dimanche 6 août 2017

Camp Santanoni to Ermine Brook route advice?

I am planning to return to the Santanoni Preserve in 2 or 3 weeks and while I am there I am hoping to make a day trip to the Ermine Brook Slide. I tried to find it in 2012, last time I was in the area, but I either didn't get far enough up the brook or I missed the opening. I'm planning to stay at one of the campsites around the main lodge complex, and from there I'm wondering if it would be wiser to canoe across the lake, hide the canoe near the Ward Pond Brook lean-to and follow the trail from there to Moose Pond, or if I should bicycle back down the main road to the point where the Moose Pond road begins, leave the bike there and walk up the road the whole way. According to the NG map the walk is 3.5 miles on the trail or 4 miles on the old road to the point where they meet. In 2012 I stayed at the lean to and as I recall the trail was pretty obstructed and was hard to find in places. I have read that it was brushed out not too long ago. I have never been on the piece of road in question, but certainly the part I was on before was easy traveling and I think the whole thing gets used by horses and wagons in the fall. If anyone who is more familiar with the area would be willing to offer an opinion I would appreciate it.

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