mercredi 21 juin 2017

Advice on a 7 summit 2 day weekend

Hi All,
I'm planning a solo outing to the high peaks, probably the weekend of July 8th (hope that's on the right side of Independence Day to avoid the biggest swarms..?) and looking to get a little validation and/or advice. This is training for a hike I have in August that is 80mi and 20k ft ascent in 7 days at high elevation (9-13k), so I'm looking to make this training weekend tough. So far my only experience in the Adirondacks is a slow jaunt up Noonmark and I'm excited to take in more!

Currently my plan is (by the most direct trails):
I'm planning to camp by the intersection of Lake Arnold Trail and Mount Marcy Trail. If my math is right, that makes for a first day of 10.8mi and 5,250ft ascent and a second day of 13.8mi and 4,000ft ascent.

I'll be carrying a pack of around 35lbs, I'm 27 and pretty nimble, and I'm basically looking to pack as much of the best (and highest) the high peaks has to offer into these 2 days! Fingers crossed for good weather, but unless it's genuinely dangerous, I'll be going regardless.

Any suggestions, reality checks, tips, or comments? I'll be prepared to bail early if needed, but if things go according to plan, I think I should have a bit of room to work with. If I'm passing near something worth a small detour or adjustment of route, I'd love to know! I can't decide about Wright Peak..

Much thanks, including to those who already gave me some great advice in the other thread about Haystack.

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