mercredi 21 juin 2017

Round Lake questions

Hey All,

In a couple of weeks myself and 3 others will be headed up to do a 5 day trip on Round Lake and Little Tupper, and I was hoping to pick the collective brain a bit.

The plan is to start with a couple of days on Round Lake, as none of us have been there before, and then head over to Little Tupper for a couple more days, with a day trip to Rock Pond.

My questions are concerning Round Lake. I've heard that there is a hiking trail that follows Round Lake Stream/Bog River for a ways, but I don't see it on either of my maps (Paddler's Map, Nat'l Geo #745). The only trails I see are one on the western side that eventually runs into Sabattis Rd to the south, and what looks like a network of old roads on the eastern side that run onto private land. Nothing near Round Lake Stream, but a couple of people have told me that they hiked a path along this stream. Does anyone know if this rumored trail exists? Also, any idea how far one can paddle up the stream before running into rapids or other obstructions?

Another question regarding the bass that aren't supposed to be there: I've been told they are prolific on Little Tupper, to the point where one has to try hard not to catch them. Is the same true of Round Lake and Rock Pond?

One last question regarding the Round Lake campsites: From what I've heard and read, the general consensus seems to be that the sites on the east side are great and the west side ones not so much. Would those of you who have been there agree? And any particularly good sites we should shoot for?

Thanks in advance for any knowledge shared.

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