lundi 2 janvier 2017

Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu basically a DEGRADED version of (Japanese) Jiu Jitsu?

I have a serious issue with "Brazilian" Jiu Jitsu being called such. I basically think all BJJ is, is a bunch of Brazilians and others making money out of promoting a phony "self-defense" system by DEGRADING Japanese Jiu Jitsu/Judo which IS actually a complete system. I believe Brazilians learned it from some Japanese guy and used it to make money around the world. They go around FALSELY promoting a PHONY self defense system by having modified the original art by way of the following:

1.) Removing striking. It is self-explanatory why this is dumb.

3.) Removing stand-up. This degrades the system because EVERY single fight stands on the feet. It's also dumb because it limits the art to SINGLE attackers, which is VERY rare in street fights. Every punk at a bar/club or school has his "boys" join in when they're threatened.

3.) Removing emphasis on melee weapons combat. This degrades the system because melee weapons, or defense against them is almost ALWAYS involved in street fights.

My problem is that almost all local schools teach ONLY Brazilian JJ which I believe is junk. It actually think it makes people more vulnerable because they're eager to get in fights when they don't actually know how to fight. All while some McDojo stacks its money thru membership fees, fake ass belts and overpriced GI's.

If I could sum up the whole post with one question I would say the following:
In what way is BJJ superior to JJJ?

Some background about OP:
  • I have trained Muay Thai for three years and counting.
  • I am not Japanese or any other kind of Asian.
  • I am ONLY interested in martial arts for the purpose of self-defense. I don't need to fight to make a living. I need to fight when some punk slaps my girl's ass or gets mad when I bump into him at the bar.
  • I appreciate the concept of practicing all USEFUL martial arts.


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