mardi 10 juillet 2018

Putnam Pond/Lake George

Just returned from a week spent around Putnam Pond and Lake George. Although this year's annual anniversary trip was spent in more populated areas than usual, a good time was had by all.

We began on Putnam Pond early last week, spending 4 days at remote site #7, which is becoming one of my favorite sites to camp in the Adirondacks. It's the farthest one out of the remote sites, situated on a beautiful little point that is a perfect place to swim, fish, and catch a bug-clearing breeze. The fishing was fantastic- I caught several bass every day, including a monster 5 pound largemouth that is the biggest I've ever caught. I also accidentally snagged a massive snapping turtle that I was thankfully able to release without leaving the lure stuck in it or losing any fingers.

It got into the 90's every day so we didn't hike as much as we planned, but we did hike over to and around Grizzle Ocean where we saw a bald eagle take a fish from the pond.

On Friday we moved over to Roger's Rock campground on the north end of Lake George. At first it appeared to be a questionable planning decision on my part as the campground was full of rowdy party folks and screaming kids. But it turns out there are a few tucked away places in that park to enjoy the lake in relative peace and quiet, and we spent our days hiking Roger's Rock and Cook mountain and paddling Northwest Bay Brook and Lake George itself. The lake gets choppy and pretty active with motor boats and jet skis during the day, but if you paddle in the early morning or evening you can get a relatively calm and quiet experience. Lake George is one of the most active lakes in the Adirondacks to be sure, but it is also absolutely beautiful. By Sunday, our last night there, the party crowd had cleared out, and we enjoyed a gorgeous Lake George sunset while we grilled our burgers from a hidden little point we found at the far eastern end of the picnic area.

All in all, a very enjoyable week in the Adirondacks. Thanks to everyone who commented on my questions- that was quite helpful in the planning of this trip.

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