lundi 21 août 2017

Gill Brook neighborood

Thinking of back packing into the Gill brook sites, dropping off teh packs and staking out a site and day hiking Blake & Colvin.

Next day exiting via Nippletop & Dial with full packs? From Elk Pass to Nippletop looks like it is steep but from Nippletop back to AMR lot looks mostly downhill? Or is it a tad easier to day hike, back track and save the heavier packs for Lake Road?

Also, thinking about this for <cringe> Labor Day weekend</cringe>. What are some favorite Plan B's if AMR lot is full? And on a Friday of a holiday weekend this lot fills up prior to 8? 9? 10? Maybe hike into Gill Brook Thu evening but we'd have to get off AMR land before setting up cam of course. We've night hiked before and are good with that.


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