jeudi 26 juillet 2018

Colden Via Trap Dike

Hello Everyone,

Coming back down for the first time in years, I still want to get the Marcy checkmark but I read about Colden via Avalanche pass up the Dike and am stoked to try it out but...
I feel confident enough in my rock climbing/scrambling ability to be able to deal with the 2nd waterfall and then the slabs but I am bringing my girlfriend, she is a solid hiker but does not have any experience over 1500 feet. Now the responsible guide in me says that I should probably just stick to Marcy but the seeker in me really wants to do something that requires a bit more focus, if you will. I feel like she could do it but at the same time I haven't hiked with her in this type of environment. We did switchbacks in Hawaii and it was a piece of cake, she has the fitness to do it but I am just not sure on her technical ability for something like this.
I could bring rope and belay and tie off as we go up the slab as it does look truly steep.

Everyone here has been very helpful in the past and offered solid advice. And yes I know...if in doubt just don't do it would be your best advice but I am asking for your advice as if I was to do this with her. I am still undecided and honestly looking at leaning more to just taking the walk up to marcy, but it just looks so amazing not to try it!

What do you think?

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