jeudi 21 mars 2019

Stony Pond Snowshoe

[Hello All,

To celebrate the first day of Spring, I decided to snowshoe with my best trail buddy Vigor, out to Stony Pond and have lunch at the lean-to. I intended to do this trip last summer. But, that day, when I arrived at the trail head, a man warned me that a bus has just unloaded about 30 kids on a summer camp outing. Oh, I am so glad he warned me. I went somewhere else. So, this was attempt #2.

We had a bit of a tough time getting going. I brought the wrong map/trail guide and with the snowbanks so high, I missed the trail entirely. I realized I was getting close to Newcomb, so I decided to go there first and take some picks from the overlook. I was not disappointed by the view.

There was good cell service there, so I checked my phone and realized my mistake. Back I went and still almost drove past the trail head because the snowbanks were so high. I was a little leery about parking along the road but I decided it would be OK as there was just enough room to get my car off the road entirely.

The first task was getting over that snowbank.

Then, off we went and we had the whole trail to ourselves. It didn't look like anyone had been there since the weekend.

Conditions were great and it really was a lovely trail.

We arrived at the pond and enjoyed the brilliant sunshine and blue skies. There were tracks out on the pond, but I had a scary fall through the ice last year and I just don't do ice anymore. At least, not in March.

My boy and I had lunch at the lean-to, just enjoying the solitude. The lean-to was very clean and I didn't have to pack out anyone else's junk.

Too soon, it was time to head back. I can't imagine a better way to welcome Spring.


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