mercredi 13 mars 2019

Questions for vdflyfishing

What are the best ways to avoid the nasty microbial syph.... I mean,
Which full-sinking/fast-sinking fly lines do you recommend for ADK stillwaters?

In the arsenal, I have the Airflo Ridge Clear/Fast Intermediate (1.5 ips).
Got that covered.
Suddenly, I need a new fast-sinker, too.

My full-sinking/fast-sinking girl, has gone AWOL with the spool.
I don't know if they eloped, or what. Can't seem to find them.
I stopped lookin'... weeks ago.

Time for a new line.

I really like the Airflo Ridge Clear,
and I'm happy with her performance;
For going down slow, you know:

But I need a faster girl sometimes, and I don't mind
dropping $80.00 on another Airflo.
No. I'm not gonna get four more sinking rates, with spools to boot... just yet.

If you had to choose, just one heavier girl...

I'm thinking Airflo Sixth Sense/Type V (5 ips).
Or something similar.
For when you gotta go down; faster.

Anyone else reading this, please chime in.
It smells like rain today.

And if the sky falls, mark Tom's words...
We'll catch mockingbirds:

Remember when you loved me?

I wanna believe in the Mercy of the World, again.
Make it Rain.

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