dimanche 31 mars 2019

Lam the nao de giup con phat trien tri nao tot

Làm thế nào để giúp con phát triển trí não tốt

Trẻ con sinh ra đều sở hữu những tiềm năng não bộ, Các chủng vân tay hiếm nếu bạn có sẽ thành thiên tài đặc biệt ngày từ khi sinh ra. Tuy nhiên không phải cứ để tự nhiên mà tiềm năng này có thể phát huy được tối ưu và hiệu quả nhất. Việc của mỗi bậc phụ huynh cần quan tâm và cần làm đó chính là tìm cách kích thích trí não cho trẻ.

Vậy Làm thế nào để giúp con phát triển trí não tốt mời bạn cùng sinh trắc vân tay Elite Symbol theo dõi nội dung bài viết dưới đây.

Các nhà nghiên cứu đã nghiên cứu và chứng minh được rằng những hoạt động kích thích não bộ có vai trò quan trọng trong sự phát triển của bé. Nếu quan tâm đến điều này, quý phụ huynh có thể dễ dàng nhận ra bé có các biểu hiện tích cực sau một vài ngày tiếp xúc với các hoạt động trí não khác nhau. Từ đó giúp cho trẻ trở nên nhanh nhẹn hơn và học hỏi tiếp thu tốt hơn.

Dưới đây là những hoạt động vô cùng thú vị mà bạn có thể áp dụng để giúp con mình phát triển một cách hoàn hảo nhất.

Hãy đọc sách cùng con mỗi ngày

Sách là một kho tàng tri thức của toàn nhân loại. Việc đọc sách vừa là cách tốt để cả gia đình cùng ngồi lại với nhau vừa là một cách để tăng cường khả năng não bộ của bé. Nhiều nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng đọc sách giúp bé con của bạn nâng cao khả năng văn học, sử dụng ngôn ngữ và từ vựng linh hoạt hơn.

Đọc sách cũng là cách giúp kích thích phát triển não bộ

Bên cạnh đó, sinh trắc học dấu vân tay uy tín cho rằng sách vừa là người kể chuyện vừa là người dạy cho con những yếu tố căn bản như đọc bảng chữ cái, cách đếm số, cách làm phép tính và những bài học đạo đức.

Tham gia các hoạt đồng sinh hoạt tập thể

Sinh hoạt tập thể ở đây được hiểu chính là việc bố mẹ để cho bé chơi cùng với bạn bè, để giúp bé cải thiện được loại hình trí thông minh xã hội. Khi mở rộng mối quan hệ giao tiếp, sẽ giúp bé xây dựng các kỹ năng sống mà bé sẽ cần trong tương lai.

Chơi trò đố vui

Trò chơi này đòi hỏi bé cần cố gắng và kiên nhẫn để đợi tới lượt chơi của mình, cũng như học cách chấp nhận thua cuộc. Việc nhớ kĩ những luật lệ của trò chơi cũng giúp não bộ của bé hoạt động tốt hơn. Bé phải tư duy và điều đó khiến cho hoạt động não bộ của bé sẽ tăng cường. Không chỉ vậy, trò chơi này còn rèn luyện tính nhẫn nại, giải phóng năng lượng của bé và kích thích não bé hiệu quả.

Làm thế nào để giúp con phát triển trí não tốt

Giữ cho tinh thần của bé luôn tích cực

Bạn hãy luôn để cho con mình được vui chơi tự do nhé. Bên cạnh đó, hãy luôn tạo thêm nhiều không gian và dành thời gian chơi đùa cho bé, đặc biệt là những trò chơi sáng tạo, thể hiện tính lãnh đạo và kỹ năng làm việc nhóm của con.

Phát triển môi trường học của con

Nếu lớp học thể thao giúp bé vận động để phát triển thể chất và kỹ năng giao tiếp thì âm nhạc sẽ giúp kích thích trí thông minh về khả năng cảm thụ và tưởng tượng. Tuy nhiên để con có được sự phát triển tối ưu thì bạn phải nhận ra điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của con, sau đó tìm cho bé môi trường học phù hợp với những ưu điểm ấy của bé.

Bất kể những hoạt động bạn chọn là gì, hãy đảm bảo rằng những hoạt động đó mang lại thú vị cho con. Mọi thông tin chi tiết Sinh trắc vân tay là gì có đúng không? khác bạn có thể đến với trung tâm Elite Symbol để nhận được tư vấn từ chuyên viên.

samedi 30 mars 2019

Apple macbook pro 2015 model available

Has all qualities needd intact .
Contact me if you want to buy it .
Email:- singhr2678@gmail.com

Canon 5d mark iii available

Its fairly used with 24-105mm lens .
Has accessories intact .
Pls contact email .

30+ mile loops

Hey everyone.
I'm looking for a 30+ mile hike to do over 3 days 2 nights in the ADK. I'm fairly new to the area but I've taken a few backpacking trips in the 20-30 mile range in the ADK. I'm hoping to hike 15-20 miles a day. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!


Giá Gỗ Sồi Mỹ

TigerWood(0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Mỹ uy tín chất lượng.

Thông Tin Giá Gỗ Sồi Mỹ

Gỗ Sồi Mỹ đang được sử dụng rộng rãi trên thị trường gỗ, được úng phổ biến trong sản xuất đồ nội thất.

Khi mua gỗ sồi Mỹ thì nhà sản xuất thường xem giá đầu tiên, bởi khi giá rẻ thì nhà sẽ giúp tiết kiệm được một khoản chi phí và thành phẩm giá thấp hơn cạnh tranh so với thị trường.

Nhưng nó cũng có cái khó khăn là nếu bạn chọn mua Gỗ Sồi Mỹ giá rẻ ở công ty cung cấp gỗ không đáng tin thì bạn sẽ mua những loại gỗ không đảm bảo chất lượng dẫn đến thành phẩm cũng có chất lượng không tốt. Nên khi lựa chọn nhà cung cấp bạn cần cân nhắc tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp đang tín cậy.

Chúng tôi là TigerWood chuyên cung cấp các loại gỗ sồi nhập khẩu. Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp thì hãy liên hệ ngay với 0907.665.335 hoặc có thể đến xem trực tiếp tại TigerWood để được báo giá Gỗ Sồi Mỹ tốt nhất nhé.

vendredi 29 mars 2019

Chia Sẽ Thông Tin Về Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu

Công ty Tigerwood(0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu uy tín chất lượng giá cả ưu đãi.

Ngày nay xã hội ngày càng hiện đại, cuộc sống của chúng ta đã được cải thiện tốt hơn về vật chất tinh thần, mỗi người đều muốn có một không gian thoải mái nhất sau những giờ làm việc vất vã. Trong không gian ngôi nhà mỗi gian phòng đều mang một vẽ đẹp riêng, nhiều người ưa chuộng những phong cách hiện đại, bên cạnh đó nhiều người lại thích trang trí đồ gỗ trong ngôi nhà của mình. Đồ gỗ ngày nay đang được nhiều người ưa chuộng bởi nó mang lại một cảm giác thoải mái không gian ngôi nhà.
Khi nhắc đến gỗ thì có thể bạn sẽ đến một số loại gỗ được sử dụng phổ biến như : gỗ sồi, dẻ gai, gỗ thông, óc chó,…

Vậy bạn hiểu hết về các loại gỗ này chưa ?
Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu hiện nay đang được sử dụng khá phổ biến bởi những đặc tính vốn có của gỗ. Để tìm hiểu chi tiết về Gỗ này mời các bạn xem tại : https://www.gooaknhapkhau.com/2019/0...-dung-pho.html

Để có thể hiểu thêm về Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu bạn có thể liên hệ 0907.665.335

First paddle 2019? Northern end of park.

Thinking of coming out for an early day trip by canoe in the St Regis Canoe Area. Yes I know about cold water, we have neoprene, PFDs, etc., the tricky thing is car access. Is Floodwood Road open? Or is that info publicly available somewhere? Would Long Pond be clear of ice? Or just get off the 30 and put in at Follensby Clear? Thoughts?

Perhaps there is a stream or river route that is low in the summer and would be good to do now?

Doesn't have to be in SRCA but we are coming down the 30 from The North.

Kelsey Falls-Loyalsock State Forest


A great hike to an off trail falls that you could go behind. There were also some big rocks and hemlocks.

Mud Season Hikes

Hello everyone,

I posted this on the High Peaks forum and was suggested to copy it here, which makes perfect sense. With mud season fast approaching, I’m looking for hikes outside of the high peaks that come highly recommended. I know this could lead to a million different answers, but to concentrate the field a bit, ideally the hikes would be 9+ miles (an arbitrary number). Also, I live in Utica so south/south western hikes would be awesome, but I’m willing to drive anywhere if necessary. The hikes don’t need to be mountainous and can be flatland to ponds, streams, lean tos. I just want to know your favorite hikes outside of the High Peaks!


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I Contain Multitudes


A pretty good read on the crapper, if you got one.

jeudi 28 mars 2019

Southern Adirondack Snowpack, Mar. 28 2019

The above photos were taken in an open area just outside of Northville, NY. Covered areas have slightly lesser snow, but you’ll still need snow shoes if you plan on hiking. The warm temperatures have increased the snowmelt substantially, with vegetation starting to blossom in thawed areas. Nearby creeks are flowing rapidly, with moderate flooding concerns for the weekend. Rain and temperatures in the mid-50’s are forecasted for Saturday.

Interestingly enough, the Conklingville Dam on the Great Sacandaga Lake is registering nearly 756 feet as of this writing. The average level for this time is around 747 feet. With the lake still frozen, it’ll be interesting to see how much flooding the surrounding areas will have to deal with this year.

Also, according to Weather.com, the Adirondacks might not see their last freeze until after May 20:

At least it's officially spring. :rolleyes:


mercredi 27 mars 2019

UPRIVER - A Watershed Film

Years ago I was fortunate to have met and hire the founders of this organization for an underwater photography workshop. Have a look at Freshwaters Illustrated and this full feature film.

"Happy World Water Weekend! We're celebrating by making our feature film UPRIVER available for free online viewing until April 15! Watch, share, and remember: WE ALL LIVE UPRIVER!


Hillabrandt Vly, FLWF, 27 Mar, 2019

Sometimes, when Tredhed and I plan a trip it's to conquer a mountain. Sometimes it's to get to a pond to try for a wiley trout. Other times, it's just to take a walk in the woods. Todays walk in the woods was to Hillabrandt Vly in the Ferris Lake Wild Forest.

The blue disked trail starts at the end of Glasgow Rd. in the Town of Caroga.

The trail, initially laid out as a highway in 1796, starts off as a well packed foot trail that climbs uphill for a few hundred yards.

It crosses Glasgow Creek on a good bridge and then intercepts a major snowmobile trail coming in from the north. The snowmobile trail was well groomed and a pleasure to walk with micro-spikes.

We continued to climbs the 200+ feet to the old mill site at Glasgow Mill Pond. The view up the shallow pond was nice on this warm, early spring day.

After exploring some of the mill ruins, the old dam and the campsite, we continued on the snowmobile trail towards Hillabrandt Vly.

The forest transitioned from hardwoods to hemlocks as we descended slightly to approach the Vly.

We noted the location of the designated campsite and then proceeded across the narrow causeway to the outlet; Middle Sprite Creek.

We then made a bee line across the pond from the outlet to the campsite. While there are no major peaks in this corner of Fulton County, the views are still spectacular.

Once we cleared the outlet area, we were impressed by the size of the Vly.

Settling down at the designated campsite, we snacked on our lunch and admired the surroundings.

The walk back was quick and easy on the smooth snowmobile trail. The south breeze and warm sun was melting the top layer of snow on the trail, but the spikes were adequate for the walk down the hill. We spent a little over four hours in the woods today and didn't see another soul. A great day to take a walk in the woods.

Garden Parking

This will complicate things this summer. 7pm last call on the shuttle is a bit early during the summer season. They mention that even pedestrians are not allowed access. I wonder what's going to happen when people miss the last shuttle and walk into Keene Valley?


mardi 26 mars 2019

Wenonah Voyager Flex-Core w/Kevlar used...

Lightly used Wenonah Voyager Flex-Core w/Kevlar canoe. 46 lbs.

Check it out here: https://www.wenonah.com/Canoes.aspx?id=125

It does not have the 'tractor' seat......looking for a good offer.

dimanche 24 mars 2019

Bear Creek Preserve


An excellent 5 mile loop with a view, big rocks, waterfalls, cascades, pools, old growth hemlock and pine, and rhododendron jungles. The highlight is beautiful Shades Creek. This hike offers superb streamside hiking. The preserve covers 3,600 acres an is near Wilkes-Barre.

Dehydrator advice, opions and input sought.

We've been using a Nesco, 4-tray model for a few years now and would like to increase our capacity. So far, all of our research points us towards the Excalibur 3926. This model has 9 trays and 15 sq. feet of surface. It's very expensive compared to our Nesco. I noticed the heater is 600W whereas the Nesco is 750. Perhaps the difference in capacity is in the fan and airflow design.

Anyway, any dehydrator experience you'd like to share would be greatly appreciated.

Catamount Foiled 3/24/19

Woke up in LP for a planned snowshoe of Catamount this morning. Spectacular day, blue sky, 30 degrees driving by WF at 845am, and minimal wind, what a difference a day makes.

First vehicle in the parking lot about 920am. First to sign in. Two smaller groups from Saturday 3/23 registered, from QC.

So - snowmobile fresh tracks from parking area into the woods. Yea! No breaking trail! Sled turned left on the sled path (gated, open) at 0.4 Next 0.2 was good, mostly on top of the path the two groups took yesterday. Our snow shoes during their job.

At about 0.6, the yellow DEC markers stop. They end. Options - a right turn over a new, non-handrail bridge, no tracks....nothing. Straight ahead up about 50 vertical feet. Then....still nothing ahead. No markers. Previous SS tracks go left. Hmm, map says go right, but not yet. Still under 1700 feet elevation, map says straight. No trail. Go about 5 minutes left, hearing about reroutes through research. Really just hit the private properly line and followed it N/ NW.

Turn around, 2 more groups of 2 each. Cross the bridge. Maybe a new trail? No markers. Anywhere. Bottom line, after over an hour or hour fifteen, turned around. Multiple groups breaking trail, bushwacking, straight up, or over bridge then straight up. No markers anywhere. Oh - here comes back the group that followed the N NW tracks. Back again. Not that. No idea where the 2 QC groups from yesterday went.

Back at car 90 minutes total. Was a good walk in the woods. so much snow up there.

What's Up with the Trail? Where is it? Why the Abrupt ending of Markers? None one new trail? None on old trail? Where is any trail? Will go back in Spring after snow/before bugs. Where is the trail? And no, the ascent cant be over 2300 as the new DEC sign says. Is the summit really 1.8 miles away? So many questions.

jeudi 21 mars 2019

Secluded 3-day Loop

I'm looking for a 10 to 20 mile loop to take over 3-days from 5/23 - 5/27 (memorial day weekend). Shorter would be better if there are options to take side hikes and make the journey a bit longer. I'll be hiking with other people who are not in as good of shape as I am but they are still fairly fit. Being secluded is very important for us. Any suggestions?

Stony Pond Snowshoe

[Hello All,

To celebrate the first day of Spring, I decided to snowshoe with my best trail buddy Vigor, out to Stony Pond and have lunch at the lean-to. I intended to do this trip last summer. But, that day, when I arrived at the trail head, a man warned me that a bus has just unloaded about 30 kids on a summer camp outing. Oh, I am so glad he warned me. I went somewhere else. So, this was attempt #2.

We had a bit of a tough time getting going. I brought the wrong map/trail guide and with the snowbanks so high, I missed the trail entirely. I realized I was getting close to Newcomb, so I decided to go there first and take some picks from the overlook. I was not disappointed by the view.

There was good cell service there, so I checked my phone and realized my mistake. Back I went and still almost drove past the trail head because the snowbanks were so high. I was a little leery about parking along the road but I decided it would be OK as there was just enough room to get my car off the road entirely.

The first task was getting over that snowbank.

Then, off we went and we had the whole trail to ourselves. It didn't look like anyone had been there since the weekend.

Conditions were great and it really was a lovely trail.

We arrived at the pond and enjoyed the brilliant sunshine and blue skies. There were tracks out on the pond, but I had a scary fall through the ice last year and I just don't do ice anymore. At least, not in March.

My boy and I had lunch at the lean-to, just enjoying the solitude. The lean-to was very clean and I didn't have to pack out anyone else's junk.

Too soon, it was time to head back. I can't imagine a better way to welcome Spring.


mercredi 20 mars 2019

North vs South Facing Mts

If I were to climb Bennies Brook Slide, am I correct to think that since it is southern facing snow will be more abundant then if climbing Big Slide from the brook? Also, if hiking from Elizabethtown to RPR, isn't that mostly the northern facing side? If so, should snow be less on that hike? Forgive my ignorance, but I am coming up May 30 with my son and our two dogs and want a challenging hike but not much snow/ice. I realize most snow will be gone, but damn you guys are still getting it!!! Even if all snow and ice is gone, for future reference, am I correct with my thinking above regarding those two hikes and snow depth in early/late spring?

Pinnacle Ice Wall, SMWF, 20 Mar, 2019

My bum knee was telling me to squeeze one more winter hike in before the Equinox this afternoon. Who am I to argue with my body. I had the chance today to do a short solo hike that's been on my list for some time; the Pinnacle Ice Wall in the Shaker Mt. Wild Forest.

I hit the trailhead around 9:30 and everything was frozen up nicely. However, the last half-mile of Pinnacle Rd. looked like it would be a little "soft" on the way out. Slipping the microspikes on, I signed into the woods where I noticed the trail sign to County Line Lake was missing from the mighty hemlock. :confused:

The first part of the well traveled trail is a little steep as it climbs through the hardwoods up the shoulder of Pinnacle Mt.

After that, the trail meets up with Pinnacle Creek in the hemlocks and gradually climbs over the next .8 mile.

Once the trail got close to the creek, I noticed beautiful ice formations glistening in the sunshine. Foreshadowing? :rolleyes:

Pinnacle Creek is scenic in any season, but today it was especially stunning.

As the trail was pinched between two steep hills, I noticed several snow rollers that had come down the slopes.

After a mile of so, I came to the turn off for the ice wall. I took off the spikes and put the snowshoes on, not knowing what to expect. The path was well packed down as the last six people in the register have gone here. In 15 minutes, I was at the south end of the vly.

I followed the snowshoe tracks across the frozen vly and was soon looking at the beginning of the ice wall.

Well, this was nice, but is that it? Not so fast. I followed the snowshoe tracks into the woods and discovered a 400 yd long wall of ice. The photos really can't do this place justice. The colors, the sounds of dripping water and the wind in the hemlocks really rounded out a neat experience.

I followed the ice wall up to its northern terminus and marveled at the beauty of it all.

I know there are several more ice walls on Pinnacle that are perhaps more spectacular than what I visited today. However, my knee was telling me I really shouldn't be climbing anything else this morning. Especially Pinnacle :eek: I took one last look at this secluded, yet popular spot and headed back down the path towards the now super-muddy Pinnacle Rd. This is a great short hike that I will certainly do again when I have a chance to explore some of the other ice walls in the area. Now, two hours before spring begins, I hit the Submit New Thread button on my last winter hike of 2018-2019.

mardi 19 mars 2019

Un prepaired hikers

This is just crazy. Dont know why or what they were thinking


Murphy Lake, WLWF, 19 Mar, 2019

For the last full day of winter, Tredhed and I decided to head to one of our "Happy Places"; Murphy Lake in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. We've been here numerous times since we were kids, hiking, camping, fishing and just hanging out. Today was a hanging out kind of day.

It was pretty chilly when we arrived at the Creek Rd. trailhead.

Noticing that a snowmobile had traveled the trail in recent times, we decided to spike up and see how far we could get before we had to put the snowshoes on. Fortunately, the hard packed snowmobile track provided a good base and we didn't need the snowshoes as the well marked trail climbed through the hemlocks.

Soon enough, we arrived at Bennett Lake. Since the trail doesn't go to the lake, we struck out through the woods on a side path to the recently used designated campsite. The view from this site was as great as we remembered.

After shedding a layer, we headed up the trail towards Middle Lake. Along the way, we noticed a neat ice fall.

After climbing another 350', we approached Middle Lake and it's beautiful views of the surrounding hills and ledges.

A short walk on the lake provided some great scenery, but we soon found ourselves back on the snowmobile path towards our final destination. Within a few short minutes, we arrived at the well-used Murphy Lake Lean-to.

The Lean-to itself was in pretty good shape considering it's almost 40 years old. However, there was a lot of half-burned hemlock laying around and the air smelled smokey from the wet wood.

We explored around a little and checked out the great views of Huckleberry Mt.

Returning to the Lean-to, we had a small snack and reminisced of all the good memories we've had here...except the leeches. Those weren't very good memories. After a while, all that was left to do was to pack up a little trash, hit the trail for Creek Rd. and close out another awesome hike to Murphy Lake.

Dix Mountain

Pharaoh Wilderness snow

Does anyone know how much snow there is at Pharaoh Lake? Would like to ski March 20.

Dinh huong phuong phap, moi truong giao duc ly tuong cho tre

Định hướng phương pháp, môi trường giáo dục lý tưởng cho trẻ

Sinh trắc vân tay sẽ đưa ra những đánh giá chi tiết và toàn diện tiềm năng trí tuệ của mỗi cá nhân. Những đánh giá này sẽ là nền tảng, cơ sở cho sự phát triển tối ưu ở mỗi người. Hiện nay đã có rất nhiều người tìm hiểu và thực hiện phương pháp sinh trắc vân tay để thấu hiểu chính bản thân mình.

Để tìm hiểu về phương pháp Định hướng phương pháp, môi trường giáo dục lý tưởng cho trẻ này mời bạn cùng Sinh trắc vân tay Elite Symbol tìm hiểu nội dung bài viết sau đây.

Nhờ đó bạn sẽ có được những định hướng phù hợp để phát huy những điểm mạnh mình đang có, để hoàn thiện bản thân mình hơn. Để từ đó có phương pháp để định hướng giáo dục tốt nhất, giúp có thể phát huy một cách hiệu quả những tài năng ấy.

Sinh trắc vân tay là công nghệ phân tích mối liên hệ giữa dấu vân tay là não bộ, từ đó tìm ra những thiên hướng bẩm sinh của con trẻ. Bên cạnh đó, nó còn giúp các bậc cha mẹ hiểu rõ hơn về tính cách, thế mạnh, điểm yếu … để dễ dàng tìm ra những định hướng nghề nghiệp phù hợp trong tương lai. Để có được kết quả chính xác nhất, việc tìm kiếm địa chỉ thực hiện phương pháp này lá rất quan trọng.

Khám phá bản thân qua kiểm tra dấu vân tay

Xuất hiện ở Việt Nam khoảng từ năm 2010, tính đến nay, công nghệ này được rất nhiều bậc phụ huynh lựa chọn thực hiện để khám phá tài năng của con cái mình. Bảng báo cáo phân tích như một bức tranh chi tiết nhất, từ tổng thể đến toàn diện về những tiềm năng bên trong con người của một đứa trẻ. Điều này giúp các nhà khoa học định hướng và hỗ trợ cha mẹ, gia đình tạo điều kiện để nuôi dạy bé đúng cách nhất. Do đó việc Làm sinh trắc vân tay cho con đang nhân được sự quan tâm của khá nhiều phụ huynh.

Dựa theo phân tích của máy sinh trắc, công nghệ sinh trắc vân tay, những chuyên gia sẽ phân tích chỉ số IQ, chỉ số EQ, trí thông minh của trẻ, thế mạnh, điểm yếu là gì, Các chủng vân tay hiếm nếu bạn có sẽ thành thiên tài. Công nghệ sinh trắc vân tay đang là một dịch vụ được nhiều người tin tưởng bởi tác dụng trong việc xác định phương pháp giáo dục đào tạo nào tốt nhất, cách dạy nào phù hợp với tính cách của trẻ.

Định hướng phương pháp, môi trường giáo dục lý tưởng cho trẻ

Một trung tâm thực hiện phân tích sinh trắc vân tay chất lượng, uy tín sẽ đem đến cho bạn những kết quả chính xác nhất giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn chính bản thân mình. Qua đó giúp dễ dàng tìm được định hướng phát triển đúng và phù hợp nhất. Hiểu được những vấn đề, mong muốn của các phụ huynh, Sinh trắc vân tay HCM đã mang đến những dịch vụ tư vấn giáo dục, sinh trắc vân tay tốt nhất, để phụ huynh có phương hướng trong việc dạy dỗ trẻ.

Elite Symbol luôn đặt ra cam kết phát triển liên tục các kỹ thuật, mang đến những sản phẩm, dịch vụ có chất lượng cao, gia tăng lợi ích cho cộng đồng, mang lại cuộc sống hạnh phúc cho các thành viên công ty. Một lưu ý nữa mà bạn cũng cần chú ý khi tiến hành sinh trắc vân tay đó chính là hệ thống trang thiết bị hiện đại. Đây là một yếu tố quan trọng góp phần trong kết quả chính xác của phương pháp này.

Hãy cùng đến với Sinh trắc vân tay Elite Symbol để có thể tiến hành sinh trắc vân tay nhanh nhất, chính xác nhất và chi phí thấp nhất.

Middle Settlement Lake

Hey All,

I am planning to resurrect an old tradition of a mid to late April Adirondack trip. I'm looking at Middle Settlement Lake and the surrounding loop in the HaDeRonDah Wilderness. I am familiar with the area, having done the loop and out and back trips to both Middle Settlement and Middle Branch Lakes in the past. I do have a few specific questions however.

First, I am aware of the heavy impact this area receives, but am anticipating few other visitors mid week in late April. Is this a reasonable expectation given the easy access from Rt.28?

Next, for this trip I would like to add the element of back country trout fishing. Now, I would never dream of asking for anyone's secret trout fishing spot, but Middle Settlement Lake is hardly a secret spot. I know DEC has stocked brookies in the past but I don't know how recently. Anyone know if it's reasonable to hope to catch some trout in this lake? The nearby ponds and lakes I'll explore and find out if there are fish the old fashioned way.

Lastly, the last time I was at Middle Settlement I found an old john boat that was, barely, seaworthy. Anyone know if it is still there? Or maybe other communal boats scattered about that might aid in the pursuit of trout? I'm not asking for specific locations, only if I should bother to search.

Thanks in advance for any knowledge shared.

Compass Streamer (Wee Lassie) For Sale $600

lundi 18 mars 2019

Wolfjaws (plus bonus second hand HaBa trip report)

The Steve and I were heading up to Slant Rock for two nights on a very warm Friday the 15th to assist a friend and two others in grabbing some of his last couple of winter peaks (Haystack and Basin) the next day. We were an hour or so ahead of them, but while we were approaching Bushnell falls, we were stopped by a relatively high water side stream with steep banks with no obvious rock hop. We would have gone knee deep if not careful. As we were hitting snow/ice with our poles to find the actual banks, we suddenly heard and saw a small (12-18 inches) rush of water and slush quickly moving down Johns Brook over and under the ice. The brook water quickly rose 2-3 feet in less than a minute and even the side stream went up 6 inches or so. We hauled our packs up about 10 feet above the brook and waited to see if there was more to come. Nothing else changed, but we were a bit spooked and worried about what the crossing would be like at Bushnell falls, so we decided to head back to JB lodge. The sudden rise in water had washed out our earlier snow track in a few places, so we had to go high to avoid the water and slush. On the way we soon bumped into a group of 4 who were heading to Slant Rock and we told them about what we observed, but they proceeded. A few minutes later we bumped into our friend’s party and we told him what happened. He wanted to go see the side stream for himself and we told him we would wait at JBL, if he decided to come back. He did not come back. We proceeded to Wolf Jaws lean-to wondering if we had been to timid about not proceeding to Bushnell Falls and feeling guilty for not supporting our friend’s efforts.

I have never been to Wolfjaw lean-to, but in the winter it has an amazing view through the trees of lower wolf jaws and some of its slides. We could hear the rush of Wolfjaw brook, which lulled us to sleep. The next day, it was colder and very windy and the rush of the brook could no longer be heard. We headed up to the WJ col with an easy to follow, but blown in, track and tackled UWJ first with Armstrong as an aspirational goal. Much tougher climb than I remember, with some route finding and very strong winds. Had to put on rain pants and hard shell. It took us so long to get to UWJ (almost 3 hours from leanto) that we decided to turn around at the actual summit (after admiring the views) and grab LWJ instead of Armstrong (and UWJ again). When we got back to the false summit of UWJ, we saw a single set of postholed tracks that turned around heading back to the col. Visual evidence of the many people who probably think that they just tagged UWJ. We were hoping to catch up with the person to not only (gently) chastise them about not using snow shoes, but since we don’t like postholers, tell them (gently) that they did not actually summit UWJ, however their tracks went back down towards JBL and we never caught up with them. We slowly summited LWJ (we were tired). On the way down, near the col, we bumped into the most energetic little girl (10 years old?) and her proud father, who were staying at JBL with rest of their family. They were going to summit LWJ—her second winter peak. She had one of those little plastic sleds with a handle and planned to sled down afterwards. We told them about an old snow fort/igloo that had been built near our leanto and wished them luck on climb as we went back to leanto. After what seemed like only 30 minutes back at the leanto, the father and daughter stopped by the to see the snow fort. She must have been motoring up LWJ!

After another night in the leanto, we had a quick walk back to the Garden on Sunday. The water levels in JB had dropped several feet. On the way we passed the girl, her sister, and parents again and chatted briefly. The girls seemed so excited to be out in the woods in the winter. Noonmark for their onion rings and then home.

One of the lists I am now working on is my Steve 46r list. We have done 40/46 together and after LWJ and UWJ 33/46 winters together. Hopefully, next winter we will be able to accompany our friend to actually summit HaBa in better conditions.

Postscript: Later that day after we had returned to our homes, we heard from our friend and his attempt on HaBa. They were able to carefully cross JB at Bushnell on Saturday, but super strong winds and route finding turned them (and others) back at little haystack. They said that they could barely stand up and expected it to be worse on Haystack. They also mentioned that that first group of 4 we bumped into on Friday, who told us they were headed to Slant Rock, tried to cross JB on that above freezing Friday and one of them fell waist deep into the water. They abandoned that effort and headed back to JBL to warm up by the fire.

Odd search problem, or maybe it's just me

I have been doing some poking around here on the forum, planning for my trip next summer. I've been using the search box to look up about Tupper Lake, Low's Lake, and such. I do single word searches for 'tupper' so I don't get every post with the word 'lake'. I thought it was odd a couple of weeks ago that when I would search for those names I would get about 1 page of results spread over the past 12 years, and then I would get a raft of results from 2007 and before. It occurred to me today that I should do a test, so I searched for 'santanoni' (without the quotes, of course) and the same thing happened. I know I posted a trip report in 2017, and it didn't appear in the search results. I am wondering if this is a problem just for me and my computer or if other people have experienced the same thing. I value this forum very highly, and I really appreciate the folks who administer, moderate, and maintain it. Thank you very much.

Phelps 3/17

A rather nice Saint Patty's day climb up Phelps to help my buddy Brian with his winter 46 list. Good trail conditions.


Saddleback 3/17 (and Gothics fail)

Another great day to be outdoor. I headed out from the Garden at 6:55 (parking was slightly more than half full – almost all overnighters). Overcast weather, about 20F. It would clear up later in the day.
Uneventful trek to the interior outpost.

I then got onto the Orebed trail, which is a really nice trail with an easy grade until the lean-to and a steeper grade after that. Some portions are in the slide, which gets you quality views of Saddleback going up.

After 6 miles, I got to the junction between Gothics (0.6mi) and Saddleback (0.5mi). I had decided to focus on Saddleback but wanted to try doing both. It turned out I was the first up Saddleback this day, so had to break trail through fresh snow but trail was not hard to find. Many portions are in the open and allow you to contemplate Gothics’ Western slope (yes, it is steep – more on this later). No ice, only a lot of snow.

Once the false summit, the walk to the actual summit is easy. Views here are towards the West (Basin, Haystack). I was curious to see if the other approach to Saddleback (the “cliff”) is as frightening as I had imagined. It was actually worse. I couldn’t even get close to the start of the trail. All I could do was take this picture from a safe distance (notice the yellow blazes).

Back at the junction, I decided to go take a look at Gothics. This approach is known as the “cable route” since there is steel cable to help for part of the ascent. Well, I got to the start of the cable and things started to look shaky at that point. This is probably the steepest open trail I’ve been on in the Adirondacks (excluding rock scrambles). There was ice and ice-like snow and rock. The cable was not useful – partly buried and on top of very hard ice and rock. I started up on the left side of it, but my snowshoes did not get a lot of purchase, so I switched to trail crampons – this took a lot of time as I there was no flat surface to do this and I didn’t want to have my stuff and myself slide down the mountain. I was getting whipped by icy winds. I got up and made it up a few more feet. The crampons were not helping as much as I’d hoped so I decided to turn around. At this point, two gentlemen with a dog climbed down and passed me – they had wanted to do a loop towards Armstrong but decided against it since the trail was difficult to find.

The walk back to the Garden was not particularly challenging, but my mind kept playing tricks for the last mile (I thought I could see the parking, but no).

dimanche 17 mars 2019

NPT - Jessup River Rd - Trailhead

Can anyone validate the accessibility of this trailhead the later part of September, first week of October? Curious if it gets closed during hiking season, or for any other reason.

I'm assuming it is accessible via pickup truck, or passenger car.

Looking to schedule a food drop at some point then.

Another Outcast Trinity hack

I've received a couple of PM's regarding the method I use to deflate my Outcast Trinity float tube. I hope the technique works as well for the members here as it does for me. I did another hack to the tube today and wanted to share.

The newer style float tube has a folding stripping apron and it collapses as soon as you sit into the tube. This always annoyed me. The old style tube had an inflatable apron that prevents it from collapsing. VT suggested I contact Outcast to see if I can purchase one of the old aprons. I did and they told me they had some but it won't fit the newer style float tubes.

So I went to Home Depot and got a 7/16 dowel plus a couple of grippy rubber caps for the ends. I cut the dowel so it fits inside the apron snug on the side without the plastic supports. It works perfectly and doesn't add any real weight. I'm going to add some magnetic tape to the dowel so I have a place to dry my flies as well.

I was told some members use an old venetian blind slat to do the same thing. I'm sure this works well too. Enjoy!

samedi 16 mars 2019

Moxham Mountain

Great news. The south face of Moxham Mountain has purchased by the Adirondack Land Trust with the goal of transferring it to the Forest Preserve. Plans include a new trail and opening the cliffs to rock climbing. Additional information here;


Forest History Society

No doubt some of you are familiar with this organization, but I hadn't heard of it until recently. Anyhow, the Forest History Society has a good data base for public use:


vendredi 15 mars 2019


Living here in Cleveland where we have hardly had snow on the ground except for one storm, it seems to me that with 5' on the ground at Colden Lake in mid-March, and apparently 7' on the mountains, that even with the Adirondacks unpredictable weather from year-to-year, this is an awful lot of snow on the ground. While I'm sure this isn't any kind of record at this junction of the season, it must be up there with the big boys.

Ketchum Run Gorge Loop-Loyalsock State Forest


A great 7 mile loop in the Loyalsock State Forest with two vistas, hemlock forests, four waterfalls, chasm, cascades, and pools. Can be used as a quick overnight. Ketchum Run is one of the most scenic places in the state forest.

Road from Clear Pond to Elk Lake

Still ski-able?

Trying to do a little ski-to-snowshoe trip up Dix this weekend either Saturday or Sunday, but wanted to know if that road would still be ski-able. It's been super warm the last 2 days, but should be getting cold again this weekend, and possibly another inch or so...

I did this several weeks ago. Worked out awesome. Skied the 2 miles down the road, then another couple miles along the trail before switching to snow shoes and hiking up the mountains.

But if the road is going to be all melted off and I can't ski it, I might do somewheres else instead.

Anybody been there or thereabouts, or able to make an educated guess?

jeudi 14 mars 2019

Pharaoh Paradise

So glad someone else picked the weekend to renew our winter trip to Pharaoh after missing a couple years. I'd have had us up there this weekend in the rain and warm temps instead of perfect weather and excellent skiing and snowshoeing. For all the complaints about how crowded Pharaoh can be, I was the only one on the lake Thursday night and only one other lean-to had people Saturday. I was pretty surprised no one else was on top of Pharaoh on Saturday in what I considered perfect conditions.
I got in Thursday afternoon and made it to the beaver pond before dark for a nice view of Pharaoh with some color during the sunset. It had been about 10 years since I climbed it so I was looking forward to going up either Friday or Saturday, maybe even early enough for the sunrise.
I got to the lean-to on the point a little after dark and didn't sleep well because it was so clear and I kept getting up to star gaze.
Friday morning the skiing was too good to pass up and I wanted to take some of my excess stuff (who packed all that crap?) back to my car so I skied down to the parking lot to meet my companions. I got there just as they were walking away from the trail registry.
Last time I was there, in the fall of 2017, I made it up Treadway Mountain after looking at it for almost 20 years. I just love how it catches the late afternoon sun in the winter.
I got an early enough start Saturday with the intention to make it most of the way, if not all the way up Pharaoh before the sunrise. That is if someone else had broken the trail. As it was I missed it (there's no disk on a tree at the edge of the lake anymore and few in the woods) and ended up circling back around to the lean-to for a second breakfast and better clothing choices, with the hopes that someone would go past and break the trail. They did, but they followed my tracks from the first attempt and circled back to the other lean-to they were staying in.
It took almost 3 hours to get up the 1.5 miles, but I kept thinking how clear the sky was and what the High Peaks and mountains to the west would look like from the top so never considered turning back.
By the time I got back the snow fleas were out en mass. It looked like someone had dumped ash in the hole we drilled for water.
Sometime around 3 am Sunday morning we finally lost the clear skies and by 5 the expected snow was filling the lean-to. It was great to have fresh powder for another ski back to the parking lot.
I can't remember a weekend with as nice conditions as these.

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mercredi 13 mars 2019

Questions for vdflyfishing

What are the best ways to avoid the nasty microbial syph.... I mean,
Which full-sinking/fast-sinking fly lines do you recommend for ADK stillwaters?

In the arsenal, I have the Airflo Ridge Clear/Fast Intermediate (1.5 ips).
Got that covered.
Suddenly, I need a new fast-sinker, too.

My full-sinking/fast-sinking girl, has gone AWOL with the spool.
I don't know if they eloped, or what. Can't seem to find them.
I stopped lookin'... weeks ago.

Time for a new line.

I really like the Airflo Ridge Clear,
and I'm happy with her performance;
For going down slow, you know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxw3vCHbVhU

But I need a faster girl sometimes, and I don't mind
dropping $80.00 on another Airflo.
No. I'm not gonna get four more sinking rates, with spools to boot... just yet.

If you had to choose, just one heavier girl...

I'm thinking Airflo Sixth Sense/Type V (5 ips).
Or something similar.
For when you gotta go down; faster.

Anyone else reading this, please chime in.
It smells like rain today.

And if the sky falls, mark Tom's words...
We'll catch mockingbirds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRfNj2njwTg

Remember when you loved me?

I wanna believe in the Mercy of the World, again.
Make it Rain.

Paradox Lake Area?

We usually vacation in the Saranac Lake / Tupper
Lake area. This year we may be in a cabin near Paradox Lake (exit 28). Any good wilderness canoeing in that area? Never visited east of 87 or that far south in the Adirondacks. Looking to do daytrips - no camping. Thanks.

New York State Trail Rating System

Hi everyone, first time poster, long time lurker.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the increase in SARs and burden this places on the Rangers, and in resources in general. I found this article interesting, as it seems like NYS is at least taking a swing at addressing the issue by creating a trail difficulty rating system. (Similar to ski run trail difficulty)


I don’t necessarily think this is the most effective idea, but I was wondering what people thought.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lundi 11 mars 2019

Looking for peaceful secluded waterfront cabin

Hello all ,new guy here from southwest Ohio, Wife and I are coming up to stay 4 nights in mid June.wanting to rent a lakefront cabin near Silver lake ,Union Falls but open to suggestions west of there , just wanting a lake with no jets skis ,or a lot of boat traffic Hoping to catch a few fish too ,bass or a pike ,maybe a few panfish for dinner one night .I love this forum ,lots of great info.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks , Jon

dimanche 10 mars 2019

Red Brook Gorge Loop-SGL 57


An excellent 5.5 mile loop into a gorge with two waterfalls, cascades, large boulders, cliffs, ice flows and diverse forests of spruce, hemlock, and birch.

Invitation to Fill-In Survey for FYP : D

Hello everyone, my name is Chan Jun Heng, I'm a final year undergraduate students, currently pursuing Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Psychology in UCSI University. I am conducting a research study entitled : The Relationship Between Gaming Addiction and Aggressive Behavior, Narcissistic Personality Traits Among University Students In Malaysia.

The purpose of this research is to investigate whether there are any significant relationship between gaming addiction and aggressive behavior, narcissistic personality traits among university student in Malaysia.

I would like to encourage you all to spend about 10 minutes to finish all the questionnaire in the link below. Please answer ALL the questions. Your answer is far more useful than an incomplete response.

Please select the answer that you think is accurate in relation to each question. Kindly take note that your responses will be used for academic purpose only. All the information and answer will be kept as private and confidential. If you have any inquiries regarding this research, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1001645920@student.ucsiuniversity.edu.my or my supervisor Dr Mohtaram Rabbani. Her email addresses is mohtaram@ucsiuniversity.edu.my

Link to my questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...SEBJw/viewform

Thank You for your participation and support for this research.

Danh gia kha nang va phan tich tinh cach qua dau van tay

Đánh giá khả năng và phân tích tích cách qua dấu vân tay

Mỗi người chúng ta đều sở hữu cho mình một dấu vân tay riêng biệt và hoàn toàn khác nhau. Chính bởi tính đặc thù của nó mà các nhà khoa học đã nghiên cứu được mối liên hệ mật thiết giữa dấu vân tay và cấu trúc não bộ người. Từ những phân tích dấu vân tay chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể khai phá được những thiên khiếu tiềm ẩn bên trong não bộ ngay từ nhỏ.

Để Đánh giá khả năng và phân tích tích cách qua dấu vân tay một cách chính xác nhất mời bạn cùng Cach xem sinh trac van tay Elite Symbol tìm hiểu nội dung bài viết dưới đây.

Những điều bí ẩn về dấu vân tay

Có thể nói dấu vân tay là một món quà đặc biệt mà mỗi chúng ta được tạo hóa ban tặng. Và dấu vân tay của mỗi người chính là độc bản, và hoàn toàn không thể tìm được 2 cá nhân có dấu vân tay giống nhau trên thế giới này. Nhờ tính đặc trưng của nó mà dấu vân tay của con người đã được áp dụng có hiệu quả trong nhiều lĩnh vực.

Một trong những ứng dụng nổi bật, mang đến giá trị tuyệt vời của dấu vân tay chính là khai phá được những tiềm năng thiên bẩm trong não bộ thông qua phân tích hình ảnh dấu vân tay.

Đánh giá khả năng và phân tích tích cách qua dấu vân tay

Vân tay của con người được khởi tạo và hình thành trong giai đoạn từ tuần 13 đến tuần 19 của thai kỳ. Các nghiên cứu Sinh trắc vân tay uy tín HCM cũng chỉ ra rằng, việc hình thành dấu vân tay được diễn ra đồng thời với quá trình hoàn thiện của cấu trúc não bộ. Đây cũng chính là cơ sở quan trọng để chứng minh được rằng, dấu vân tay và não bộ có mối liên hệ chặt chẽ.

Cấu tạo của não bộ con người là sự liên kết giữa các noron thần kinh. Cũng như dấu vân tay vậy, các noron thần kinh trên não bộ được hình thành trong giai đoạn từ tuần 13 cho đến tuần thứ 19 của thai kỳ, được phân bố không đồng đều trên khắp các toàn bộ cấu trúc não.

Điều đặc biệt là mặc dù có chung một hệ thống gene di truyền nhưng vân tay ở mười đầu ngón tay của mỗi người sẽ mang những đường nét khác nhau. Vì thế kể cả anh, chị/ em sinh đôi cùng trứng cũng có dấu vân tay khác nhau.

Đánh giá khả năng và phân tích tích cách qua dấu vân tay

Đã có rất nhiều công trình nghiên cứu chứng minh được các đường vân trên đầu ngón tay có liên quan chặt chẽ đến não bộ, cụ thể là các bán cầu não. Điều này đã mang đến những ứng dụng rộng rãi của dấu vân tay trong nhiều lĩnh vực, đặc biệt và giáo dục và tìm kiếm nhân tài.

Sinh trắc vân tay ngày càng phổ biến trong cuộc sống

Sinh trắc học vân tay là một ngành khoa học được nghiên cứu quy mô tại các quốc gia phát triển trên thế giới. Sau hàng trăm năm nghiên cứu và phát triển, đến nay sinh trắc vân tay đã trở thành phương pháp đánh giá tiềm năng não bộ.

Việc phân tích hình ảnh các dấu vân tay sẽ giúp chúng ta khám phá được những tiềm năng bí ẩn của não bộ. Nhờ phương pháp này, bạn có thể hiểu rõ về bản thân mình, từ tính cách, tài năng cho đến những ưu điểm và khuyết điểm để bạn có thể phát huy tối đa khả năng của mình trong lĩnh vực mà bạn nổi bật.

Khách hàng quan tâm có thể liên hệ qua số Hotline của chúng tôi hoặc truy cập website elite-symbol.com Elite Symbol – Yêu Là Phải Hiểu của chúng tôi. Đừng bỏ lỡ cơ hội để phát hiện tài năng của con trẻ mời bạn đến với dịch vụ sinh trắc học dấu vân tay Elite Symbol.

2019 Ice Out Prediction

Given that L-C just froze over completely two days ago it seems absolutely reasonable to start the guessing game as to when the backcountry ponds might be fish-able. I'm going with 20 April...

Pine Orchard Snowshoe

Hello All,

It's been awhile since I have posted a TR. I am going through a major life change. I quit my career of 30 years and went back to college. Now I am a poor, broke college student at the age of 53! School has kept me pretty busy and I haven't been able to enjoy the beautiful world all around me here in the Southern Adirondacks. But my class on Friday was cancelled and the sun was shining, so I decided to make the best of my good fortune and get outdoors.

The dogs and I enjoyed a great little trip to Pine Orchard from Dorr Rd. I've been there once before and then there was fresh snow and I had to break trail all the way. But, this time the snow was packed which made for a much easier trip. The woods were so quiet an peaceful. I only saw one small group of snowmobiles and they were very careful to slow down so I could get myself and the dogs off the trail.

Not the most exciting of trips, but satisfying nonetheless. A good time was had by all. Here are a few pics.


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samedi 9 mars 2019

Lee Wulff was a beast

I'm an early riser and try to spend the first couple of hours each day learning something new. Today's journey lead me to this early video of Lee Wulff. It shows him getting his pilots license and flying into the remote regions of Labrador with his young son.

The man was a true adventurer. Landing 40 inch Atlantic salmon with a light bamboo rod and 2 pound tippet. Locating fish with his plane and then putting together a canvas skin canoe to get them. Man what a life!

It got me psyched up for this seasons fishing adventures. While we don't use planes hiking into our backcountry ponds with canoes or float tubes can be just as exciting. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


jeudi 7 mars 2019

Adirondack Topo Map Suggestions

Hi Everyone - first of all I wanted to just say thanks for all of the great information in this forum. I recently purchased a property up near the West Canada Lakes wilderness and I am looking forward to doing some exploring this year for trout and back country streams / ponds. Not looking for any names of places to try, but does anyone have any recommendations on topo maps for the Adirondacks. More geared towards fishing is ideal as that is what I would mainly be using them for. I was looking at a couple different ones, but figured I would ask for any suggestions first.

Thanks again.

mercredi 6 mars 2019

Saranac 6 - before late May?

My ten year-old daughter has a school project that can best be defined as: "do something and tell us about it". She has decided that she wants to complete the "Saranac 6" with her dear old dad. The project & presentation need to be delivered in late-May and we've not yet hiked any of the mountains.

Are we crazy to think of attempting these six during mud season? Would we do better if we strapped on our snowshoes and tackled some of them now? Any advice beyond the usual (be prepared, bring snacks to keep the kid happy, etc.)?

High Peaks Survey

I saw this survey posted on facebook today and just wanted to pass it along...


mardi 5 mars 2019

Kaspersky Lab helps to secure bionic technologies for disabled people

Kaspersky Lab experts investigating the experimental cloud infrastructure for advanced bionic prostheses have identified several previously unknown security issues that could enable a third party to access, manipulate, steal or even delete the private data and more of device users. The findings were shared with the manufacturer Motorica, a Russian high-technology start-up that develops bionic upper limb prostheses to assist disabled people, enabling them to address the security issues.

The Internet of Things is no longer just about connected smart watches or smart homes, but about advanced, complex, increasingly automated ecosystems. These include connected healthcare cyber technologies. In future, such technologies could shift away from being purely support devices to becoming mainstream and used by consumers keen to extend the capabilities of the ordinary human body through a process of cybernetization. It is therefore important that any security risks that could potentially be exploited by attackers are minimized by investigating and addressing security issues in current porducts and their supporting infrastructure.

Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT researchers, in partnership with Motorica, have undertaken a cybersecurity assessment of a test software solution for a digital prosthetic hand developed by the Russian start-up. The solution itself is a remote cloud system, an interface for monitoring the status of all registered biomechanical devices. It also gives other developers an existing toolset for analysis of the technical condition of devices like smart wheelchairs, artificial hands and feet.

The initial research identified several security issues. These include insecure http connection, incorrect account operations and insufficient input validation. When in use, the prosthetic hand transmits data to the cloud system. Due to the security gaps, an attacker could:
• Gain access to information held in the cloud about all the connected accounts (including logins and passwords in plaintext for all the prosthetic devices and their administrators)
• Manipulate, add or delete such information
• Add or delete their own regular and privileged users (with administrator rights).

“Motorica is a high-technology, trusted and socially responsible company, focused on addressing the challenges faced by people with physical impairment. As the company prepares for growth, we wanted to help it ensure the right security measures were in place. The results of our analysis are a good reminder that security needs to be built in to new technologies from the very start. We hope that other developers of advanced connected devices will want to collaborate with the security industry to understand and address device and system security issues and treat the security of devices as an integral and essential part of development,” said Vladimir Dashchenko, security researcher at Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT.

“New technologies are bringing us to a new world in terms of bioinc assisting devices. It is now of crucial importance for the developers of such technologies to collaborate with cyber security solution vendors. That will allow us to make even theoretical cases of attacks on the human body impossible,” noted Ilya Chekh, CEO at Motorica.

To keep the devices safe, we advise that companies:
• Check out threat models and vulnerability classifications for the relevant web-based and IoT technologies, provided by industry experts, such as OWASP IoT Project.
• Introduce secure software development practices based on the proper lifecycle. To evaluate existing software security practices use a systematic approach — for example, OWASP OpenSAMM.
• Establish a procedure for obtaining information on relevant threats and vulnerabilities to ensure proper and timely response to any incidents.
• Regularly update operating systems, application and device software and security solutions.
• Implement cybersecurity solutions designed to analyze network traffic, detect and prevent network attacks – at the boundary of the enterprise network and at the boundary of the OT network.
• Use a protection solution with machine learning anomaly detection (MLAD) technology to reveal deviations in IoT devices’ behavior — for early detection of attack, failure or damage of the device.

Read the full version of the report on the Securelist website.

While bionic technologies are developing, it is important to explore what kind of security issues they may contain to solve them properly. For better understanding on what the future can bring us, Kaspesky Lab hosts the Earth 2050 website with collection of futuristic forecasts.

Cod Pond, WLWF, 5 Mar, 2019

Well, it's been a while since I've been able to do a proper TR here. A crazy schedule plus a gooned up knee has caused me to take it easy for six weeks. Knowing my bum knee wasn't ready for a trek up Macho Grande, I was thankful to Tredhed for suggesting a relatively easy snowshoe trek to Cod Pond in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest.

After a quick stop to check on the cabin, we braved the frost heaves on Rt. 8 and made it to the trailhead in one piece.

Quickly suiting up, we headed uphill on the red disked Oregon Trail. To our pleasant surprise, it had been traveled by a snowmobile in recent times and was a pleasure to walk on.

We performed our civic duty and signed into the new register at the junction of the Oregon Trail and the Cod Pond trail. The snowmobile tracks continued up the Oregon Trail towards Stewart Creek Flow and North Bend.

We turned right onto the yellow disked Cod Pond trail. Again, snowmobiles had packed down the trail all the way to the pond.

Other than a few post holes, the trail was in very good shape with no blowdown.

Arriving at the pond in good order, we set off for the south shore to explore a little.

The cold wind stung our faces as we walked the .3 miles across the ice to the sheltered south end of the pond. The views of Harrington Mt. didn't disappoint.

Once in the shelter of the large pines on the southern most rocky point, Tredhed and I admired the view of Black Mt. some six miles distant into the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area.

We snacked on some hot cocoa and let the quiet sink in. Although we were less that a mile from busy Rt. 8, we didn't hear any road noise. This is an extremely peaceful place. All that was left to do was to strike out across the pond and follow our tracks back to the Tredhed mobile. A short stop at George Henry's in Warrensburg for a pint of Fiddlehead rounded out a great day on the woods. With any luck, my knee won't give way on me and we'll be back out in the woods for another exciting trip report.