mercredi 27 mars 2019

Hillabrandt Vly, FLWF, 27 Mar, 2019

Sometimes, when Tredhed and I plan a trip it's to conquer a mountain. Sometimes it's to get to a pond to try for a wiley trout. Other times, it's just to take a walk in the woods. Todays walk in the woods was to Hillabrandt Vly in the Ferris Lake Wild Forest.

The blue disked trail starts at the end of Glasgow Rd. in the Town of Caroga.

The trail, initially laid out as a highway in 1796, starts off as a well packed foot trail that climbs uphill for a few hundred yards.

It crosses Glasgow Creek on a good bridge and then intercepts a major snowmobile trail coming in from the north. The snowmobile trail was well groomed and a pleasure to walk with micro-spikes.

We continued to climbs the 200+ feet to the old mill site at Glasgow Mill Pond. The view up the shallow pond was nice on this warm, early spring day.

After exploring some of the mill ruins, the old dam and the campsite, we continued on the snowmobile trail towards Hillabrandt Vly.

The forest transitioned from hardwoods to hemlocks as we descended slightly to approach the Vly.

We noted the location of the designated campsite and then proceeded across the narrow causeway to the outlet; Middle Sprite Creek.

We then made a bee line across the pond from the outlet to the campsite. While there are no major peaks in this corner of Fulton County, the views are still spectacular.

Once we cleared the outlet area, we were impressed by the size of the Vly.

Settling down at the designated campsite, we snacked on our lunch and admired the surroundings.

The walk back was quick and easy on the smooth snowmobile trail. The south breeze and warm sun was melting the top layer of snow on the trail, but the spikes were adequate for the walk down the hill. We spent a little over four hours in the woods today and didn't see another soul. A great day to take a walk in the woods.

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