samedi 14 mars 2015

Conor McGregor and his crazy fans. ( Video and pics )

Conor is a flyweight fighter in the UFC and currently the one scheduled to face the champion next. He has an exciting style in the ring and gets attention for his outlandish quotes outside of it.

Now, the funny thing is that this guy is starting to get a cult following. On forums and sites people call him the greatest of all time, they produce fan made videos about him and spray his name and face with grafitti in the streets.

This is some of the most outlandish fan made stuff I have found so far:

Conor McGregor the video game trailer on youtube ( Yes you read it right )

Grafitti in Dublin

More street art

What do you guys make of all this? This is not only taking place in Ireland, where he was born. I do not like over the top hype, so all this almost kind of makes me dislike the guy haha.

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