lundi 13 mars 2017

What does it mean to be healthy?

I think about this a lot lately. Every time I think of reasonable standard of what it means to be healthy I think about examples that could arguably disprove that standard. Many people (if not all) are considered healthy despite some condition that others may not consider healthy. For example I was watching a documentary today about farming sustainability and the people who were living naturally off the land look quite thin. Then there is me on the other end of the weight spectrum. I have a clean bill of health despite being overweight. Does this mean that weight and health are not related well not really because there are many studies that show that both conditions have potential risks.
Then there is the issue of disease and how that relates to health. Who is healthier, guy with no diseases but can't move off the couch, or the athlete who picked up some unfortunate infections?

Let's narrow the scope even further to people who physically fit. Other than having sport specific abilities, is it better have more endurance, or mobility or strength? They are all important no doubt, and they are largely connected, but if you were to ask a runner, a yoga guru and a powerlifter which is more important they will give you three different answers.

What does health mean to you?

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