Kuen, etc.

I received a High Court claim that has been submitted by J. Yau of Lau Gar in the UK. Yau holds a trade mark for Lau Gar, Lau and Lau Gar Kuen here in the UK and Europe. He claims that nobody in the UK is authorised to use the name without his permission as per his trademarks and is currently taking High Court action against myself and my company stating that I am "passing off" as I use the term Lau Kuen within the name of my style dispite the fact that Five Thunder Lau Kuen is completely different from his art..

How does this affect you I here you asking?!

Well as you know within the Hung Gar style you have forms such as Hung Gar Lau (Gar) Kuen and Hung Gar Lau Pole.

If J. Yau wins this case it will set a High Court precedence and everyone using the Lau Kuen or Lau, or infact Hung Gar Lau Kuen will be acting so unlawfully and could be prosecuted.

I am sure you all agree that his claims are nonsense, however I need to prove to the court that he has no claim to state that he or persons authorised by him are the only people allowed to use the Lau Kuen or Lau Gar names. Not just for my benefit but to protect the arts that you cherish and to protect your rights to continue the name within Hung Gar.

You may think that he can't do that but remember High Court Judges are not martial artists and therefore they need evidence to support the defence that will allow us all to use the name without prosecution.

Please help me defend OUR COLLECTIVE RIGHTS and sign this e petition to state that you practice or teach Hung Gar and that within the Hung Gar style there are forms which use the terms Lau Gar or Lau Kuen within it and that the style and those forms have no connection to Jeremy Yau or his Lau Gar style and that he has no claim over the name as Lau Gar Kuen is generic and taught within other styles worldwide and forms such as Hung Gar Lau Kuen and Five Thunder Lau Kuen so that I can present this at High Court and protect everybodys rights against this oppressive man. We know this is a statement of FACT but I need to make the judge know that. Thank You.


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