dimanche 24 mars 2019

Catamount Foiled 3/24/19

Woke up in LP for a planned snowshoe of Catamount this morning. Spectacular day, blue sky, 30 degrees driving by WF at 845am, and minimal wind, what a difference a day makes.

First vehicle in the parking lot about 920am. First to sign in. Two smaller groups from Saturday 3/23 registered, from QC.

So - snowmobile fresh tracks from parking area into the woods. Yea! No breaking trail! Sled turned left on the sled path (gated, open) at 0.4 Next 0.2 was good, mostly on top of the path the two groups took yesterday. Our snow shoes during their job.

At about 0.6, the yellow DEC markers stop. They end. Options - a right turn over a new, non-handrail bridge, no tracks....nothing. Straight ahead up about 50 vertical feet. Then....still nothing ahead. No markers. Previous SS tracks go left. Hmm, map says go right, but not yet. Still under 1700 feet elevation, map says straight. No trail. Go about 5 minutes left, hearing about reroutes through research. Really just hit the private properly line and followed it N/ NW.

Turn around, 2 more groups of 2 each. Cross the bridge. Maybe a new trail? No markers. Anywhere. Bottom line, after over an hour or hour fifteen, turned around. Multiple groups breaking trail, bushwacking, straight up, or over bridge then straight up. No markers anywhere. Oh - here comes back the group that followed the N NW tracks. Back again. Not that. No idea where the 2 QC groups from yesterday went.

Back at car 90 minutes total. Was a good walk in the woods. so much snow up there.

What's Up with the Trail? Where is it? Why the Abrupt ending of Markers? None one new trail? None on old trail? Where is any trail? Will go back in Spring after snow/before bugs. Where is the trail? And no, the ascent cant be over 2300 as the new DEC sign says. Is the summit really 1.8 miles away? So many questions.

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