lundi 2 janvier 2017

Journey into Spandex

Oki doki.

So, I've let myself go a wee bit :o

I'm 30 years old, 5'11", and now weigh around about 17.5 Stone (245 pounds). I'm now determined to get back into some sort of shape (that isn't round).

My main goal is to lose weight and improve my overall health. The main issue I need to tackle is my weakness for junk-food. At work, I tend to nip out for a Subway or McDonalds, instead of bringing a sensible lunch with me.

I'm now walking to and from work, rather than driving. I've got an exercise bike at home, along with a set of dumbells, and a barbell, so I'll be trying to make some use of these as well.

I'll mainly be using this blog to chart my weight-loss progress so that I can't slack off. (I'd appreciate it if peeps could badger me if I fail to post an update for a couple of weeks :Angel: )

Oh, as for the title:
I'm a massive power rangers fan, and hope to cos-play at a couple of events this year :p:o (hence the need to lose some weight!)

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