lundi 13 mars 2017

Blue Mt Lake to Saranac Lakes

Every winter this paddling forum get too quiet, but for expected reasons. But with Spring upon us, it’s time to start making spring/summer paddling plans.

This year my wife, dog, and I are looking to paddle from Blue Mountain Lake and ending up somewhere around the Saranac Lakes. We have done several river trips and a few pond trips, but never a muti-lake trip such as this. We have done a trips to Lows Lake/Lake Lila/Little Tupper Lake, but the size of those lake does not compare to the majority of the lakes on this trip. I wanted to get a lake trip in to help us prepare for eventually making it out to Algonquin Park in Canada.

For those of you that have done this paddle, do you have any suggestions? How are the portages, I have never carted before, but thinking about buying one? Which is the best map for this trip (The ADK Paddler or NFCT)?

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