dimanche 25 juin 2017

Allen Mountain

I hope that this information helps others on their hike to and from Allen Mountain. I copied some of this information from another thread and added a few things.

Park at the second upper works parking lot on the right hand side, shortly after passing the upper works structure. After signing in, you'll follow the path down to the Hudson River. You'll come to what used to be a suspension bridge. There is a five-or-ten minute detour to the left that goes around the end of the body of water. If you look you in the water at the river crossing, you can see pieces of the old bridge still floating around. Continue on the path to the old Ranger building. Feel free to check it out. Stay on the old road till you come up to a cairn and turn left. There is an arrow marked on a nearby tree stay straight and follow yellow markers on the trees. You'll come up to an old red gate – cross it and continue on. At about 4 miles in, you'll need to cross a river. There is no bridge and depending on the water level you might be able to jump rocks just 100 feet up river. We were able to cross without getting wet. For the next 1.5 miles its pretty narrow and overgrown but easy to follow. You'll pass a sign for Mt Marcy, just keep going past it and you'll run into a sign for Allen and a yellow arrow pointing the way. 5.25 miles in, you'll come to a road and some arrows on trees, go left and you'll see a gravel parking lot on the right. Go right into the parking lot, and at the end of the parking lot is a second trail register. Sign in and continue on. From here, it starts the unmarked trail. You'll cross a few streams, and pass a few water falls. The trail isn't well marked, so keep a good focus so you don't have to waste time. There is a small waterfall that marks the steep ascent to the peak, less than ¾ of a mile if you ask me, but the source from which I got most of this information copied from says it is closer to a mile. It's very steep and slippery so be careful. Be sure to stay on the left side of the steep ascent/slide when the opportunity presents itself. When we did this hike in May, we stayed to the right, which was a lot tougher. I think we missed a cairn. Once on the summit, there is a small clearing and Allen Mountain sign. Make sure to explore and get both views that the summit has to offer. This hike took us about 10.5 hours, including 45 minutes of breaks. My friend and I are in our early to mid twenties, runners, and in great physical shape. We were pretty whooped at the end, maybe because it was the first hike of the year, or it could be because we were both carrying 30+lb packs to prepare for more challenging endeavors planned for later this summer... If I could make any recommendation to anyone trying to hike this mountain - start at sunrise.

Hike #1 Saturday May 27th 2017 6:40 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

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