mardi 17 juillet 2018

Long Pond with kids and grandkids

MDB and I, along with our son and his GF headed up 1st on Friday.
We saw 58Rover's Rover in the parking lot, but didn't run into him.
Campsite number did not natch the most recent DEC published data...By lunch time on a Friday, we were lucky to get a site!

After setting up the tent, we paddled to the NW bay, ditched our boats and climbed Long Pond Mt. It was very hot and steamy that day, but everyone enjoyed the climb. Views from the top were a bit hazy, and it's sure getting grown in up top, even the other viewing spot.
We had a little rain overnight and the next morning, but the paddle in to Pink and Little Pink was beautiful with all the flowers in bloom.
Then we went back to the put in to meet up with our daughter, SIL and the grandkids. They caught a few nice smallmouths, and they forgot half of their food!
Saturday night was wonderfully dark with clear skies. Next day we again paddled to Pink...everyone agreed it's a pretty spot.
Even met a family from Belgium!

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