mardi 10 mars 2015

MAP Meet MMA Session: What do you want?

I've had a couple of ideas for what I want to do at the meet, but I wanted to throw it open to you guys. Basically the main issue I have is because its being done under the banner of "MMA" I don't know what people would be expecting. Would you guys be ok with a grappling focused class for instance, or because its mma would you rather it had a mix of everything? Would you rather it be a basic thing, or because is a fun meet to try something different do you want me to throw a couple of fancy things into it?

My ideas so far:

- Getting the balls up: Was my initial idea that I offered to teach that got me the spot. Would basically be a session taking a bunch of different positions on the ground and teaching how to get back to your feet from them.

- Wall work: If there's a way of getting a section of padded wall for my corner, I've toyed with doing a session on cage control, takedowns against the cage, getting up from against the cage, and keeping people down against it. Wall work has become one of my better areas and one I quite enjoy so it'd be a slightly easier one for me to teach.

- Heel Hook Bonanza: Ways to control the leg after sitting back for a heel hook. Mainly a quick leg entanglement drill and how to counter their roll attempt. Followed by a few different fun entries to heel hooks from standing.

- Basic MMA thing: An all encompassing session. Right now it would be a simply punch slip into a takedown, into the opponent standing up, and finished off with learning how to counter their stand up into a leg lock.

So those are my ideas so far. I'm going to attempt to make a poll for this and hopefully get a rough idea what it is you guys would like to see.

EDIT: Poll has multiple choice on if you're spoilt for choice :p

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