lundi 16 juillet 2018

West Canada Lake 3k Peaks

Three hikers began at the Pillsbury TH and hiked in to West Lake. We hoped to use the Lean-to but 2 (newbie?) youngsters from the 'Cuse had completely overtaken it and showed no signs ( or understanding) of moving over. We were good with that and set up a small tent. Then we hit the swimming rocks for a few hours. Pure paradise. Following said paradise we re-hydrated Jaffe's Gruyère Pasta that I bonified with copious bacon and washed it down with excellent wine before hitting the sack at 7:30.

Next morning, after the pitter-patter of rain on the tent we were underway at 7:30 for a tetrad of 3k peaks. We spent 8 hours doing 4 peaks to the north of West Lake, including Kitty Cobble and West Lake Peak. We then resumed the swimming, sunning, eating and wine tasting endeavors from the day before. I continued to serenade my partners and the loons with my flute.

Next morning we packed up and dropped weight in the South Lake LT and aimed ourselves towards Northrup Peak. We chose to whack along the south shore of South and this proved to be very difficult with Witch Hobble, blowdown, swamps, extreme deer fly events and severe heat. Nevertheless, we made it to the top of Northrup after 150 minutes of whacking. Never had any of us seen, heard or been bitten by so many flies, ever, ever, in our entire lives. The heat was also a force to be reckoned with , especially crossing the swamps in the blazing sun, while the frenzied deer flies had their way with our tender flesh. (fave biting spot: on our backs between the pack and the shoulder blades: ouch!)

No sooner had we made the summit of Northrup than we heard a human voice cry out, "Hello!" It was our good friend Gérald, who had ascended by a different route. Talk about amazing! It was Gérald's 774th summit from the 777 list. We chatted a bit while swatting flies and then we got out of there.

Back at the South Lake L-T we went for a swim, organized our gear and then we hiked 10 miles back to the Pillsbury TH.

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