dimanche 12 mars 2017

Virgin Trout Post

Greetings all. I’m a long time browser but first time poster to this list, so you’ll have to bear with the 2-part message…

While I’m a native of the St. Lawrence region (and its smallies and pike), I now reside in CNY and my 13-year old son and I have become avid troutsters over the last several years. My son is such a die hard that he even landed a 26” brown on the trophy section of the WCC in late December (can’t figure out how to post pics yet, so you’ll have to trust me!). An obviously common sentiment on this forum is the unwillingness to publicly share info on hot spots, and I suppose I “get it” on some levels. I’m a fanatic C&Rer, and have personally witnessed way too much sacrilege over the past few years. But before I do in fact ask for some candid advice that goes against the norm, here’s an experience I’d like to share upon which you can judge my “worthiness”.

My son and I were fishing the Whiteface region of the WB Ausable on a rainy Sunday this past fall, and came across a fly jacket loaded with gear. We left it there on the way out, thinking A—the owner was prolly doing his duty in the woods, or B—he’d eventually realize he’d forgotten the gear and would come back. 3 hours later on our way back, the loaded fly jacket was still there, so we elected to go an alternate route. We brought the gear back to my truck, went through it and found a license with an address. I google mapped the address and found the house with a nearby business I could call to track the owner down. I was successful in reaching the owner’s father, and he told me he’d have his secretary send me a Fedex # so I could mail the materials back to him with no out-of-pocket costs. Well, I waited for over a week and got no call/text from his secretary, so just mailed it to the address and wrote a little note (i.e. “from one fishing father and son to another”). No response, not even a simple thank you. While I failed to mention the jacket prolly contained $1000 worth of gear, I also failed to mention that the house I found was a $3 million dollar mansion, and nearby business was an exclusive golf course country club. So take that story for what it’s worth. It was a good teaching moment for a father and his 13 year old son on a trout fishing excursion, corrupted by an unwillingness to even say thanks. While I’m pretty sure I’d do the same thing again, I’m interested in the opinions from this forum.


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