mercredi 18 juillet 2018

Second Pond


In the latest installment of the series, "Pooches by a Pond", I found myself and two of my loyal canine companions heading to Second Pond, in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness

Last Monday was predicted to be hot and sticky and it did not disappoint. So I chose a deep woods hike to avoid the worst of the sun. The trail head was well marked and easy to find and the trail easy to follow. Once again, we had the woods to ourselves.

Just a short distance from the start, we were able to admire this pretty beaver pond (photo 1) and a nice, sturdy log bridge over its outlet. (photo 2) We saw many interesting plants along the way including these shelf mushrooms (photo 3) and this plant with gorgeous blue berries. (photo 4) Does anyone know the name of this plant? Unfortunately, we did encounter copious amounts of stinging nettle and I was only wearing shorts. (I prefer to call it Devil's Torture.) It truly became nearly unbearable. I got about 3/4 of the way to the pond and seriously considered turning around. But I knew the dogs would love the pond and I didn't want to be a baby, so we continued.

We finally reached the pond and the dogs were happy to go in for a refreshing dip. The views are limited at the end of the trail, but I did find a nice rock on the shore where I could sit and enjoy my lunch. Silly and Vigor were kind enough to pose for a picture on the rock. (photo 5) The spot feels very remote. The tiny island is very picturesque. There was a loon a ways out on the pond, doing what loons do. But it was too far away for me to get a good picture.

I stayed longer than usual, because I was dreading the walk back in the heat and those &#!!! nettles. Then I decided to pull a MacGyver to see if there was some way I could protect my legs. I sorted thru my pack and found my little plastic emergency rain poncho. I've carried it for years but I had never used it. I had forgotten I even had it. I managed to fashion it into a skirt that hung from my waist down to just above my boots. I'm sure it looked goofy, but it worked like a charm. The walk back to the car was much more pleasant as a result. That poncho purchase may have been the best $1.00 I ever spent!!

Not a bad way to spend a hot Monday afternoon. This is another place I intend to explore on snowshoes one day.

Where to go next? Hmmmmm.....


Attached Images
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File Type: jpg Second 2.jpg (139.4 KB)
File Type: jpg Second 3.jpg (123.7 KB)
File Type: jpg Second 4.jpg (134.9 KB)

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