mardi 3 janvier 2017

Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu basically a DEGRADED version of (Japanese) Jiu Jitsu?

I would honestly start that self-defense post and school you old heads if the moderation was done professionally and bipartially. Letting people call me troll and getting butthurt when I make fun of their blowup dolls is unprofessional.

More than 75% of posts are completely unrelated to the subject matter under discussion and therefore there is nothing worthy of note taking place here whatsoever. You old heads literally need to get out more so you can stop trolling forums in which young active people are actually discussing big boy things.


Originally Posted by SCA (Post 1075013343)
...trolling? :)

Did you seriously just spell out DoD?? Oh lord.
That’s a bit like me saying “The sky is blue and the grass is green and the weather is partly cloudy with a chance of rain.
Trolling?? OMG”

Originally Posted by aikiMac (Post 1075013337)
What you're talking about is fantasy to me. :rolleyes:

By real life you mean old people who go to wack ass bars. Because last night at the National Harbor extravaganza (google it bruh) someone slapped my boy's gf's ass and got knocked the hell out. Security came, we told them what happened and they said enjoy the rest of your night.

Originally Posted by Thomas (Post 1075013331)
Good luck to you. I hope you gain some more maturity before someone gets hurt.

I hope you gain some manhood and sympathy for others before anyone gets hurt. God help anyone who look at you and call for help. They would be mistaken to assume that you are a man.

Originally Posted by Thomas (Post 1075013331)
Unlikely? Look into some news stories. There are a lot of cases where the 'defender' ends up getting into pretty severe legal trouble, sometimes even while using what seems to be proper level of force. Nowadays, everyone has a camera (video on a phone) and your actions can very easily end up in front of a police officer or court.
Sorry, not worth the risk.

I do read news stories. George Zimmerman shot an innocent kid dead and got off Scott free. He actually became a millionaire.
You’re too risk-averse to help someone else or yourself. Again, I hope you never get into a dangerous situation. You are a sitting duck in a dangerous, dangerous world.

Originally Posted by Giovanni (Post 1075013328)
instead, make a living cracking jokes because this is some funny-ass stuff.

I'd rather design satellites and missile defense systems than sit here and entertain lifeless senior citizens.

Originally Posted by dunc (Post 1075013327)
Even T-shirts stop stretching at some point.

First, thanks for making a contributive post. Your experience is very insightful.
T-shirts do stop stretching, when they rip. The idea of choking someone with a T-shirt is fantasy. Try it though.

Originally Posted by Madao13 (Post 1075013325)
They see it as a mean to prevail in a fight breaking after a provocation.
I learned these things here, in our forum. So I see why KhanArtist doesn't understand where all of you guys come from.
BJJ did not evolve JJJ. It degraded it. My opinion.

Self-defense is NOT a means to prevail in a fight. It is a means to DEFEND at all costs, something dear to you. i.e. your life. See Spencer Stone. Flight 93.
By hanging out with old people here on this forum, you basically aged 20 years and forfeited your youth. You are who you associate yourself with. Sorry that happened to you.

Originally Posted by Hannibal (Post 1075013317)
I cannot wait for the schools to all start back, although in fairness it has put a bit of a wag in the forum tail....

By wag in tail (the hell kinda dumb expression is that anyway) you mean, it has put some spice into your boring and pathetic existence. I mean who the heck doesn’t know the difference between memory and bandwidth.

Originally Posted by Hannibal (Post 1075013316)
Only try? Your lack of commitment is disappointing.....

Yes, try. Because the future is UNCERTAIN. If I had said “I would surely knock him out” you would be sitting here crying about my assumption. Crying is what you do.

Originally Posted by Hannibal (Post 1075013316)
Why does everyone talk about growing balls? they are fragile and delicate things....

I’m sure you know EXACTLY how balls feel. Cause they’re in your mouth half the day.

Originally Posted by Hannibal (Post 1075013316)
Debating 4th grade level trolls is a silly hobby at best, but we do what we can to amuse ourselves

You should amuse yourself by getting laid, homie.

Originally Posted by Chadderz (Post 1075013315)
Self defence is all about verbal and awreness skills.

Here’s an idea. Drive to a dangerous neighborhood and talk to the guy in the street corner. Use your verbal and awareness jedi mind trick skills to talk your way out of getting robbed. Or wait until some terrorist comes to your job and starts shooting up the place. Just talk to him, bro.

Originally Posted by Dead_pool (Post 1075013314)
Spencer stone is a bjj guy.

You don’t need to give me a link, I know VERY well that SS is a BJJ guy. I read the news stories. The example under reference is about USING martial arts to defend yourself or those you care about. The naysayers have been proven 100% wrong since there are several such cases. I don’t care if Stone practiced BJJ, Karate, or professional slapboxing. If he defended someone successfully, it worked. Martial arts will MAXIMIZE your chance of survival in a life-threatening situation. Look at the world we live in. Read the news.

Originally Posted by Simon (Post 1075013312)
This is a personal attack, so a one day ban has been handed out.
KhanArtisT, you are welcome back once your ban is us, but you'll have to refrain from the personal attacks and the chest thumping.
MAP is about sharing, not out and out machismo.

Post #30 and others were personal attacks too. You have lost ALL credibility as an “Admin”.
I am welcome back when I choose to be back. I am in control, sir. Because my only intention was to discuss martial arts history, thereby fulfilling the purpose of this forum’s existence.
MAP is not about sharing. It's about old heads making personal insults, and their old head friends letting it slide because his post count (aka years he hasn't gotten laid) is 8039325908592902. You have failed to demonstrate competence.
You guys are basically getting too old to actually do something in a situation. Void of testosterone and probably out of shape. Not my fault. You probably didn't do anything remarkable in young age either, given how risk averse (pussy) you appear to be. Too bad.
The reason I don't care about getting "banned" is because this forum crap isn't a means of entertainment. For you, it's your life. Pathetic.
No worries, I won't charge for schooling the piss out of you in this session. Consider it a free education.

[over and out]
[even though I can keep posting with alternate proxy servers]
[I mean have you people ever heard of proxy servers]
[Millennials > Generation X]
[I am always in control. If I stop, it's because I choose to stop]

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