lundi 2 mars 2015


The first time I realized I was and continue to be sympathetic to feminism I was a 19 year old idiot. I was talking with my girlfriend about some subject, I can't even remember what it was, but all of a sudden the idea that I might have 0 idea what I was talking about entered my mind. That there might be a world of experiences I've never witnessed, or have had the privilege of ignoring simply because of my gender and the world's attitude towards that gender. At the time, I was also reading Hannah Arendt, On Revolution and The Banality of Evil, and the thought came to mind that feminism was one of the most successful and least bloody revolutions and the patriarchal structures in our society were not a product of men in a blackened room, but more people accepting, unthinkingly and passively, the attitudes and norms from societies past.

So, how do we begin to discuss feminism? It's a movement that stretches back at least to the 1800s, with a diverse set of values, motives, interests and figures at the fore. I wanted to open this up to discussion as a whole, but also wanted to share a few resources to peruse at someone's leisure.

If you find yourself making one of these arguments, well… stop:

This is a good primer on discussing feminism and the proper approach:

Here is a grand overview of the history of feminism:

So… that should get us started. I'm not really sure if this is a serviceable introduction to the topic, or a suitable launching point for discussion. Potential topics I could see coming up are "Egalitarianism vs. Feminism," "Anita Sarkeesian and Gamergate," "Modern political oppression of women," etc., etc.

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