jeudi 5 juillet 2018

Good Luck Lake Paddle

Hello All,

Last Tuesday I decided to try a paddle to Good Luck Lake. I didn't bring a dog because it was just too hot. They got to stay home in the AC. It took me about 50 minutes to get to the put-in. I put the boat in the water about 9:30 am and it was already very hot. It truly was a glorious day in spite of the heat.

The sky was a dazzling blue and full of pretty puffy clouds. The put-in area was a riot of colorful wildflowers and the birds were singing their little hearts out. First I chose to paddle downstream on the serene West Branch Sacadaga. I was fascinated by the water grass, brilliant green and swirling a bit below the surface. The pictures don't do it justice. I tried to go into Chub Lake, but the channel was blocked by a beaver dam. I just wasn't up to climbing over it in that heat. So I continued downstream until I got to anther beaver dam. Then I decided to turn around and head upstream to my true destination. I passed under the bridge over the river and stopped to watch the swallows and their nests. I got to see a adult feed its babies. Score!!

The channel leading to Good Luck Lake was so narrow in parts that I gave up paddling and just pulled myself through using the branches of the bushes overhanging the water. Soon it widened and I got expansive views of the lake and Good Luck Mt. I found a nice sandy beach which made a perfect spot for a late breakfast. I was very hot and it was so refreshing to jump in and take a swim. The water was warm. I am used to swimming in the Great Sacandaga Lake and it is much colder. After lunch, I continued on around the lake. I explored what I think might be the outlet to Spectacle Lake, but I couldn't get very far. Then I had to head back.

I so enjoyed this outing. (Don't tell my dogs.) I didn't see another person the whole time and even the bugs cut me a break. Merry Sunshine didn't though, and I ended up with a nasty sunburn despite frequent and copious applications of SPF 30 sunscreen. Oh well, it was worth it.

I am trying out amazon prime photos. Here is a link to the photo album. Please let me know if you can view the pics.


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