mardi 19 mars 2019

Middle Settlement Lake

Hey All,

I am planning to resurrect an old tradition of a mid to late April Adirondack trip. I'm looking at Middle Settlement Lake and the surrounding loop in the HaDeRonDah Wilderness. I am familiar with the area, having done the loop and out and back trips to both Middle Settlement and Middle Branch Lakes in the past. I do have a few specific questions however.

First, I am aware of the heavy impact this area receives, but am anticipating few other visitors mid week in late April. Is this a reasonable expectation given the easy access from Rt.28?

Next, for this trip I would like to add the element of back country trout fishing. Now, I would never dream of asking for anyone's secret trout fishing spot, but Middle Settlement Lake is hardly a secret spot. I know DEC has stocked brookies in the past but I don't know how recently. Anyone know if it's reasonable to hope to catch some trout in this lake? The nearby ponds and lakes I'll explore and find out if there are fish the old fashioned way.

Lastly, the last time I was at Middle Settlement I found an old john boat that was, barely, seaworthy. Anyone know if it is still there? Or maybe other communal boats scattered about that might aid in the pursuit of trout? I'm not asking for specific locations, only if I should bother to search.

Thanks in advance for any knowledge shared.

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