mardi 3 mars 2015

Conversation about snowshoes. Especially traditional

Between this winter and last, I'm getting a lot of use out of my snowshoes, even just in my own yard. Can't even get up to the back fire wood shed without them. I've been using a pair of MSR Lightning Ascent 25's that I got new a couple years back. They've been pretty good but in the soft powder I feel like the flotation is lacking, or at least less than ideal. Maybe it is my lack of something to compare them to that is lacking... or maybe my expectations are just too high. I also find them a bit noisy and the bindings are a pain. Anyway, I've a tendency toward old tech in lots of different realms and usually find it works a lot better than any of the new, "high tech" fancy stuff. I also just find the old style, wooden/rawhide snowshoes beautiful to look at and have seen a few good youtube videos lately that show the different styles and all.

One thing I really like is the traditional lampwick bindings that can be put on and taken off without ever bending over or removing gloves.

I know, just about anything will do on the heavily used trails that are already packed down, but I like to trailblaze my own path at times & stay away from the crowds.

So, wondering what everyone else uses, especially those of you with traditional styles. Thoughts on bindings etc. And don't hold back on pictures, it's a good night for some snowshoe pron.

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